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Unit 1, Module 2 Week 2
Concept of the Community

Types of community
Characteristics of a Healthy Community
• 10 Traits of Positive Communities
1. Work Together Toward a Common Goal
2. Allow for Freedom of Expression
3. Promote Fairness
4. Set Clear Policies and Obligations
5. Maintain Sensitivity Towards Member

6. Celebrate Community Heritage

7. Promote Interaction Among Members

8. Elect Leaders that Stand by Community Values

9. Prioritize Effective Communication

10. Make Smart Decisions
Components of a Community

Factors affecting health of the Community
• Characteristics of the population

• Location of the community

• Social Systems within the community

Roles and Activities of Community Health Nurse
•Qualifications – must possess the following:

Professional competence - The community health nurse must be professionally

qualified and licensed to practice in the area of public health nursing.

Personal qualities and “people skills” – since public health involves engagements
with people

Personal qualities include her physical, mental and emotional strength, leadership,
resourcefulness, creativity, honesty and integrity, interest, willingness and capacity
to work with people.
Roles and Activities of Community Health Nurse
•The CHN functions in accordance with the dominant values of public health nurses, within the ethico-legal
framework of the nursing profession and in accordance with the needs of the clients and available resources
for health care.

Management function
Supervisory function
Nursing care function
Collaborating and coordinating function
Health promotion and education functions
Training functions
Research function
Roles and Activities of Community Health Nurse
•There are specific competencies and skills that a CHN should have:
Community health nursing process
Nursing procedures during clinic and home visits
Community organizing
Health promotion and education
Records and reports

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