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Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Every year,

there are about 20,000 smoking-related deaths in the country.
Approximately 10 Filipinos die every hour due to tobacco-
related diseases. According to the Tobacco Atlas (2009), 38.9%
of Filipino males smoke while 8.5% are females. In line with
this, Electronic Cigarette also known as E-Cigarettes industry
emerged to help smokers quit tobacco smoking and instead
use a more safer and less harmful device as an alternative. As
rate of use increase, the frequency of using E-cigs daily also
increases, indicating that users are not simply experimenting
with e-cigarettes but are instead using them habitually.
The 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey data show that
34.2% of current high school e-cigarette users and 18.0%
of current middle school e-cigarette users use e-cigarettes
on 20 days or more per month and Monitoring the Future
found that in 2019, 11.7% of high school seniors vape
every day, suggesting that more users are becoming
dependent on these products.
In this certain era where the world is consumed by
technologies, it is not unexpected to see people use
objects that are powered with electricity. For instance,
people, specially teenagers, are exposed to electric
cigarettes (e-cigarettes) also known as vapes. Since vapes
are the trend now, this study unveils the reasons behind
this engagement of using these devices.
To show and to know what are the common factors that
engross people to bring into play these electric cigarettes is
the main purpose of this study. This study also reveals
specific agents that spark the arousal of interest in using
these tools; to disclose the provoking features. In particular,
this study addresses these elements within the parameter of
Iloilo City, stressing on why Ilonggos have these gadgets,
specifically Ilonggo students. With these data, the society is
enlightened with the knowledge about Ilonggo students
using vapes and the relationships of the reasons why. This
wisdom gives society clear thoughts and ideas in viewing
this quite sensitive topic, making the judgements lesser and
creating minds to be rational between things that will led to
the betterment of all.
The owners of electric cigarette shops uses social
media as a platform to target the different group of
users, such as the students in Iloilo and long term
smokers. For their marketing strategy they uses
more attractive design features such as flavorings
to seem to be more appealing for the students, that
is the reason why students prefer to use Electronic
cigarettes than tobacco. Another reason is the e-
cigarettes have a lower per-use cost than traditional
cigarettes that the student can afford. Students
engage in vaping because it gives full control over
nicotine dosage but still not safe.
Cigarettes contain a large amount of harmful chemicals and
toxins. Nicotine, cyanide, arsenic, lead, ammonia, carbon
monoxide and the list goes on. There are at least 24 harmful
chemicals that are produced by the act of smoking all of
which can lead to cancer. While the e-cigarettes juice
contains far fewer chemicals.E-Liquid contains only PG
(Propylene Glycol), VG (Vegetable Glycerin) and flavoring.
The ingredients in E-liquid PG, VG and food grade flavors are
FDA approved. Most of current studies are concerned with
the factors and effects of long term use of e-cigarettes
among adults, but not much have been conducted for
minors. In addition, most studies do not likely addressed the
factors but focus more on the effects of using e-cigarettes.
Questions have still been raised as to what pushes
the youth to engage in e-cigarettes, particularly in
the city of Iloilo. With the city becoming one of
fastest developing cities in Asia, globalization plays
a large rule in shaping the society lifestyle, as well
as the Ilonggo youth. E-cigarrete is a timely trend in
big cities, so it is no surprise that it had already
reach the market in Iloilo City. It is the researchers
objectives ,therefore, to determine the factors
behind the use of e-cigarettes among Ilonggo
This study aims to determine and analyze the factors
that influence the youth using electronic cigarettes in
Iloilo City. Specifically, the study aims to answer the
following questions:

1. What are the common reasons that pushes

youth to electronic cigarette?
2. How do the following major factors influence to the
youth in using e-cigarette?

*Social Media

3. What are the impact of e-cigarettes smoking to youth?

4. What is the perception of youth regarding the

adolescent use of e-cigarettes?

