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New normal in Era of Covid 19

Dr Vipin Gupta
• As you all know well about global pandemic of
COVID 19 which has been spread through out
the world starting from wuhan (china)
• Worldwide cases
• Cases in India
• Seriously ill
• recovered,
• Active cases
• Route of infection
– Respiratory Droplets
– Fomite tramsmission
– Visiting crowded places
– Close contact with covid 19 positive patient within 1m distance for m inimum
15 minutes
– This disease can spread to anybody
• Most cases are asymptomatic
• Few cases have mild symptoms
• Very few cases are very sick, most of them are immunocompromised
which includes old age (age > 60 years), diabetes, lung disorder
(Asthma, COPD, ILD, old pulmonary kochs), liver disorder, kidney
disorder, cancer, cardiac disorder, HTN
• Wear mask while going outside
• Always cover mouth and nose while coughing or
sneezing using tissue paper or bend elbow
• Social distancing > 1m from people especially who are
having fever, cough / sneezing
• Frequent hand washing
• Washing cloths while returning from work take bath
immediately after coming back home
• Wash vegetables and other items which have been
brought from outside
• Work From Home is the Norm
• Facilitating Work and Living More Efficiently
through Technology
• More Online Learning Courses

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