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Lect No.s….

Probability :The occurrence of chance is called probability
Sample space : The set of all possible out comes of random experiment is called sample space . It is
denoted by the symbol S .
For example : when a die is throws it sample space S will in be the form

S= { 1,2,3,4,5,6 }
similarly when a coin is tossed it sample Space S can be written in the form
S={ H , T}

Event : the subset of sample space S is called event, for the above sample space S
We have A= { 1 }
B={2,4, 6}
C= { 1,3.5 } are called events .
Mathematically definition of probability
Suppose we have A is the event and S is called the sample space
   A is the subset of S to find probability of A we used the following
Mathematically definition
P(A) = (1)
Where n(A) =no,s of favorable chances for A
n(S)= Total no,s of sample space S
Q: A die is throw what is the probability of even no,s and odd number,s.
Solution: since a dice is throw so all the possible out comes will be
S ={ 1,2,3,4,5,6 }
Let A be the event which show the even no,s
i,s A ={ 2,4,6 }
And let B the event which show the odd no,s
i,s B={ 1, 3, 5 }
We have to find
P(A) and P(B)
Now to find P(A)
P(A) =
P(A)= =
Similarly to find the probability p(B)
P(B) ==

( Additive Rule)
If A and B are two events then
p(AUB)= p(A) +(B) –p(A

If Aand B are mutually exclusive then

i,s ()=0
so p(AB)= p(
( Complement Rule)
If A and are complement events then
p(A) +p( ) =1 (2)
If we have to find p(A)
then from equation (2) we have
p(A)= 1-()
Similarly to find p() then equ(2) implies
  p()= 1- p(A)
problem: An integers is chosen at random from the first 200 +ve integers
what is the probability that integer chosen is divided by 6 or by 8.
solution: the sample space is
S= { 1,2,3,4 …………………200}
let A represent the event that integer chosen is divisible by 6
n(A) = =33 then p(A) =
let B represent the event that integer chosen is divisible by 8
n(B) = =25 so p(B) =
let be the event that integer chosen is divisible by
both 6 and 8 n() = =8
so p() = =
the probability is
p(Ap(A) +(B) – p()

p(A= + - =
Conditional probability
  If A and B are two events in a sample space S
and if p(B) is not equal to zero then the conditional
probability of the event A given that event B has occurred,
written as p(A/B) is defined

p(A/B) = let us consider the die throwing experiment

the sample space is S = {1,2,3,4,5,6} n(S) = 6

Let A be the event that only 6 occur. A = {6}

If there is a condition that 6 occur only when the die shows an even
number of dots. Let B be the event that only even number occur.
B={ 2, 4. 6 }
apply conditional probability formula
p(A/B) =
p( die shows 6/ die shows even numbers ) =

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