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The calculation methods of technological

processes of underground heat extraction

Alkhasov A., Alishaev M. (IGR DSC RAS)

• Matters of principle are considered connected with thermal

energy extraction from dry rocks by creation of a heat
exchanger in a vertical well. Construction of the heat
exchanger is suggested, consisting of a string of pipes
concentric with a casing.
• A number of technologies of binary GeoPP with down-hole
heat exchangers are elaborated. Investigations are carried out
on optimization of thermodynamical Renkin cycle and it is
established that for binary GeoPP there is the optimal
temperature of working agent evaporation, which depends on
temperature of thermal water, the least temperature head in
evaporator and temperature of condensation.
• The diagram of vertical down-hole heat exchanger is given,
which consists of two coaxial cylinders. For prevention of back
current of heat the external surface of the internal lifting tube is
thermally insulated. The intermediate heat carrier drops
through annulus of a heat exchanger and takes heat from
surrounding formation, then lifts through the internal thermally
insulated casing. The metal pipe with internal diameter 35,2
mm and thickness 3,5 mm is covered with insulation layer 13,9
mm and placed in a plastic tube of the thickness 5mm. The
total thickness of the pipe with insulation is 22,4 mm. The
internal diameter of the pipe through which rise of heated water
occurs is 35,2 mm, its external diameter 80 mm, the thickness
of annulus is 10 mm, the thickness of metal casing is 7 mm, the
external diameter of the casing 114,3 mm
The well heat exchanger
• 1 – the external string; 2- the lifting • heat stream and fluid flows
string; 3- the thermal insulation

3 Н

The differential equations of the well heat
exchanger and their solution.

q1   (Т г  Т1 ), q2   (T2  T1 )

св Qв dT1  q1 dz  q 2 dz , св Qв dT2  q 2 dz

2  г 2 из
 , 
c в Qв ln( R / rc ) cв Qв ln( Re / Rн )

T1' ( z )   (T2  T1 )   (Tг  T1 ), T2' ( z )   (T2  T1 )

T1 (0)  T0 , T2 ( H )  T1 ( H )
The temperature profile through
annulus and circular lifting pipe
k1   / 2   2 / 4   , k 2   / 2   2 / 4   , k1  k 2  

e e
k1 z k2 z
e e
k1H k2 H
T1 ( z )  T0  z   k2 H , T1 ( H )  Tпл   k2 H
k1 e  k 2 e k1H
k1e  k 2 e k1H

 (   k ) e k1 z
 (   k ) e k2 z
T2 ( z )  T0  z    2 1

  ( k1 e  k 2 e )
k2 H k1H
Share of removed temperature from greatest possible on an outlet from a string of pipes




Share of removed
0,3 temperature



0,05 0,2
0,4 0,1
b 0,8
1 0,0

1,2 1,1 1,2

0,8 0,9 1
0,4 0,5 0,6
0,3 a
0,1 0,2
Change of temperature of water in an underground heat exchanger. The case, when
temperature of forced water coincides with temperature of a neutral layer.


temperature of water, оС






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
depth of a vertical well, m
The temperature of lifting water on the
output for generalized case
• We have obtained the solution for the case, when the
temperature of injected water T0=T1(0) doesn't coincide with
the temperature of neutral layer Tn. In winter the temperature
of injected water is lower than the temperature of a neutral
layer, but in summer it is higher. For water, coming from well,
the temperature is determined by formula

Т 2 (0)  Т 0 k 1  k 2 (k 2 /k 1 )  (k 1 /k 2 )  k 1 e k1  k 2 e k 2 
   1  

ГН k1 k 2 k 1e  k 2 e
k2 k1
 k 1 e k2
 k 2 e k1

Tн  T0
 , k 1  k 1 H , k 1  k1 H
Removal of heat from rocks in case of complete thermal insulation of a string

The removed share from a geothermal increment of


0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5


D =1
-1 D =0,5
D =- 0,5
D=- 1


The technological diagram of a two-contour
GeoPP of a small capacity
• 1 – the producing well; 2 –
9 the injection well; 3 – the
8 5 6 circulating pump of the
primary contour; 4 – the
well heat-exchanger; 5 –
the turbine; 6 – the
generator; 7 – the
condenser; 8 – the pump
of the secondary contour;
9 – intake if cooling water.
The technological scheme of a GeoPP of a
large capacity
11 8 10 • 1 – the producing well; 2 –
the injection well; 3 – the
9 injection pump; 4 – the
well heat exchanger; 5 –
5 3 the evaporator; 6 – the
4 turbine; 7 – the generator;
8 – the condenser; 9 – the
circulating pump of the
secondary contour; 10, 11
– intake and removing the
12 cooling water; 12 – the
producing aquifer
Optimization of the Rankin cycle
• The investigations have been conducted on optimization of thermodynamic
cycle, realized in the secondary contour of the Geo PP. The power
parameters of the plant are designed for the large range of temperatures of
obtained water and the different regimes of its work.
• It is established that the optimal parameters of function of a steam-power
plant exist, which depend on the temperature of water, the inflow to the
primary contour of a steam generator - heat exchanger. With increasing the
evaporation temperature of the working medium Ts the capacity NE
produced by the turbine on 1kg/s of discharge of the secondary heat carrier
growths. As the increase Ts the quantity m of evaporated medium to 1kg/s
of discharge of thermal water reduces. Under these conditions at the given
temperature of thermal water Tm the optimal value of Ts exists,
corresponding to maximal NE.
• The optimal temperature of evaporation of working medium Tsopt depends
on the temperature of thermal water Tm, the temperature of condensation
TK of medium and the least temperature head in the heat exchanger –
evaporator. On the base of the computed data the dependence is obtained
for determination of the optimal temperature of isobutene evaporation,
corresponding to the maximal capacity of the power plant
• ТSopt = 2,17 – 0,35 ΔТ +0,6Тт +0,35Тк

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