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• Respiratory illness caused by new
• Symptoms include fever, cough, and
shortness of breath that can occur 2-
What is 14 days after exposure
• First identified in Wuhan, Hubei
CoronaViru Province, China
s (COVID- • Thousands of confirmed cases in China
19)? • Growing number of international
cases including the United States
• The CDC is monitoring the outbreak
and there are on going investigations
to learn more
• Older adults
Who is at • People who have serious
the highest chronic medical conditions
risk of like:
• Heart disease
getting • Diabetes
COVID-19? • Lung disease
hboard/index.html - /bda7594740fd40299423467
19 MAP
• Wash your hands
• Wash your hand often with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds
• Use a hand sanitizer that contains at
least 60% alcohol
Prevention at • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and
mouth with unwashed hands.
the • Avoid close contact with sick people
Individual • Stay home if you are sick
• Cover coughs and sneezes
Level • Wash your hands after coughing or
• Wear a face mask only if you are sick
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched
surfaces daily
Prevention at the hospital level
To return to
work after
leaving the 40-
county service
area you must
Health at (217)
788-3459 or
• New hand sink in the café
• Wear gloves at the register
• Changing out tongs at salad bar every hour
• Portable freestanding hand sanitizers at the
Prevention • Designated person to wipe down surfaces in
the café all the time
in the café • New sanitizer that will kill the spores
• Change gloves and gowns when going from
dirty to clean dishes
• If a customer who is sick comes into the café:
• Offer them a mask
• Ask if you can serve them
Isolation and signage
• If you see this sign DO
NOT go into the
patient room to deliver
the tray. Leave tray
with the patient's
• Inform nurse in
advance that tray is
coming up, so it is still
hot when it gets to the
• Use paper trays
• The pulse Home Coronavirus
COVID-19 on left hand side under

• Resources include:
Resources • Letter from the health system
• 40 service counties map
• DMH action plan
• More resources being added daily
• CDC’s website:

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