The results of the study can help provide valuable information

regarding the prevalence and influence of electronic cigarette
in youth of Iloilo City, necessary to alleviating the negative
impacts to them.
The study can help following:

Department of Health. It can be beneficial by providing

important information about disease trends and risk
factors involving smoking of e-cigarettes. It can also help in
promoting and maintaining health, preventing and
managing diseases caused by e-smoking.
Department of Education and schools. It can benefit by helping
them to lessen or to prevent the using of E cigarettes . It can
also give information about the negative effects of vaping so
that they can talk the users personally to prevent the use of

Students and youth. The study will provide students and youth
with enough knowledge and understanding about the risks and
harmful effects of using E-cigarettes, also known as vapes. Thus
contributing to the reason why the youth should not be
engaged in using vape products due to the effects it may cause
on their developing bodies and brains.
Parents. It will be beneficial because it gives information to
the parents of what is e-cigarettes and to be aware of the
factors that engages the youth to use e-cigarettes . In
addition, this study will help the parents to educate their
children about vaping since the use of e-cigarettes has been
steadily increasing among youth.

Community. This study will help the smokers understand the

various effects of vapes and how they can prevent their
selves from acquiring diseases in using it. This study will also
contribute in raising awareness to the non-smokers and how
they minimize the harm of second-hand vapor form e-
The future studies and researchers. The future
researchers that will conduct a study with a similar
topic are benefited with this study since they are
given a foundation of knowledge in this particular
topic. This study will serve as their main basis in
making their own improved study, enlightening their
mind with some basic informations and data such as
the flow, the structure, and the outcome that can be
found inside this certain research document. Thus,
this study is a chief asset to the future studies and
The study is descriptive in nature and limited on the
factor that influence the youth to the use of electric
cigarette. The research sample is composed of 20 of
students will be chosen using purposive sampling
technique in the HUMMS 11-A of University of San
Agustin. The primary data gathering method will be used
interview to assess the perception of the students
regarding e-smoking and were analyzed by attaining the
existence of the each factor, its frequency and the
percentage. The whole procedure will be conducted from
February 17 to February 20, 2020.
The study used qualitative type of research since this can
excellently show deeper and clearer understanding as to
why young adults engage in using e-cigarettes; not just
giving the surface description of it. It also provides an
explicit rendering of the structure, order and broad patterns
and relationships behind the usage of these tobacco
alternative products. Self-administered questionnaires are
the instrument used as purposive tools in gathering data,
analyzing and classifying the respondent’s answers, and the
basis in determining the results and answering the
conclusion. then giving sufficient and accurate interpretation
with justifiable proofs without the aid of statistical

The study involves distributing self-administered

questionnaires containing questions that reflects the
research questions which the researchers aims to answers.
The study was conducted February 20, 2020 at the
University of San Agustin, Iloilo City.
The study utilizes a purposive sampling technique in
selecting respondents since it is the most appropriate in this
case. The criteria in selecting the respondents are as follows:
(1) currently enrolled in the University of San Agustin, Senior
High School Department, (2) age ranges from 16 to 18 years
old, and (3) has decent knowledge about electronic
cigarettes. Approximately 2,000 students are enrolled in
University of San Agustin, Senior High Department.
The instrument used was a self-administered
questionnaire to gather the needed data. The draft of the
questionnaire was drawn out based on the researcher's
readings, previous studies, professional literature,
published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study. In
the preparation of the instrument, the requirements in
the designing of good data collection instrument were
considered. For instance, statement describing the
situations or issues pertaining was toned down to
accommodate to free formatted views related to the
topics or issues. In this way, the instrument is authorized
to obtain valid responses of the students.
Preference for the use of the structured questionnaire is
premised on several research assumptions such as

a) avoidance of personal bias,

b) less pressure for immediate response, and giving the
respondents a greater feeling of anonymity.

In the end, it encouraged open responses to sensitive

issues at hand. In addition, the instrument was validated
by few consultant and professors before it laid on to the

