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Basis for Distributed Database Technology

 Database System Technology (DST)

 controlled access to structured data
 aims towards centralized (single site) computing
 Computer Networking Technology (CNT)
 facilitates distributed computing
 goes against centralized computing
 Distributed Database Technology = DST + CNT
 aims to achieve integration without centralization
What is distributed?

Processing Logic

All the above modes of distribution are necessary and important for
distributed database technology
Distributed database system

A distributed database is a collection of multiple, logically

interrelated databases distributed over a computer network.

A distributed database management system (DDBMS) is a software

system that permits the management of the distributed databases
and makes the distribution transparent to the users.
What is not a DDBMS?
A DDBMS is not a “collection of files” that can be stored at each
node of a computer network.

A multiprocessor system based DBMS (parallel database system) is

not a DDBMS.

A DDBMS is not a system wherein data resides only at one node.

Aims of Distributed DBMS - Transparent
Management of Distributed & Replicated Data
Transparency refers to separation of the higher-level semantics of a
system from lower-level implementation details.
From data independence in centralized DBMS to fragmentation
transparency in DDBMS.
Who should provide transparency? - DDBMS!
Aims of Distributed DBMS - Reliability through
Distributed Transactions
Distributed DBMS can use replicated components to eliminate single
point failure.
The users can still access part of the distributed database with
“proper care” even though some of the data is unreachable.
Distributed transactions facilitate maintenance of consistent
database state even when failures occur.
Aims of Distributed DBMS - Improved
Since each site handles only a portion of a database, the contention
for CPU and I/O resources is not that severe. Data localization
reduces communication overheads.
Inherent parallelism of distributed systems may be exploited for
inter-query and intra-query parallelism.
Performance models are not sufficiently developed.
Aims of Distributed DBMS - Easier System
Ability to add new sites, data, and users over time without major
Huge centralized database systems (mainframes) are history
PC revolution (Compaq buying Digital, 1998) will make natural
distributed processing environments.
New applications (such as, supply chain) are naturally distributed -
centralized systems will just not work.
Complicating Factors

Data may be replicated in a distributed environment. Therefore,

DDBMS is responsible for (i) choosing one of the stored copies of the
requested data, and (ii) making sure that the effect of an update is
reflected on each and every copy of that data item.
Maintaining consistency of distributed/replicated data.
Since each site cannot have instantaneous information on the actions
currently carried out in other sites, the synchronization of transactions
at multiple sites is harder than centralized system.
and Complexity, Cost, Distribution of control, Security,...
Problem Areas

Distributed Database Design

Distributed Query Processing
Distributed Directory Management
Distributed Concurrency Control
Distributed Deadlock Management
Reliability of Distributed Databases
Operating Systems Support
Heterogeneous Databases
Relationship among Problems

Directory Management

Query Processing Distributed DB Design Reliability

Concurrency Control

Deadlock Management
Transparency and Architecture
issues in DDBMSs
Top-Down DDBMS Architecture - Classical
Global Schema

Fragmentation Schema Site Independent


Allocation Schema

Local Mapping Schema I Local Mapping Schema I Other sites


Local Database I
Local Database 2
Site 1
Site 2
Top-Down DDBMS Architecture - Classical

Global Schema:
Schema a set of global relations as if database were not
distributed at all
Fragmentation Schema:
Schema global relation is split into “non-overlapping”
(logical) fragments. 1:n mapping from relation R to fragments R i.
Allocation Schema:
Schema 1:1 or 1:n (redundant) mapping from fragments
to sites. All fragments corresponding to the same relation R at a site
j constitute the physical image Rj. A copy of a fragment is denoted
by Rji.
Local Mapping Schema:
Schema a mapping from physical images to physical
objects, which are manipulated by local DBMSs.
Global Relations, Fragments and Physical Images
R •Separating concepts of
R1 R 1

fragmentation and allocation

(Site 1)
R12 •Explicit control of redundancy
•Independence from local
R 2
R2 databases
R3 R22 Allows for:
R32 •Fragmentation Transparency
Global Fragments R 3

Relation (Site3) •Location Transparency

R 3

Physical Images
•Local Mapping Transparency
Rules for Data Fragmentation

Completeness: All the data of the global relation must be mapped

into fragments.
Reconstruction: It must always be possible to reconstruct each
global relation from its fragments.
Disjointedness: It is convenient if the fragments are disjoint so that
the replication of data can be controlled explicitly.
Types of Data Fragmentation
Vertical Fragmentation
•Projection on relation (subset of attributes)
•Reconstruction by join
Vertical Fragmentation •Updates require no tuple migration
Horizontal Fragmentation
•Selection on relation (subset of tuples)
•Reconstruction by union
•Updates may requires tuple migration
Horizontal Fragmentation Mixed Fragmentation
•A fragment is a Select-Project query on
Levels of Distribution Transparency

Fragmentation Transparency:
Transparency Just like using global relations.
Location Transparency:
Transparency Need to know fragmentation schema; but
need not know where fragments are located. Applications access
fragments (no need to specify sites where fragments are located).
Local Mapping Transparency:
Transparency Need to know both fragmentation and
allocation schema; no need to know what the underlying local
DBMSs are. Applications access fragments explicitly specifying
where the fragments are located.
No Transparency:
Transparency Need to know local DBMS query languages, and
write applications using functionality provided by the Local DBMS
Why is support for transparency difficult?

