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What is Training?
‡ |   a planned effort by a company
to facilitate employees¶ learning of job-
related competencies
± Competencies ± knowledge, skills or behavior
critical for successful job performance
‡ The goal of training is for employees to:
± master the knowledge, skill, and behaviors
emphasized in training programs, and
± apply them to their day-to-day activities
Ñnowledge :- It is an organized body of facts , principles , procedures, and
information acquired overtime.


Skills :- The capacities needed to perform a set of tasks that are developed as a
result of training and experience.
A person¶s skills are reflected by how well she is able to carry out specific actions,
such as operating a piece of equipment, communicating effectively, or
implementing a business strategy.

There are two levels of skill acquisition :-


Attitudes :- Attitudes are employee beliefs and opinions that support or inhibit
A competency is a set of knowledge , skills , and attitudes that enable a person to
be successful at a number of similar tasks. In the broadest sense, a job is broken
down into a set of tasks, and the competencies required to perform the job are
determined through an analysis of the of the tasks.

A competency is more than just ÑSAs: it is the ability to integrate and use
the ÑSAs to perform a task successfully.

Example :- Carpentary

Training is a set of activities, whereas development is the desired outcome

of those activities.

Training is the systematic process of providing an opportunity to learn ÑSAs for

current or future jobs, development refers to the learning of ÑSAs.

Education is typically differentiated from training and development by the types

of ÑSAs developed , which are more general in nature.

Training is typically focused on job specific ÑSAs, education focuses on more

general ÑSAs related , not specifically tailored , to a person¶s career or job.
Training is to be used to gain a competitive advantage,
company should view training broadly as a way to create
intellectual capital.

Intellectual capital includes:-

1) Basic skills ( skills needed to perform one¶s job).

2) Advanced skills ( such as how to use technology to share

information with other employees ).

3) An understanding of the customer or manufacturing system.

4) Self ±motivated creativity.

üigh-Leverage Training
‡ Linked to strategic goals and objectives
‡ Uses an instructional design process to
ensure that training is effective
‡ Compares or benchmarks the company¶s
training programs against training
programs in other companies
‡ Creates working conditions that encourage
ontinuous learning
Continuous Learning (1 of 2)
‡ Requires employees to understand the
entire work system including the
relationships among:
± their jobs
± their work units
± the entire company
Training and Performance
‡ Emphasis on high-leverage training has
been accompanied by a movement to link
training to performance improvement

‡ Training is used to improve employee


‡ This leads to improved business results

Training and Performance: | 
 (1 of 2)
‡ Providing educational opportunities for all

‡ An on-going process of performance

improvement that is directly measurable
± not one-time training events

‡ The need to demonstrate the benefits of training

± to executives, managers, and trainees
Training and Performance: | 
 (2 of 2)
‡ Learning as a lifelong event
± senior management, training managers, and
employees have ownership

‡ Training used to help attain strategic

business objectives
± helps companies gain a competitive
EXAMPLE :- Medtronic is a good example of a company that uses
high ± leverage training.

Medtronic is the world leader in medical technology , providing lifelong solutions

for people with chronic heart and neurological diseases.

Medtronic engages employees in learning and development , which links them

to the company mission of restoring many people to full and productive lives and
of making sure that products are available to patients who need them.

In the Medtronic Asia/ Pacific location, for example , a developing managers¶

programme placed more emphasis on cultural awareness because the managers
were from many different locations and backgrounds.
The training design process refers to a systematic approach for developing training

Step1 is to conducted a needs assessment, which is necessary to identify whether

training is needed.

Step 2 is to ensure that employees have the motivation and basic skills necessary
to master training content.

Step 3 is to create the learning environment that has the features necessary for
learning to occur.

Step 4 is to ensure that trainees apply the training content to their jobs.

Step 5 is to develop an evaluation plan.

Step 6 is to choose the training method based on the learning objectives and
learning environment.

Step 7 is to evaluate the program and make changes in it .

Training Design Process










Instructional System Design (ISD)
‡ Refers to a process for designing and
developing training programs

‡ There is not one universally accepted ISD


‡ ISD process should be:

± systematic
± flexible enough to adapt to business needs
Assumptions of ISD Approaches
(2 of 2)

‡ Evaluation plays an important part in:

± planning and choosing a training method
± monitoring the training program
± suggesting changes to the training design
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´orces Influencing the Workplace and Training:
(1 of 2)

‡ Globalization
± offshoring
‡ Need for leadership
‡ Increased value placed on intangible assets and
human capital focus on link to business strategy
‡ Attracting and retaining talent
‡ Customer service and quality emphasis
´orces Influencing the Workplace and Training:
(2 of 2)

‡ Changing demographics and diversity of

the work force
‡ New technology
‡ üigh-performance models of work systems
‡ Economic changes
GLOBALIZATION :- It has affected not just businesses with international
operations. Companies without international operations may buy or use goods that
have been produced overseas, hire employees with diverse backgrounds, or
compete with foreign ± owned companies operating within the US.

Globalization is not limited to a particular sector of the economy or product market.

Example :- Procter and Gamble

Starbucks in China
New managers were sent to Tacoma , Washington, to learn the corporate culture as
well as the secrets of brewing flavorful coffee.

Globalization also means That U.S companies may move job overseas: offshoring
refers to the process of moving jobs from the United States to other locations in the

In contrast to the computer and printer manufacturer üewlett ± Packard which hired
its foreign workers 20 years after its founding in 1939, search engine Google
employed people outside the US just 3 years after its 1998 start.