The data for this study were obtained through

questionnaire. The first phase of data collection is the
creation of questionnaire. In making the questionnaire,
the questions included were based upon the general
and specific research questions intended to be
answered. The sample of questionnaire is illustrated in
Figure No. 1.
The second phase is the selection of the research
respondents. They are selected based on the criteria
required by the study. A purposive sampling technique
was used as it is the most appropriate for the study. A
sample of 20 students was selected, all coming from
the HUMSS 11-A class.
The third phase is the distribution and
collection of questionnaires. The
questionnaires were handed out to the
research respondents at 8:00 am of February
20, 2020, and were collected at 4:00 pm on
the same day to give respondents enough
time to answer. The data gathered were then
The result of the study was analyzed accordingly
based from the answers of the 20 respondents in
the questionnaires. Data coding was employed to
analyzed the answer by item of each respondents.
The differences of answers were linked by
categorizing them based on the similarity of idea,
for instance, “parents” and “home” can be
categorized as “family”. After determining all the
general categories present among the submitted
answers, the frequency of appearance was also
counted. This helped us generalized the most
common and probable answer of teenagers in
relation to e-cigarettes.
Research Question 1: Common reasons
of adolescent smoking
After gathering and analyzing data, out of 20
respondents only one confirmed that he/she is regularly
using e-cigarettes, while 18 respondents disconfirmed
and one refused to answer. In their thoughts about why
youth nowadays use e-cigarettes, it turns out the most
common factor is because of “trend”. The gain of
popularity of vaping which started with the adults now
affect youth as well wherein they engage with e-
cigarettes to be part of the modern culture.
“Maybe because they think that it is a way of “sunod sa
uso”, to look cool even though they knew the
consequences when they use it.”
Being able to go with the flow makes an individual likable
to others, consequently benefiting the person’s social image.
Trends like e-cigarettes can truly persuade teenagers
because of their much more careless approach compared to

The next common factor is it serves as alternative to

cigarettes. According to several studies reviewed, e-
cigarettes has been the common reasons of adults as
gateway to quit smoking. This is becoming true to
adolescent as well, with some having history of using
tobacco. Many claimed e-cigarette is a safer alternative
compared to the traditional cigarettes resulting the shift of
user between the two.
Another common factor is the curiosity. In a study
by McGillivray, Murayama, and Castel (2015),
results revealed that level of curiosity declines by
age, suggesting that younger people tend to be
more curious than adults. Youth can easily be
interested to try new things that can satisfy their
curiosity. E-cigarettes are popular and can be very
interesting for teens, which can lead to the to just
try once at first and fully immerse themselves later
The other common factors listed were relaxation,
peer pressure, and technological advancement.
Research Question 2: Influence of Family, Peer,
Social Media, and Society Family

Based on our surveys, family has the weakest influence

among the factors. Family attitude toward vaping are among
the variables influencing teenage perception of e-cigarettes,
The use of electronic cigarettes is more common among
adolescents who have family who consider e-cigarettes to be
acceptable and trendy. Adolescents would think that
everyone is using it in their family, so it is okay to do the
same. They also think it is one way to have a connection
with their family.
“Family can be the source of stress and struggle such as lack
of emotional support that can lead the teenagers do stuffs to
fill in the holes in their lives.”
The main variable is the lack of guidance of the
parents/guardian. Because of the lack of parental
guidance many teenagers nowadays were being
violent and aggressive, this results for teenagers to
rebel and they would eventually start to learn
different kinds of vices and one of them is the usage
of vape.

Another is the financial support, since other parents

were supporting their children in using vape. They
provide money/support for their children to buy/use
vape. Curiosity among teenagers I another variable
since youth tend to explore diff things like vape then
they eventually tend to learn using vape.
Of all the factors listed, the most influential are the peers.
Peer influence has long been known as a major risk factor
for vaping. Friends can be the strongest influence when it
comes to risky behavior, such as vaping because school is
the place where most teens want to make new friends and
fit it with those around them. They will do anything to get
involved in a friend group by portraying a specific or
appealing image. They will do a variety of things to be liked
and vaping seems to be one of the biggest sources of peer
pressure for teens today.
“Peer pressure. Most of the teenagers wanted to fit in an
they would do anything for that, even if it is against their
feelings and would cause them trouble.”
According to the data gathered from the results of the
questionnaire, peer pressure is the most common variable
wherein most youth that get involved in smoking/vaping
have been pressured by their friends into using such
substance, thus, engaging them in smoking/vaping. Since
peers have a great influence towards a persons well-being,
the individual gets encouraged on vices and other bad

Trend within groups and fraternity is the next common.