There are tough problems in query optimization and transaction

management that need to be tackled (in terms of system support
and implementation) before fragmentation transparency can be
Less distribution transparency the more the end-application
developer needs to know about fragmentation and allocation
schemes, and how to maintain database consistency.
Higher levels of distribution transparency require appropriate
DDBMS support, but makes end-application developers work easy.
Some Aspects of top-down architecture

Distributed database technology is an “add-on” technology, most

users already have populated centralized DBMSs. Whereas top
down design assumes implementation of new DDBMS from scratch.
In case of OODBMs, top-down architecture makes sense because
most OODBMs are going to be built from scratch.
In many application environments, such as semi-structured
databases, continuous multimedia data, the notion of fragment is
difficult to define.
Current relational DBMS products provide for some form of location
transparency (such as, by using nicknames).
Bottom up Architecture - Present & Future

Possible ways in which multiple databases may be put together for

sharing by multiple DBMSs.
The DBMSs are characterized according to
•Autonomy - degree to which individual DBMSs can operate
independently. Tightly coupled - integrated (A0), Semiautonomous
-federated (A1), Total Isolation - multidatabase systems(A2)
•Distribution - no distribution - single site (D0), client-server -
distribution of DBMS functionality (D1), full distribution - peer to peer
distributed architecture(D2)
•Heterogeneity - homogeneous (H0) or heterogeneous (H1)
Distributed DBMS Implementation Alternatives



Architectural Alternatives

(A0,D0,H0): multiple DBMSs that are logically integrated at single site

- composite systems.
(A0,D0,H1): multiple database managers that are heterogeneous but
provide integrated view to the user.
(A0,D1,H0): client-server based DBMS.
(A0,D2,H0): Classical distributed database system architecture.
(A1,D0,H0): Single site, homogeneous, federated database systems
- not realistic.
(A1,D0,H1): heterogeneous federated DBMS, having common
interface over disparate cooperating specialized database systems.
Architectural Alternatives

(A1,D1,H1): heterogeneous federated database systems with

components of the systems placed at different sites.
(A2,D0,H0): homogeneous multidatabase systems at a single site.
(A2,D0,H1): heterogeneous multidatabase systems at a single site.
(A2,D1,H1) & (A2,D2,H1): distributed heterogeneous multidatabase
systems. In case of client-server environments it creates a three
layer architecture. Interoperability is the major issue.
Autonomy, distribution, heterogeneity are orthogonal issues.
Client/Server Database Systems

Distinguish and divide the functionality to be provided into two

classes: server functions and client functions. That is, two level
architecture. Made popular by relational DBMS implementations.
DBMS client: user interface, application, consistency checking of
queries, and caching and managing locks on cached data.
DBMS Server: handles query optimization, data access and
transaction management.
Typical scenarios: multiple clients/single server; multiple
client/multiple servers (dedicated home-server or any server)
Client/Server Reference Architecture
User Interface Application Program

Client DBMS

Communication software

SQL Queries Result Relation

Communication software
Semantic Data Controller
Query Optimizer

Transaction Manager
Recovery Manager
Runtime Support Processor

Distributed Database Reference Architecture





Components of Distributed DBMS
System Responses User Requests

External Schema User Interface Handler User Processor

Global Conceptual Schema Semantic Data Controller

GD/D Global Query Optimizer

Global Execution Monitor

Local Conceptual Schema Local Query Processor Data Processor

Local Recovery Manager

System Log

Local Internal Schema Runtime Support Processor

MDBS Architecture With Global Schema




MDBS Architecture without Global Schema


Local Database
System Layer LCS1 LCS2 LCSn


Components of MDBS
System Responses User Requests
Multi-DBMS Layer

Query Processor Query Processor

Transaction Manager Transaction Manager

Scheduler Scheduler

Recovery Manager Recovery Manager

Runtime Support Processor Runtime Support Processor

Database Database
Global Directory Issues

Directory is itself a database that contains meat-data about the

actual data stored in the database. It includes the support for
fragmentation transparency for the classical DDBMS architecture.
Directory can be local or distributed.
Directory can be replicated and/or partitioned.
Directory issues are very important for large multi-database
applications, such as digital libraries.
Impact of new technologies

Internet and WWW

 Semi-structured data, multimedia data
 Keyword based search - browsing versus querying
 What does integration mean?
Applied technologies
 Workflow systems
 Data warehousing & Data mining
 What is the role of distributed database technology?
Research Issues - DDBMS Technology
Evaluation of state of the art data replication strategies.
On-line distributed relational database redesign.
Distributed object-oriented database systems - design
(fragmentation, allocation), query processing (methods execution,
transformation), transaction processing
WWW and Internet - transparency issues, implementation strategies
(architecture, scalability), On-line transaction processing, On-line
analytical processing (data warehousing , data mining), query
processing (STRUDEL, WebSQL), commit protocols
Research Issues - Applications
Workflow systems - High throughput (supply chain, Amazon,..)
short, sweet, and robust versus ad-hoc (office automation) problem
Electronic commerce - reliable high throughput, distributed
Distributed multimedia - QoS, real-time delivery, design and data
allocation, MPEG-4 aspects.

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