The aging of the workforce and globalization mean that companies will need to
identify , train , and develop employees with managerial talent.
Executive , administrative, and managerial occupations will experience the greatest
turnover due to death or retirement.

Companies need to both identify employees with managerial talent and help
potential new managers develop the skills needed to succeed.

Example :- Management development programs of IÑEA, The Swedish ± based

home furnishing retailer that has its US headquarters in Pennsylvania.

1) Job ± Rotation
2) Self ± paced , e-learning programme
3) The Next Generation Store Manager Program
Intangible Assets
‡ Cannot be touched and are nonmonetary,
however equally as valuable as financial
and physical assets. They include:
± human capital
± customer capital
± social capital
± intellectual capital
The intangible assets consist of human capital, customer capital, social capital
and intellectual capital.

üuman capital refers to the sum of the attributes, life experience , knowledge,
inventiveness, energy and enthusiasm that the company¶s employees invest
in their work.

Intellectual capital refers to the codified knowledge that exists in a company.

Social capital refers to relationships in the company.

Customer capital refers to the value of relationships with persons or other

organizations outside the company for accomplishing the goals of the company.

Training and development has a direct influence on human and social capital
because it affects education, work related know- how and competence ,
and work relationships.

Training and development can have an indirect influence on customer and intellectual
capital by helping employees better serve customers and by providing them with
the knowledge needed to create patents and intellectual property.
Intangible assets also contribute to a company¶s competitive advantage because
they are difficult to duplicate or imitate.

Example :- South west airlines

Buckman Laboratories is known for its knowledge management practices .

It develops and markets specialty chemicals. The company rewards innovation and
knowledge creation and exchange by including the sales of new products as
part of employees performance evaluations.

Buckman also changed the focus of the company¶s information systems department ,
Renaming it knowledge transfer department to better match the service it is
supposed to provide.

Tacit Ñnowledge
Work related know how
Work related competence


Customer relationships
Customer Loyalty
Distribution Channels

Social Capital

Corporate culture
Management philosophy
Management practices
Informal networking systems
Coaching / mentoring relationships

Trade secrets
Intellectual property.
Increasing Intangible Assets
‡ Increase human capital by focusing on
attracting, developing, and retaining
4nowledge wor4ers
‡ A management style of developing and
empowering employees
‡ Capability to adapt to  ange
± Learning organization ± embraces a culture of
lifelong learning, enabling all employees to
continually acquire and share knowledge

As the importance of intangible assets and human capital are increasing,

managers are beginning to see a more important role for training and development
As a means to support a company¶s business strategy, that is , its plans for meeting
broad goals such as profitability , market share , and quality.

Example :- A good example of how a company has linked training and

development to business strategy is IBM.

IBM has adopted an on ± demand business strategy that requires the

company to more quickly respond to customers needs and help them do the same
for their clients.
ATTRACTING AND RETAINING TALENT :- Between 2004 and 2014 ,
employment is expected to increase by 18.9 million , or 13 percent: ; new workers
will be needed due to replacement.

It is also important for companies to try to capture the valuable knowledge that is

Example :- NASA
Engineers are designated as NASA Discipline Experts.

Retention is an important part of talent management . Talented employees are

looking for growth band a career path. Training and development is a key to
attract and retain talented employees.

Companies customers judge quality and performance. As a result , customer

excellence requires attention to product and service features as well as to
interactions with customers.

Customer driven excellence includes understanding what customers wants and

anticipating future needs.

Customer ± driven excellence includes reducing defects and errors ,

meeting specifications and reducing complaints.

üow the company recovers from defects and errors is also important for retaining
and attracting customers.

´or that you need training to happen.

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a company wide effort to continuously improve

the ways people , machines and systems accomplish work.
Core Values of Total Quality Management
(TQM) (1 of 2)
‡ Methods and processes are designed to meet
the needs of internal and external customers

‡ Every employee in the company receives

training in quality

‡ Quality is designed into a product or service so

that errors are prevented from occurring, rather
than being detected and corrected
Core Values of TQM (2 of 2)
‡ The company promotes cooperation with
vendors, suppliers, and customers to
improve quality and hold down costs

‡ Managers measure progress with

feedback based on data
The emphasis on quality is seen in the establishment of the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award and the ISO 9000:2000 quality standards.

The Baldrige award, created by public law, is the highest level of national
recognition for quality that a U.S. company can receive.

To become eligible for the Baldrige, a company must complete a detailed

application that consists of basic information about the firm as well as an in
depth presentation of how it addresses specific criteria related to quality
Categories and Point Values for the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award Examination
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ISO 9000:2000 quality standards
‡ The ISO 9000:2000 standards were
developed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) in
Geneva, Switzerland

‡ ISO 9000 is the name of a family of

± ISO 9001
± ISO 9004
ISO 9001 is the most comprehensive standards because it covers product or
service design and development, manufacturing , installation , and customer service.

It includes the actual specification for a quality management system.

ISO 9004 provides a guide for companies that want to improve.

Example :- ISBN ± International standard book number.

A group within the ISO has drafted a standard for employee training. ISO 10015
Is a quality management tool designed to ensure that training is linked to company
needs and performance.

ISO 10015 has two key features.

1. Companies have to determine the return on investment of training
to company performance.
2. ISO 10015 requires companies to use appropriate design and effective
learning processes.
Six Sigma process
‡ The "&" #"" refers to:
± measuring processes
± analyzing processes
± improving processes
± controlling processes
Example :- GE is to have less than 4 defects per million in every element of
every process GE businesses perform.

