Soil Erosion in Bangladesh

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Soil Erosion In Bangladesh

Soil erosion is washing or blowing away of soil ( top layer of soil ) by water or wind.
We will move this discussion ahead on Bangladesh perspective.

River bank erosion, Botiaghata

Soil Erosion

Geologic Accelerated
erosion erosion

[In Bangladesh we generally witness the geologic erosion as river bank erosion.]

Geologic soil erosions in Bangladesh:

• River bank erosion
• Precipitation
• Land slides at hill slopes
• Wind erosion( very little)
River bank erosion:
About 700 rivers flow through
Bangladesh covering length around
24,140 kilometers. The rivers with
silt deposition, strong current, and
sometimes slow flow causes a great
amount of erosion. About 5% of the
total floodplain of Bangladesh is
affected directly by river bank

The erosion monitoring report by

Centre for Environmental and
Geographic Information Services
(Cegis) says that Bangladesh is
projected to lose around 2,270
hectares of land this year due to
riverbank erosion. The predicted
locations are Kurigram, Gaibandha,
Bogra, Sirajganj, Tangail, Manikganj,
Rajbari, Rajshahi, Faridpur,
Shariatpur and Madaripur. Theese are
beside the banks of the major rivers t
Jamuna, the Ganges and the Padma.
Effects of riverbank erosion:
• Migration of People
• Unemployment problems
• Increases people in cities and towns
• Educational structures breakdown
• Loss of agricultural lands and crops
• Poverty increases
• Affect the transport and other
communication system
• Less crop yield
• Salinity increases
Though we are in monsoon climate zone for this facing heavy rainfall the
soil is eroded. And this occurs much at bare field. On the other hand the soil
erosion is less at the area with vegetation.

Precipitation accelerates the run off of soil at steep slopes and cause soil

Erosion by rainfall occurs all over the country but results much at
deforested area.

Wind Erosion:
In Bangladesh there is no naturally occurring wind soil erosion but there is
some man made erosion by wind like now a days people are filling there
small water bodies like ponds with sand and when the sand becomes dry the it
is eroded by wind.

Accelerated erosion:
We the people of Bangladesh are not directly occurring soil erosion buy
helping or accelerating them by our work. We are destroying forests tat helps
erosion. We are increasing cultivation area that looses the top layer of the soil
and increase erosion. Hill slops runs off highly at the area of “Jhum” culture.

We do a lot of things for our comfort that harms us more than our comfort.

There is no way but to be concern about our behavior and deeds .

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