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Created and presented by:
Baquero, Victor
Brown, Chris
Thielbar, Trenton
What is fiber reinforced concrete
 A concrete consisting of, cement, water, fine and
coarse aggregate, along with discontinuous fibers.
Types of fibers
 Types of fibers include
 Steel
 Plastic
 Polyester, Polypropylene, Polyethylene
 Glass
 Natural materials
 Wood cellulose, Bamboo, Elephant grass
All are available is different shapes sizes and materials
Types of fibers
 Steel
 Shapes

 Steel fibers are adhered together before mixing and

separate while mixing to ensure uniform distribution
Advantages of using fiber reinforced
concrete versus plain concrete

 Improves toughness of concrete

 Flexural strength is improved by up to 30% by
decreasing the propagation of cracks
 Improves tensile strength
 More economical than steel reinforcement
 Less prone to corrosion
 Gives an alternative way to reinforce concrete other
then traditional steel rebar

 Unlike rebar there is not galvanic cell created in the

 No anodic/cathodic reaction
 pH level of concert protects steel fibers from
 Applications include:
 Pipes
 Tilt-up Panels
 Shotcrete
 Slabs
 Counters tops
 Bath tubs
 Tiles
 Durability
 Made with a high content of cement and low water to
cement ratio
 When properly compacted and cured, concrete with
steel fibers is very durable
 Workability
 Affects workability
 Compensate by adding superplasticizers
 Compressive behavior of steel FRC
 Keeps integrity after failure
 Strength slightly enhanced
 Tensile behavior
 increase tensile strength
 Has little effect on the modulus of elasticity, drying
shrinkage, and creep
 Production is guided and controlled mainly by the
American Concrete Institute, ASTM, and various
building codes
 Production involves 5 Steps
1. Determine typical Uses and Specifying FRC
2. Materials
3. Mixture Proportioning
4. Batching, Mixing, Delivery and Sampling
5. Placing and Finishing
 Fiber reinforced concrete is one of the oldest
methods for reinforcing concrete
 The main purpose of fiber reinforcement is to
increases its structural integrity and improve
flexural behavior
 There are many different types of fiber that can be
used for concrete reinforcement.
 Is an economical way to reinforced concrete
compared to regular steel.
 Mamlouk, Michael, and John Zaniewski. Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers.
Second Edition. N.J.: Pearson Hall, 2006. 576. Print
 Mehta, P.K., and P.J.M Monteiro. "Fibers in Concrete." University of Californa, Berkeley,
04,May,2006. Web. 1 Dec 2010. <
 Nemati, Kamran. "Progress in Conctet Technology: Fiber Reinforced Conctete (FRC)."
University of Wahington. University of Washington, Seattle, Wahington, USA. Spring 2010.
 SMiRT 19, . "WOKSHOP ON: Fiber Reinforced Concrete." ASMiRT, 17,August,2007. Web.
1 Dec 2010. <>.

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