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Análisis de Tesis

Colegio Suizo Américano

4to. Bachillerato

Adrián Alfonso Escobar 27 Mayo

Vásquez 2020
Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21
The Ericsson customer journey

See Think Do Share

“I’m looking for inspiration.” “I’m actively looking and likely to buy “I’m ready and “It’s a very valuable partnership
Customer “I don’t know what I need.” a solution soon.” willing to buy.”  for us”
journey “I’m not quite ready to buy now.” “I’m happy to be a reference”

Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21

Campaign management and optimization
1 Campaign strategy, planning and analysis

2 Campaign development and execution


3 Content development

4 2
4 Response capture and reporting

5 Advanced analytics

6 Business and data analysis

Application Maintenance 7 Marketing resource management

Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21

Program types

There are four types of program in Marketo: Email Engagement

— Email: Used for classic batch and blast emails
with a simple interface and reporting dashboard
— Engagement: Used for nurturing initiatives
— Event: Used to coordinate, facilitate, and track
your online and offline events Program
— Default: If your marketing initiative does not types
meet the criteria for the other 3 program types
above, use the Default Program.

Event Default

Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21

Measure and optimize campaign performance
through a structured process
1 Define objectives Every campaign process must start with a definition
of objectives – what exactly are we trying to achieve
with this campaign. 6 1
2 Identify KPIs along Every objective must be broken down into KPIs
the customer along the decision making process (customer Campaign strategy 2
journey journey) in order to define benchmarks and and planning
measure the performance of campaign elements.
Map target Map out the traffic sources that will feed contacts
audience and to the marketing process, divided into traffic Campaign
3 traffic sources sources: owned audience, earned audience, paid design 4
Identify conversion Break the campaign flows down touchpoint by
rate touchpoint and apply an average conversion rate to Campaign
per touchpoint each interaction point. execution
4 Content
Calculate total Define the total conversion targets by adding all the 5 development
conversion targets traffic and campaign types in the end.
Iteration and Measure and follow up actuals and identify key
5 continuous success factors and improvement areas. Feed back
learning to campaign planning through continuous learning
measures and sharing of best practices.

Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21

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