Training is an important component of the process. Six sigma involves highly

trained employees known as Champions, Master Black Belts, Black belts , and
Green Belts who lead and teach teams that are focusing on ever ± growing
number of quality projects.

Today GE has over 100,000 employees trained in Six Sigma

Since 1996, when the Six Sigma quality initiative was started, it has produced
more than 2 billion in benefits for GE.

The first companies to achieve ISO 10015 certification are in CüINA and

Population is the single most important factor in determing the size and
composition of the labor force, which is composed of people who are either
working or looking for work.

The work force will be older and more culturally diverse than at any time in the
past 40 years.

The civilian labor force is projected to increase by 14.7 million b/w 2004 and 2014,
reaching 162.1 million by 2014.

By 2014 the work force is projected to be 80% white, 12% African American,
8% Asian and other ethnic or cultural groups.

16% of the labor force will be of üispanic origin.

The Asian and üispanic labor force increases due to immigration trends and higher
than average birth rates.

The training programs to help immigrants acquire the technical and customer
service skills required in a service economy.
Training plays a key role in ensuring that employees accept and work more
effectively with each other. To successfully manage a diverse work force,
managers and employees must be trained in a new set of skills.

Example :- Marriott recognizes that most employees don¶t want to stay in an

entry level job such as house keeping . So Marriott trains employees to handle
wide variety of positions and rotates them periodically to new jobs. This gives
employees opportunities to find the area in which they best like to work.
Skills Needed to Manage a Diverse
Work ´orce: (1 of 2)
‡ Äommuniating effectively with
employees from a wide variety of

‡ Äoa ing, training and developing

employees of different ages, educational
backgrounds, ethnicities, physical abilities,
and races
Skills Needed to Manage a Diverse
Work ´orce: (2 of 2)
‡ Providing performane feedba4 that is
free of values and stereotypes based on
gender, ethnicity, or physical handicap

‡ Äreating a wor4 environment that allows

employees of all backgrounds to be
creative and innovative

Advances in sophisticated technology along
with reduced costs for the technology are
changing the delivery of training, making
training more realistic and giving
employees the opportunity to choose
where and when they will work.
New technologies allow training to occur at
any time and any place.
Technology also allows companies greater
use of a contingent work force.
New Technology
‡ Internet has created a new business model:
± e-ommere
‡ Advantages of technology:
± reduced travel costs
± greater accessibility to training
± consistent delivery
± ability to access experts
± share learning
± creating a learning environment
± greater use of a ontingent wor4 fore
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Through technology, the information needed to improve
customer service and product quality becomes more
accessible to employees. This means that employees
are expected to take more responsibility for satisfying
the customer and determining how they perform
their jobs.

One of the most popular methods for increasing employee

responsibility and control is work teams.
EXAMPLE :- Ñinko¶s , the world¶s leading supplier of document solutions and
business services with 1,100 location in nine countries , has changed. Because
Ñinko¶s stores are geographically dispersed , the company has had to struggle
with costly training programs offered in multiple locations to prepare employees for
new products and services.

Ñinko¶s adopted a blended learning approach including internet instruction, job aids,
Virtual classroom training and mentoring.

Capital One , a financial service company , uses an audio learning program that
allows employees to learn through their iPods at their convenience.
The company has also developed a mobile audio learning channel.
The channel supplements competency based programs, leadership and management
üigh-Performance Models of
Work Systems
‡ Oor4 teams ± involve employees with
various skills who interact to assemble a
product or provide a service
‡ Äross training ± training employees in a
wide range of skills so they can fill any of
the roles needed to be performed on the
‡ Virtual teams ± separated teams relying
almost exclusively on technology to interact
and complete their projects
Example :- Canon is using a procedure called concurrent engineering in which
production engineers work together with designers. This procedure makes it easier
for these workers to exchange ideas to improve a product or make it easier to


Employees need job specific knowledge and basic skills to work with the equipment
created by the new technology.

Technology is used to achieve product diversification and customization,

employees must have the ability to listen and communicate with customers.

Interpersonal skills, such as negotiation and conflict management, and problem

solving skills are more important than physical strength , coordination, and
fine ± motor skills ± previous job requirements for many manufacturing and
service jobs.

Example :- The learning and education department of PwC has 190 employees
located in 70 offices in different cities. These employees work together on virtual
teams that range in size from 5 to 50 people.
The 2004 ASTD Competency
The model describes what it takes for an individual to be successful in the training
and development field.

The learning strategist determines how workplace learning can be best used to
help meet the company¶s business strategy.

The business partner uses business and industry knowledge to create training
that improves performance.

The project manager plans , obtains , and monitors the effective delivery of
learning and performance solutions to support the business.

The professional specialist designs, develops , delivers , and evaluates learning

and performance solutions to support the business.

The training professionals spend most of their time in designing learning,

delivering training, managing the learning function, and coaching , they do
spend time in the other areas too.

The foundation competencies include interpersonal competencies, business and

management competencies, and personal competencies.
| ,,, |,
TNA ( training needs analysis ) is a systematic method for
determining what caused performance to be less than expected
or required.

Need analysis occurs when actual organizational performance

(AOP) is less than expected organizational performance (EOP).

A TNA is important because it helps determine whether training

can correct the performance problem.
The TNA to ensure to provide the right training to the right people.

