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P. Bergan (2020)
Students should be able to:

4.1. define the term ‘buffer solution’

 4.2. explain how buffer solutions control pH
4.3. calculate the pH of buffer solutions from appropriate
4.4. discuss the importance of buffers in biological
systems and in industrial processes
4.1 What is a buffer
• Definition

A buffer solution is one which resists changes in pH when

small quantities of an acid or an alkali are added to it.
A buffer solution contains fairly high concentrations of
the acid and base forms of a conjugate pair.
There are TWO types of buffer solutions
• An ACIDIC buffer
• An ALKALI buffer
4.1 How are buffers made?
A buffer is essentially prepared in two ways
• mixing a large volume of a weak acid with its conjugate base
(eg. acetic acid – acetate ion, CH3COOH – CH3COO)
• mixing a large volume of weak base with its conjugate acid
(eg. ammonia – ammonium ion, NH3, NH4+)
Phosphate buffer is a very commonly used buffer in research
labs. It falls under the second category. It's made up of a weak
base (HPO42-) and its conjugate acid (H2PO4). The pH of a
phosphate buffer is usually maintained at a physiological pH
of 7.4.
4.2 How do buffers control pH
• Buffers are solutions that contain a weak acid and its a
conjugate base; as such, they can absorb excess H +ions
or OH– ions, thereby maintaining an overall steady pH
in the solution.
• When a strong base is added, the acid present in the
buffer neutralizes the hydroxide ions (OH-).
• When a strong acid is added, the base present in the
buffer neutralizes the hydronium ions (H3O+).
4.2 How do buffers control pH
Let’s understand this principle through the two examples we listed
• Suppose we have a buffer that contains acetic acid (CH3COOH) and
its conjugate base, acetate ion (CH3COO-), as depicted below.
4.2 How do buffers control pH
A mixture of ethanoic acid and sodium ethanoate as typically
used in laboratory experiments.
The solution will therefore contain these important things:
• lots of un-ionised ethanoic acid;
• lots of ethanoate ions from the sodium ethanoate;
• enough hydrogen ions to make the solution acidic.

A buffer would therefore be able to operator according to Le

Chatelier's Principle, that will tip the position of the equilibrium
based on the addition of an acid or an alkali.
4.2 How do buffers control pH
4.2 How do buffers control pH
Suppose we have a buffer that contains a weak base (NH3) and its
conjugate acid, ammonium ion (NH4​+), as shown below.
4.2 How do buffers control pH
4.3 Buffer capacity of a buffer
Calculating the pH of a buffer
We can calculate the pH of a buffer if you have:
- The value of Ka of the weak acid
- The Equilibrium concentrations of the weak acid and conjugate base

Calculate the concentrations of the acid and its conjugate base

Rearrange the equilibrium expression so that [H+] is the subject
Calculating the pH of a buffer
Substitute the values found from step 1 and the given Ka into
the equation in step 2

Calculate pH: Remember to calculate pH = –log10 [H+]
Calculating the pH of a buffer
pH = pKa + log10
We can calculate pKa from the Ka that is given from the weak acid
Convert Ka to pKa by using -log10(Ka)

Calculate the concentrations of the acid and its conjugate base

Substitute into the equation above after
4.4 Discuss the importance of buffers in
biological systems and in industrial processes.

How can organisms whose bodies require a near-neutral

pH ingest acidic and basic substances (a human
drinking orange juice, for example) and survive? Buffers
are the key. Buffers usually consist of a weak acid and
its conjugate base; this enables them to readily absorb
excess H+ or OH–, keeping the system’s pH within a
narrow range.
The three major buffer systems of our body are carbonic acid bicarbonate buffer
system, phosphate buffer system and protein buffer system.
4.4 Discuss the importance of buffers in
biological systems and in industrial processes.

Several substances serve as buffers in the body, including

cell and plasma proteins, hemoglobin, phosphates,
bicarbonate ions, and carbonic acid. The bicarbonate buffer
is the primary buffering system of the IF surrounding the
cells in tissues throughout the body. The respiratory and
renal systems also play major roles in acid-base
homeostasis by removing CO2 and hydrogen ions,
respectively, from the body.
4.4 Buffering system in blood.
Maintaining a constant blood pH is critical for the proper functioning of
our body. The buffer that maintains the pH of human blood involves a
carbonic acid (H2CO3) - bicarbonate ion (HCO3–) system.
4.4 Buffering system in blood.
When any acidic substance enters the bloodstream, the bicarbonate ions neutralize
the hydronium ions forming carbonic acid and water. Carbonic acid is already a
component of the buffering system of blood. Thus hydronium ions are removed,
preventing the pH of blood from becoming acidic.

On the other hand, when a basic substance enters the bloodstream, carbonic acid
reacts with the hydroxide ions producing bicarbonate ions and water. Bicarbonate
ions are already a component of the buffer. In this manner, the hydroxide ions are
removed from blood, preventing the pH of blood from becoming basic.
4.4 Buffering system in blood.
4.4 Discuss the importance of buffers in
biological systems and in industrial processes.
Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide as a waste
product. This is immediately converted to bicarbonate ion in
the blood. On reaching the lungs it is again converted to and
released as carbon dioxide.
While in the blood , it neutralises acids released due to other
metabolic processes. In the stomach and deudenum it also
neutralises gastric acids and stabilises the intra cellular pH of
epithelial cells by the secretions of bicarbonate ions into the
gastric mucosa.
4.4 Discuss the importance of buffers in
biological systems and in industrial processes.
Phosphate buffer system operates in the internal fluids
of all cells. It consists of dihydrogen phosphate ions as
the hydrogen ion donor ( acid ) and hydrogen phosphate
ion as the ion acceptor ( base ) . If additional hydroxide
ions enter the cellular fluid, they are neutralised by the
dihydrogen phosphate ion. If extra hydrogen ions enter
the cellular fluid then they are neutralised by the
hydrogen phosphate ion.
4.4 Discuss the importance of buffers in
biological systems and in industrial processes.


Protein buffer system helps to maintain acidity in and around
the cells. Haemoglobin makes an excellent buffer by binding
to small amounts of acids in the blood, before they can alter
the pH of the blood. Other proteins containing amino acid
histidine are also good at buffering.
4.4 Discuss the importance of buffers in
food and medical industry.
Antacids, which combat excess stomach acid, are another
example of buffers. Many over-the-counter medications work
similarly to blood buffers, often with at least one ion (usually
carbonate) capable of absorbing hydrogen and moderating
pH, bringing relief to those that suffer “heartburn” from
stomach acid after eating.

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