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Culture of Belgium

Belgium has a rich

cultural heritage and is
well known for its art,
architecture, music, food
and festivals.
The artistic legacy of Belgium is evident from the work of
artists such as Rubens and Bosch, as well as from Belgium’s
influence on European art. Music occupies an important
place in the life of the Belgians, it is a stormy mixture of
Flemish, Walloon and German musical traditions.
In addition, Belgium is known
for its various carnivals and
parades, which play a large
role in the cultural life of the
Belgians. Food is also very
important for the Belgians, the
Belgian cuisine has been
influenced by the traditions of
different groups and
communities, calling Belgium
their home. Belgian cuisine is
famous in the first line of
chocolate, waffles, french fries
and beer.
The most grandiose festival, the Binshe Carnival, attracts many
tourists to Belgium in February. The first day of the holiday is
reserved for costume processions and performances on the
streets of the city. On the second day, groups of young people
lead round dances in the square, and in the evening rainbow
fireworks soar into the sky. On the third day, they walked along
the streets of the city.
They lived in national
costumes and wax
masks with round
glasses and threw
oranges at passersby.
Belgians believe that
caught orange promises
great luck.
Tourism in Belgium is one of Belgium's industries. Its accessibility
from elsewhere in Europe makes it a popular tourist destination.
in competitive countries in
the tourism industry. In
Belgium, tourists, who are
close to extreme rest, visit
the highways. Spa
Francoamp attracts
tourists, racers, from
around the world

Sea cruises, scuba diving,

walks on yachts, boats, all
this can be done at the
seaside resorts of Belgium.
Belgium, with strong growth for regional cultural cities such as
Ghent and Bruges.
Tourism in Belgium has shown strong growth over recent years,
with 33.5 million overnight stays in 2014 (+6.5% vs 2013). Since
2009, overnight stays have grown by 14.45%, with particularly
strong performances by Brussels (+27%) and Flanders (+14.7%).
2017, Belgian tourism will return to the same level, and even to
a higher level than before the attacks. This proves that the
advertising campaigns to restore the image of Belgium have
worked. Brussels benefits from the upturn with 18.4% more
bookings over six months and an increase of 30% in turnover.
After the attacks of 2016 that drove away many tourists, the
Belgian tourism industry is returning to the performance in
2015. The latest data reveal that the overnight stays in hotels
across the country increased in the first six months of the year.
The number of hotel rooms booked in Belgium increased of
10.1% compared to the same period in 2016

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