To conduct a TNA first , there is a need to accomplish several

1. Increase the chances that the time and money spent on
training is spent wisely.
2. Determine the benchmark for evaluation of training.
3. Increase the motivation of participants

A TNA will provide a benchmark of the performance levels and

ÑSAs that trainees possess prior to training. These benchmarks
will let you compare performance before and after training.
This will allow you to demonstrate the cost savings or value
added as a result of training.
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Environment Training
Operational Identify
Actual Organizational Analysis Performance
Performance Expected
Performance Discrepancy (PD)
(AOP) < Expected
(EP) PD = EP < AP
And Causes of PD
Performance (EOP)
Person Analysis Training
Actual Needs
 #""    #
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Performance Discrepancy


Is it worth fixing?


ÑSA Reward/
Punishment Inadequate Obstacles in
Deficiency ´eedback the System


Choose Provide Remove

Change Proper Obstacles
Appropriate Contingencies
Remedy ´eedback
 #""    #
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Performance discrepancy is worth fixing

AND is due to a ÑSA deficiency

Choose Change Provide Remove

Appropriate Contingencies Proper Obstacles
Remedy ´eedback

Job Aid


Change the Job

Transfer or Terminate
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1. Organizational Goals This source suggests where Maintain a quality standard of no

training emphasis should more than one reject per
be placed. thousand.
Objectives and Budget
Achieve a goal to become ISO
certified and allow $90,000
for this effort.

2. Labor Inventory This source helps üRD 30% of our truck drivers will retire
identify where training is over the next four years.
needed because of
retirement, turnover, age,
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3. Organizational Climate Indicators These ³quality of working life´ indicators at the organizational level
provide indicators of organizational performance gap
Sources of Data Implications ´or Training Examples
a. Labor-management data These indicators relate work participation or productivity and are
useful in discrepancy analysis and in helping management set a
value on the behaviors it wishes to improve through training

b. Grievances Items related to productivity are Seventy percent of

useful in determining grievances are related to behaviors of 6
performance deficiencies supervisors

c. Turnover
d. Absenteeism üigh absences in clerical staff

e. Suggestions
f. Productivity
#,$ #" 
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g. Accidents Accident rate for line
workers increasing

h. Short-term sickness Line workers¶ attitude

toward teamwork is

i. Attitude surveys Surveys are good for

locating discrepancies
between organizational
expectations and perceived
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4. Analysis of Efficiency Indices Can help document difference

between actual performance and
desired performance
a. Cost of labor
Labor costs have increased 8 percent
b. Quality of product in the last year
Number of rejects has increased by
30% since the new batch of workers

c. Waste Wasted steel has increased by 14%

since the company began using part-
time workers
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5. Change in system New or change equipment The line has been shut
or subsystem may require training down about once per day since
the new machinery was

6. Management Requests One of the most common Production managers

Or Management techniques of identification indicates a drop in quality
Interrogation of performance since the layoffs

7. MBO or Work Planning Provides actual baseline performance data on a

and Review systems continuous basis. ´rom these measures the company
is able to determine improvement or deterioration or
Introduction (1 of 2)
‡ Effective training practices involve the use
of an

‡ The instructional systems design process

begins by conducting a needs
Introduction (2 of 2)
‡ Before choosing a training method, it is
important to determine:
± what type of training is necessary, and
± whether trainees are willing to learn
Needs Assessment (1 of 2)
‡ Process used to determine whether
training is necessary. Needs assessment
± rganizational analysis - involves
‡ determining the appropriateness of training, given
the business strategy
‡ determining the resources available for training
‡ determining the support by managers and peers
for training
Needs Assessment (2 of 2)
± Ôerson analysis  involves:
‡ determining whether performance deficiencies
result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a
training issue) or from a motivational or work
design problem
‡ identifying who needs training
‡ determining employees¶ readiness for training
± |as4 analysis  involves:
‡ identifying the important tasks and knowledge,
skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in
training for employees to complete their tasks
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Reasons for pressure points Out comes

What trainees need to learn
Lack of basic skills Who receives training
Poor performance Type of training
New technology ´requency of training
Customer requests Buy versus build training
New products decisions
üigher performance Training versus other üR
Standards options
New jobs üow training should
Person Task Analysis be evaluated.

Who needs Training?

Example :- A delivery truck driver whose job is to deliver anesthetic gases to
medical facilities. The driver mistakenly hooks up the supply line of a mild
anesthetic to the supply line of a hospital¶s oxygen system , contaminating the
hospital¶s oxygen system, Why did the driver make this mistake, which is clearly a
performance problem.
Ñey Concerns of Upper- and Midlevel Managers
and Trainers in Needs Assessment
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SMES are employees , academics, managers, technical experts, trainers , and
even customers or suppliers who are knowledgeable in regard to :-
1. Training issues including tasks to be performed.
2. Ñnowledge, skills , and abilities required for successful task performance.
3. Necessary equipments
4. Conditions under which the tasks have to be performed.

Example :- Netg, an Illinois company that develops courseware for training

information technology skills, uses academics or trainers who are familiar with
course content.

Example :- Texas Instrument was trying to determine how to train

engineering experts to become trainers for new engineers.

Example :- Another source of information for companies that have introduced

A new technology is the help desk that companies often set up to deal with calls
regarding problems, deficiencies in training, or deficiencies in documentation ,
software or systems.

