Idioms (Grade 7)

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An idiom is a group of words
whose meaning is different from
the definition of each individual
word in the said expression.
1. Behind one’s back – without knowledge of
another; dishonestly
The king made the proclamation behind Prince
Bantugan’s back.

2. Apple of one’s eye – a favorite, or a special

It is obvious that Prince Bantugan is the apple of
Prince Madali’s eye.
3. A piece of cake – something that is easy to do
That job was a piece of a cake.
4. Head over heels – deeply in love
He’s falling head over heels for her.
5. Cloud nine – another expression about feeling
She was on cloud nine after receiving a hefty raise.
6. Under the weather – a person who is feeling
either sad or sick
I’m going to stay in bed because I’m feeling under the

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