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Neha Vinod, 11GD

ID : 4519
• Inheritance is the
transmission of
genetic information
from generation to
• Genetic information
is stored in the form
of DNA within the
cell nucleus.
Here are some key definitions that you must be
aware of: 
• Chromosome is a thread like structure
of DNA 
• A gene is a length of DNA which codes
for a specific protein 
• An allele is a version of a gene 
• Haploid nucleus: a nucleus containing
a single set of unpaired chromosomes
(e.g. sperm and egg)
• Diploid nucleus: a nucleus containing
two sets of chromosomes (e.g. in body
Sex inheritance 
Normal human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
These called known as diploid cells. 
One of the pairs of chromosomes codes for sex
Sex inheritance depends on the presence of X and Y
• Males have one X chromosome and one Y
chromosome (XY)
• Females have two X chromosomes  (XX)
Color Blindness
• Females, having two copies of the X chromosome, are likely to inherit one dominant
allele that masks the effect of the recessive allele
• A female with one recessive allele masked in this way is known as a carrier; she
doesn’t have the disease, but she has a 50% chance of passing it on to her offspringI
• f that offspring is a male, he will have the disease because males only have one X
chromosome, so this gene will always be expressed.
DNA & Protein Synthesis
• DNA: control cell functions by controlling production of
• proteins, antibodies and receptors for neurotransmitters
• DNA has 2 long strands and 4 nucleotides, AT and CG
All body cells in an organism contain the same genes, but many
genes in a particular cell are not expressed because the cell only
makes the specific proteins it needs
How proteins are made:
• Made from long chains of amino acids. DNA bases are read as triplets
• DNA held within the nucleus of the cell. Let us consider a particular gene (gene A) that
makes a certain protein (protein A). 
1) A molecule called mRNA ‘copy’ the DNA base sequences found within gene A –
This is called transcription
2) mRNA molecule leaves the nucleus 
3) mRNA passes through the ribosomes in the cytoplasm
4) Ribosomes ‘read’ the base sequences and assemble various amino acids in a specific
order based on the base sequences – This is called translation 
Plenary (MCQ)
1) Which name is given to the observable features of an organism?
A- alleles
B- genes
C- genotype
D- phenotype

2) Which of these cells is haploid?

A- liver cell
B- red blood cell
C- sperm cell
D- zygote
Plenary (MCQ) MS
• 1. D
• 2. C
Luck For

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