Example :- ´or the newly created jobs, trainers often do not have job incumbents to
rely on for this information . Rather technical diagrams , simulations , and equipment
designers can provide information regarding the training requirements, tasks, and
conditions under which the job is performed.
4. Online technology is available to monitor and track employee performance.
This information is useful for identifying training needs and providing employees with
feedback regarding their skills strengths and weaknesses.
Example :- Call centres.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Needs Assessment Techniques (1 of 3)
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Advantages and Disadvantages of
Needs Assessment Techniques (2 of 3)
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Advantages and Disadvantages of
Needs Assessment Techniques (3 of 3)
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The Needs Analysis Process
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Organizational Analysis
‡ Involves identifying:
± whether training supports the company¶s
strategic direction
± whether managers, peers, and employees
support training activity
± what training resources are available
Questions to Ask in an
Organizational Analysis (1 of 3)
‡ üow might the training content affect our
employees¶ relationship with our customers?
‡ What might suppliers, customers, or partners
need to know about the training program?
‡ üow does this program align with the strategic
needs of the business?
‡ Should organizational resources be devoted to
this program?
Questions to Ask in an
Organizational Analysis (2 of 3)
‡ What do we need from managers and peers for
this training to succeed?
‡ What features of the work environment might
interfere with training?
‡ Do we have experts who can help us develop
the program content and ensure that we
understand the needs of the business as we
develop the program?
Questions to Ask in an
Organizational Analysis (3 of 3)
‡ Will employees perceive the training program
± an opportunity?
± reward?
± punishment?
± waste of time?

Example :- Companies that believe learning contributes

to their competitive advantage or that have adopted
high performance work systems( e.g teams) are likely
to have greater training budgets and conduct more

It is necessary to identify whether the company has the budget, time , and
expertise for training.

Example :- If the company is installing computer ± based manufacturing equipment

in one of its plants, it has 3 possible strategies for dealing with the computer ±
literate employees.

One way to identify training resources is for companies that have similar operations
or departments located across the country or the world to share practices.
Example :- Pfizer Pharmaceuticals created a ³ virtual learning team ³ to promote
the sharing of ³ best practices ³ in technical training among its U.S . Manufacturing

The team has made some valuable contributions, including the development of a
new operator training standard, a 10 step method for teaching and evaluating the
skills of employees who make drug products or operate machinery.
Many companies identify vendors and consultants who can provide training services
by using requests for proposals.

A request for proposals is a document that outlines for potential vendors and
consultants the type of service the company is seeking, the type of service the
company is seeking, the type and number of references needed, the number of
employees who need to be trained, funding for the project , the follow-up process
used to determine level of satisfaction and service , expected date of completion of
the project , and the date when proposals must be received by the company.
Process for Analyzing the ´actors That Influence
Employee Performance and Learning
Person analysis helps to identify employees who need training , that is , whether
employees current performance or expected performance indicates a need for

A major pressure point for training is poor or substandard performance.

This process involves determining employee¶s readiness for training. Readiness

for training refers to whether :-
1. Employees have the personal characteristics ( ability, attitudes, beliefs, and
motivation ) necessary to learn program content and apply it on the job.
2. The work environment will facilitate learning and not interfere with performance.

Person characteristics refer to the employees¶ knowledge, skill, ability , and attitudes.

Input relates to the instructions that tell employees what, how , and when to perform.
Input also refers to the resources that the employees are given to help them perform.

Output refers to the job¶s performance standards.

Consequences refer to the type of incentives that employees receive for
performing well.
´eedback refers to the information that employees receive while they are performing.
´actors that influence employee
performance and learning: (1 of 3)
‡ Ôerson  arateristis
± cognitive ability
± reading ability
± self-efficacy
± awareness of training needs, career interests, and
‡ Input
± employees¶ perceptions of the work environment. ±
Situational & Social constraints are determinants of
performance & motivation
´actors that influence employee
performance and learning: (3 of 3)
‡ utput
‡ Poor or substandard performance can occur on
the job because do not know at what level they
are expected to perform.
± standard to judge successful performers
‡ Äonsequenes
± positive consequences/incentives to perform
± few negative consequences to perform
‡ Feedba4
± frequent and specific feedback about how the job is
Person Analysis: 

‡ Employees believe that they can
successfully perform their job or learn the
content of the training program
± The þob environment can be threatening to
many employees who may not have been
successful in the past
± The training environment can also be
threatening to people who have not received
training or formal education for some length of
Increasing Employees¶
Self-Efficacy Level (1 of 2)
‡ Letting employees know that the purpose
of the training is to try to improve
performance rather than to identify areas
in which employees are incompetent

‡ Providing as much information as possible

about the training program and purpose of
training prior to the actual training
Increasing Employees¶
Self-Efficacy Level (2 of 2)
‡ Showing employees the training success
of their peers who are now in similar jobs

‡ Providing employees with feedback that

learning is under their control and they
have the ability and the responsibility to
overcome any learning difficulties they
experience in the program
Task Analysis
‡ |"%."" results in a description of work
activities, including tasks performed by the
employee and the knowledge, skills, and abilities
required to complete the tasks.