Since the popularity of E-cigarettes has sky rocketed in
recent times, the youth engage themselves in these
activities to be part of the trend. Not just in E-cigarettes but
also in other tobacco products and vices involved in the
trend among the youth nowadays.
Social Media
Social media comes second as having the strongest influence
and it is not new that e-cigarettes are all over the internet. Most
of the popular e-cigarette companies have spent over a million
on advertising campaigns on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and
other social media platforms. We all know that there are many
benefits of social media, including increased social support, self-
expression, and self-exploration. At the same time, unregulated
advertising of e-cigarettes to youth through social media and
advertising campaigns elsewhere can lead to the glamorization
of vaping among young people; and this could lead to their use.
“Using cape become a social image nowadays; thus social media
become a platform/medium to share photos and such, in
influencing other youth to practice the act.”
Society comes third in strongest influence.
Spurred on by a pop-savvy industry with
sophisticated marketing techniques, vaping has
become a cultural phenomenon, an expression
of the kind of “cool” that cigarette-makers once
sought, especially among teens. People around
influences the decision of an individual because
he or she thinks it is ok to do something just
because everyone is doing it, but in fact it is not.
“Stereotypes, like if you use you look rich or
Trend has also been the most common variable in societal
factor. Vaping has gained major traction in recent years, Large
companies promotes their e-cigarettes for it to trend among
the teenagers. According to the data we gathered if you use e
cigarettes you look cool and rich . It is also affects if your
friends or parties are using it.
Pressure by others is also a common variable that cause
teenagers to use vape. Teens are much more likely to smoke
e-cigarettes if their peers in the surrounding are smoking
because they are marketed as a safer cigarette that delivers
low amount of nicotine compared to actual cigarettes.
Another variable is misconception wherein a lot of people has
a misconception in using vape, because they thought that
using vape is more safer than using cigarettes. Even though
vape really were more safe than cigarettes, vape still has a lot
of harmful effects on your health.
Research Question 3: Impact Of E-cigarettes Smoking To
The respondents had different answers in terms of their
thoughts in the impact of using vape in a teenagers
everyday life. There were 6 common reasons but health
was the most prominent answer. A relation to the various
studies conducted about the health effects of vaping.
According to Vaping daily, sleeplessness, chest pain,
allergies and breathing problems are the most common
effects of vaping. Deterioration of the respiratory system
and mental health issues were among the most answered
by the respondents and they refer vape as an alternative or
a way to quit tobacco smoking.
“It affects their physical health, obviously, but also it makes
them dependent and irresponsible. Just running away from
their problems and escaping from it. In, short, it can affect
our health in all aspects.”
Relaxation was the second most answered impact. A
relation with recreation and composure according to
one of the respondents. Many people find the act of
inhaling and exhaling relaxing, which is basically
what you do when you vape. Another reason people
find vaping relaxing is because of the different flavors
(, 2018).

Some of the respondents see vaping as a gateway to

other vices such as drugs and alcohol as it is common
for users of vape to have multiple vices. Vaping
distracts teenagers from their studies according to a
couple of respondents. Other answers include social
image and interest.
Research Question 4: Perception of youth in the use
of e-cigarettes