‡ Should only be undertaken after you have

determined from the 

the company wants to devote time and money
for training
Steps in a Task Analysis
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Ñey Points to Remember When
Conducting a Task Analysis (1 of 3)
‡ Task analysis should identify both what
employees are   
 and what they
 on the job

‡ Task analysis begins by breaking the job into

duties and tasks

‡ Use more than two methods for collecting task

information to increase the validity of the
Ñey Points to Remember When
Conducting a Task Analysis (2 of 3)
‡ ´or task analysis to be useful, information
needs to be collected from subject matter
experts (SMEs)
± SMEs include:
‡ job incumbents
‡ managers
‡ employees familiar with the job
Ñey Points to Remember When
Conducting a Task Analysis (3 of 3)
‡ In deciding how to evaluate tasks, the
focus should be on  

± These may not be the tasks that are the most
difficult or take the most time
Scope of Needs Assessment
‡ Time constraints can limit the length and detail
obtained from needs assessment

‡ The scope of the needs assessment depends on

the size of the potential 6 

‡ You will be able to anticipate training needs if

you are attuned to the:
± business problems
± technological developments
± other issues facing the organization
Learning: Theories and
Program Design
Introduction (1 of 2)
‡ Conditions necessary for learning to occur:
± opportunities for trainees to practice and
receive feedback
± meaningful training content
± prerequisites trainees need to successfully
complete the program
± allowing trainees to learn through observation
and experience.
Introduction (2 of 2)
‡ ´or learning to occur it is important to
identify K 
± i.e., to identify learning outcomes
‡ Understanding 
± they influence characteristics of the training
environment necessary for learning to occur
‡ The design of the training program is also
important for learning to occur
What Is Learning?

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Learning Outcomes (1 of 3)
‡ Verbal information
± includes names or labels, facts, and bodies of
± includes specialized knowledge employees need
in their jobs

‡ Intelletual s4ills
± include concepts and rules
± critical to solve problems, serve customers, and
create products
Learning Outcomes (2 of 3)
‡ otor s4ills
± include coordination of physical movements

‡ Attitudes
± combination of beliefs and feeling that pre-dispose a
person to behave a certain way
± important work-related attitudes include job
satisfaction, commitment to the organization, and job
± Training programs may be used to develop or change
attitude because attitudes have been shown to be
related to physical and mental withdrawal from work ,
turnover and behaviors that impact the well being of
the company.
Learning Outcomes (3 of 3)
‡ Äognitive strategies
± regulate the process of learning
± they relate to the learner¶s decision regarding:
‡ what information to attend to (i.e., pay attention to)
‡ how to remember
‡ how to solve problems
Learning Theories
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Reinforcement Theory (1 of 2)
‡ Emphasizes that people are motivated to
perform or avoid certain behaviors
because of past outcomes that have
resulted from those behaviors
± positive reinforcement
± negative reinforcement
± extinction
± punishment
Reinforcement Theory (2 of 2)
‡ ´rom a training perspective, it suggests that the trainer
needs to identify what outcomes the learner finds most
positive (and negative) for learners to:
± acquire knowledge
± change behavior
± modify skills
‡ Trainers then need to link these outcomes to learners
acquiring knowledge, skills, or changing behaviors.

‡ Behavior Modification is training method that is primarily

based on reinforcement theory.
Social Learning Theory (1 of 3)
‡ Emphasizes that people learn by observing
other persons (models) whom they believe are
credible and knowledgeable

‡ Recognizes that behavior that is reinforced or

rewarded tends to be repeated

‡ The models¶ behavior or skill that is rewarded is

adopted by the observer
Social Learning Theory (2 of 3)
‡ Learning new skills or behavior comes from:
± directly experiencing the consequences of using
behavior or skills, or
± the process of observing others and seeing the
consequences of their behavior

‡ Learning is also influenced by a person¶s self-

± self-effiay ± a person¶s judgment about whether he
or she can successfully learn knowledge and skills
Social Learning Theory (3 of 3)
‡ Self-efficacy can be increased using:
± verbal persuasion ± offering words of
encouragement to convince others they can learn
± logial verifiation ± perceiving a relationship
between a new task and a task already mastered
± observation of ot ers (modeling) ± having
employees who already have mastered the
learning outcomes demonstrate them for trainees
± past aomplis ments ± allowing employees to
build a history of successful accomplishments
Processes of Social Learning Theory


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Learners are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior if it results in positive outcomes.
Social learning theory emphasizes that behaviors that are reinforced will be repeated
in the future.

Social learning theory is the primary basis for behavior modeling training and has
influenced the development of multimedia training programs.
Goal Theories

m   m   

Goal Setting Theory (1 of 3)
‡ Assumes behavior results from a person¶s
conscious goals and intentions

‡ Goals influence behavior by:

± directing energy and attention
± sustaining effort over time
± motivating the person to develop strategies
for goal attainment
Goal Setting Theory (2 of 3)
‡ Specific challenging goals result in better
performance than vague, unchallenging

‡ Goals lead to high performance only if

people are committed to the goal

‡ Employees are less likely to be committed

to a goal if they believe it is too difficult
Goal Setting Theory (3 of 3)
‡ Goal setting theory is used in training program

‡ It suggests that learning can be facilitated by

providing trainees with specific challenging goals
and objectives

‡ The influence of goal setting theory can be seen

in the development of training lesson plans
Goal Orientation (1 of 3)
‡ Refers to the goals held by a trainee in a
learning situation
± learning orientation  relates to trying to
increase ability or competence in a task
± performane orientation  refers to a focus
of learners on task performance and how they
compare to others
Goal Orientation (2 of 3)
‡ It affects the amount of effort a trainee will
expend in learning (motivation to learn)

‡ Learners with a ig l 

± direct greater attention to the task
± learn for the sake of learning
Goal Orientation (3 of 3)
‡ Learners with a ig performane
± direct more attention to performing well
± devote less effort to learning

‡ Trainees with a learning orientation:

± exert greater effort to learn and use more
complex learning strategies than trainees with
a performance orientation
Need Theories
‡ üelp explain the value that a person places on
certain outcomes
± need ± a defiieny t at a person is experiening
at any point in time.
‡ Suggest that to motivate learning:
± trainers should identify trainees¶ needs, and
± communicate how training program content relates to
fulfilling these needs

‡ If the basic needs of trainees are not met, they

are unlikely to be motivated to learn
Adult Learning Theory
‡ It is based on several assumptions:
± adults have the need to know why they are
learning something
± adults have a need to be self-directed
± adults bring more work-related experiences
into the learning situation
± adults enter into a learning experience with a
problem-centered approach to learning
± adults are motivated to learn by both extrinsic
and intrinsic motivators
Implications of Adult Learning Theory
for Training
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The Learning Process
This material asks three questions:
1. What are the physical and mental
processes involved in learning?
2. üow does learning occur?
3. Do trainees have different learning
The Learning Process:


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The Learning Process:
Implications of the Learning
Process for Instruction: (1 of 2)
‡ Employees need to know why they should learn
‡ Employees need meaningful training content
‡ Employees need opportunities to practice
‡ Employees need to commit training content to
‡ Employees need feedback
Implications of the Learning
Process for Instruction: (2 of 2)
‡ Employees learn through:
± observation
± experience
± interacting with others
‡ Employees need the training program to
be properly coordinated and arranged
Training Objectives
‡ Employees learn best when they understand the
objective of the training program
‡ The obþetive refers to the purpose and
expected outcome of training activities
‡ Training objectives based on the training needs
analysis help employees understand why they
need the training
‡ Objectives are useful for identifying the types of
training outcomes that should be measured to
evaluate a training program¶s effectiveness
A training objective has three
1. A statement of what the employee is
expected to do (performance or
2. A statement of the quality or level of
performance that is acceptable (criterion)
3. A statement of the conditions under
which the trainee is expected to perform
the desired outcome (conditions)
Training Administration Involves:
(1 of 2)
‡ Communicating courses and programs to
‡ Enrolling employees in courses and programs
‡ Preparing and processing any pre-training
materials such as readings or tests
‡ Preparing materials that will be used in
‡ Arranging for the training facility and room
‡ Testing equipment that will be used in instruction
Training Administration Involves:
(2 of 2)
‡ üaving backup equipment should
equipment fail
‡ Providing support during instruction
‡ Distributing evaluation materials
‡ ´acilitating communications between
trainer and trainees during and after
‡ Recording course completion in the
trainees¶ records or personnel files
Internal and External Conditions
Necessary for Learning Outcomes (1 of 2)
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üow Trainers Can Make the Training Site
and Instruction Conducive to Learning:

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Program Design
Designing the training Programme
‡ Technique of arranging the course content
in a logical manner, so as to enable the
trainees to learn the maximum from
training course is called training design.
Programme design refers to the organization and coordination
of the training program. A training program may include one or
several courses. Each course may contain one or more lessons.
Program design includes considering the purpose of the program
as well as designing specific lessons within the program.
Effective program design Includes :-

1. Course parameters.
2. Objectives
3. A lesson plan overview
4. A detailed lesson plan
The course parameters refer to general information about
the training program including the course title, description
of the audience, statement of purpose, Goals of the course,
location , time , prerequisites , and name of the trainer.

Objectives :-Within a training program, there are usually

different types of objectives.
Programme objectives are broad summary statements of the
purpose of the programme.

Course objectives, or lesson objectives relate to goals of the


These objectives are more specific than the program objectives

in terms of the expected behaviors, the content, the
conditions , and the standards.
The detailed lesson plan translates the content and
sequence of training activities into a guide that is used by
the trainer to help deliver the training.

That is , lesson plans include the sequence of activities

that will be conducted in the training session and identify
the administrative details. The lesson plan provides a table
of contents for the training activity. Lesson plans also help to
ensure that both the trainee and trainer are aware of the
course and program objectives.

The lesson plan includes the course title, learning objective,

Topics to be covered, target audience, time of session,
instructor activity (what the instructor will do during the session ),
Learner activity (e.g listen, practice , ask questions) and
any prerequisites.
In developing the lesson outline, trainers need to consider the
proper sequencing of topics.

Lesson plan overview :- It matches major activities of the training

program and specific times or time interval.

Completing a lesson plan overview helps the trainer determine

the amount of time that needs to be allocated for each topic
covered in the program.
Design Theories

Elaboration theory is a macro theory of design. It is based on

a holistic alternative to the part/whole sequencing that is
usually followed in training.
This holistic approach is more meaningful and motivational
for learners , because from the start they see and get to
practice the complete task.

It is only relevant only for complex tasks.

Sequencing is the process of how to group and order the

content of training.
Two sequencing strategies are possible : topical and spiral.

Topical sequencing requires the complete learning of one topic

before moving to the next task.

Spiral sequencing requires learning the basics of the first task,

the learner moves to the second level and so on . After
completing the basic understanding of all tasks, the learner
moves to the second level of the first task to do the same thing.

Simplifying conditions method is based on the notion that for

all complex tasks, simple and more complex version exists.
The SCM is based on two parts :-

Epitomizing :- It is the process of identifying the simplest

version of the task, which is still representative of the task as
a whole.