With the results obtained, it was found out that all of the
participants, even the one who's using it constantly,
disagreed with the engagement of students in using vapes.
The reasons behind their disagreements are the factors that
are generally bad for the users. The most justified and
common reasons why are the impact of vapes in the health
of the users.
"It doesn't matter whether there's the availability of flavors
that drives their interest, or the belief that is has loss of
nicotine consumption, this could really be the cause of lung
cancer and respiratory defection."
The false advertising of vapes that they are safer and better
alternative to normal cigarettes lead the users to a lot of
misconceptions, blinding the them about the negative
impacs on their health. According to the CDC, which reports
symptoms to include cough, chest pain, nausea, shortness
of breath, vomiting or diarrhea. As of September 2019, six
had died of "vaping lung disease."
The exact component of vape fluid had not been identified
as of that time, but illness seems to affect users of both
nicotine and cannabis e-cigarettes. Nicotine is considered to
be very addictive, and that seems to be a cause for concern.
Low doses may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
and eye irritation. High doses of nicotine may cause
tachycardia, high blood pressure, seizures, coma, and
Summary, Conclusion, and
The study aimed to determine and analyze the
factors that influence the youth in using
electronic cigarettes. More specifically, it seeks
to achieve the following objectives: identify the
common reasons that pushes youth to use e-
cigarettes; analyze how the major factors
namely family, peer, social media, and society,
influence youth to use e-cigarretes; discover the
impact of adolescent smoking; and determine
the perception of youth about e-cigarettes.
The study is qualitative research and utilizes a self-
administered questionnaire as the research instrument and
in collecting the data. Questions included in the
questionnaires derives from the research question of the
study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select a
sample of 20 respondents which satisfy the following
(1) currently enrolled in the University of San Agustin,
Senior High School Department,
(2) age ranges from 16 to 18 years old, and
(3) has decent knowledge about electronic cigarettes. The
study was conducted on February 20, 2020. Data
gathered shows that trend is the most common reason
why youth started using e-cigarettes. In terms of the
major factors, peers are considered as the strongest
influence, with peer pressure as the most common
It is followed by social media and
society, both because of trend, while
family comes last, because of the lack of
guidance. The deterioration of health is the
most recognizable impact of e-cigarettes
use of teenagers. All respondents disagree
with the use adolescent use of e-cigarettes,
and the leading reason is because of health
The study aimed to determine and analyze the
factors that influence the youth in using
electronic cigarettes. More specifically, it seeks
to achieve the following objectives: identify the
common reasons that pushes youth to use e-
cigarettes; analyze how the major factors
namely family, peer, social media, and society,
influence youth to use e-cigarettes; discover the
impact of adolescent smoking; and determine
the perception of youth about e-cigarettes.
Data gathered shows that trend is the most
common reason why youth started using e-
cigarettes. In terms of the major factors, peers are
considered as the strongest influence, with peer
pressure as the most common variable. It is
followed by social media and society, both
because of trend, while family comes last,
because of the lack of guidance. The deterioration
of health is the most recognizable impact of e-
cigarettes use of teenagers. All respondents
disagree with the use adolescent use of e-
cigarettes, and the leading reason is because of
health problem.
1. There are many reasons that pushes youth to
use electronic cigarettes. The reasons, arranged
from most to least, are trend, alternative substitute
to cigarette, curiosity, relaxation, peer pressure,
and technological advancement.

2. Family, peers, social media, and society have

direct and significant influence to the youth’s use
of e-cigarettes, with peer being the strongest
factor. The leading variable for each major factors
are the lack of guidance for family factor, peer
pressure for the peer factor, and trend for both
social media and societal factor.
3. E-cigarette smoking has dominantly
negative impact the youth. The impacts,
arranged from most common to least,
are health problems, relaxation, gateway
to other vices, distraction, social image,
and interest.
4. Youth have negative perception about
e-cigarette smoking. All respondents
disagree because of the following
reasons, arranged from most common to
least: health problems, negative impact,
alternative to cigarette, relaxation,
misconception, habits, lack of guidance,
and social pressure.

1. Youth nowadays are very aware about the

prevalence of electronic cigarette in the
surrounding, its nature, and its impact.
2. The results proved the theory of triadic
influence correct in that the social
environments and psychological factors have
major influence on adolescent smoking.

1. The result of the study is limited to senior

high school students of University of San
Agustin in Iloilo City and cannot be applied
in different settings and population.

2. Respondents may have denied their

engagement in e-cigarette smoking to maintain
reputation and image.
This research project aimed to determine the factors
and the reasons behind the engagement of the
youth in vaping. Twenty(20) respondents was
randomly selected in grade 11 Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS) section A to answer the series of
questions that aims to determine the factors that
engages the students to electric cigarette smoking.
After answering the series of questions the
researchers gather the data and information
obtained from the respondents then organized to
process the data and interpret it to produce an
The result showed that:
It is recommended to have further studies
about other factors affecting youth in
engaging themselves in vaping or e-

It is also advised to conduct further studies

not only limited to senior high school
students but to colleges or out of school
youth as well.
It is recommended to utilize the research results
in conducting further studies related to vaping
and smoking
It is advised to have a more in depth research
about the factors like family, peers, society and
social media and how they can affect the youth
The researchers also recommended to have
more sample size to have a more accurate result.

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