Elaborating is the process of identifying progressively more

complex version of tasks.
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Module 1
Module 1 Module 1 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3

Module 1 |# |#< |#(
Module 2 Module 2 Module 2
Module 2
Module 3
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Advantages Disadvantages
|# Concentrate on topic, no Once learned you move to
interference from other the next topic and the first is
topics forgotten

,  Built in synthesis and Disruption of learners

review Interrelationships thought process when move
are more obvious and to next topic

< """ $#

Instrutional Event Relation to Soial Learning | eory

Gain attention Attention

Informing the trainee of Goal Attention


Stimulate recall of prior Retention: Activation of memory


Present the material Retention: Activation of memory,

symbolic coding, cognitive


< """ $#


Instrutional Event Relation to Soial Learning | eory

Provide guidance for learning Retention: Symbolic coding/ cognitive

organization through guided discovery
Retention: Symbolic Rehearsal

Elicit performance (practice) Behavioral Reproduction

Provide informative feedback Reinforcement

Assess performance

Enhance retention and transfer Reinforcement

|  |)
On-the-job training generally takes place in the normal
work situation, the task very often contributing directly to
the output of the department.

Off-the-job training requires the worker to undergo

training for a specific period away from the work place.
On the job Off the job

1.No special facilities needed 1.More time available

2. No additional staff needed 2.Trainee¶s specific
difficulties are easier to
3. Real life situation , not explore.
simulated. 3.Relaxed atmosphere
more conducive to
4. Productive in terms of
department¶s work. 4. Easier to obtain full
attention of trainees
5. Trainee can establish work
relationships from the start. 5. Able to test hypothesis
and ideas in low risk
6.Learning can be controlled. environment.
On the job Off the job
7. No ³ off ±the ± job¶ Improve morale and
cost involved. motivation for self ±
8. No transferability of development.
training required.
On ± the Job Off- the- job
1. Cost lost in departmental 1.Cost of external
budget. facilities.
2. Risk to machines , 2. Artificial sheltered
equipment,etc and increase in environment .
scrap due to lack of 3.Difficulty of simulating
experience. work problems.
3. Part-time instructor may lack 4. Difficulty of
skill in training. transferring learning to
4. Lack of time due to pressure work situation.
of production. 5. Generally more time ±
5. Difficulty of accommodating consuming.
trainee idiosyncrasies. 6. Often involves
6. Psychological pressures on traveling costs and
trainee due to exposure inconvience.
before experienced workers.

Training method is defined as ³systematic procedure or techniques by which a skill is

developed in a person, employee of an organization´.

Combination of different methods of training contributes to the effectiveness

of the training programmes.

Trainers use a variety of training methods during delivery to facilitate learning.

By altering the training method the trainer uses delivery ; he can keep learners
interested, activate different learning style and enhance comprehension and

There are many training methods available and the trainer should be proficient
in using them to help meet learners¶ needs.




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The primary advantage of lecture method is that it is an efficient way to transmit

a large amount of information to learner in short time.

This method is very cost effective.

If the purpose of training programme is to raise awareness or supply information,

lecture can be an appropriate method.

The lecture method is also useful when training involves many learners.

Lecture is a method is which information can be communicated instantly.

It is very easy to organize.


The audience¶s role is passive and audience feedback is limited.

Efficient learning demands concentration on the part of the learner.

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Lecture method can be improved by encouraging the audience to take notes.

Use of visual aids largely improves the effectiveness of lecture.

The review and regular summarizing heighten the effectiveness of the lecture method.

Another way to improve traditional methods is to reduce how much time your
spend on them.

The trainer can ask questions frequently during a lecture to enhance the learner
involvements. By this the lecture becomes more interactive and retention is higher.
A good lecture is well organized and begins with an
introduction that lays out the purpose of the lecture and the
order in which topics will be covered.

A shorter version of a lecture is called lecturette. It has the

characteristic as the lecture but usually lasts less than
20 minutes.

The lecture uses a lecturette to provide trainees with

information that is supported , reinforced, and expanded on
through interaction among the trainees and between
the trainees and the trainer.

This added communication has much greater power than the

Trainers can achieve more complex learning objectives ±
such as problem solving ± through the use of logically
sequenced lecturettes followed by immediate discussion and

The group Discussion is defined as ³the process of reaction and counter reaction
between two or more than two persons on a common subject with the objective of
achieving some specific conclusion or results.´

The trainer conducts a group discussion with purpose of solving a problem,

getting feedback sharing experiences, establishing a consensus or for
exchanging ideas.

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A group discussion usually effective in engaging learners and encouraging


Peer learning is one of the most direct benefits resulting from the
discussion method.

Group discussions centre around problems, questions. Ideas or issues presented

to the group for consideration and verbal exploration.
"" $"#$"" 

Behavioral problems like hurting feeling, jarring personal conflict, etc. may not
happen in group discussion, if the trainer has handled the situation and
environment properly. Sometimes the discussion may be so lengthy that meaningful
result neither may not be achieved.

In some cases the trainees get off the track or one trainee dominates the discussion,
those the other trainees feel that the discussion was a waste of time.

One of the obvious disadvantages of group discussion is when many trainees may
like contribute at the same time or when trainees are verbose.
% $"#$"" #

The trainer should announce well in advance about his intentions to use group
discussion methods. This will communicate to the trainees that they are expected
to participate.
The problem of ³one man domination´, consuming more time without any purposeful
agenda etc. can be addressed by skilled facilitation by the trainer.

To stimulate the discussion the trainer may pose questions to the group that
build interest or elicit opinions.

Trainers should be familiar with a number of question types.

1. Open ended questions 4. Direct questions
2. Close ended questions 5. Relay questions
3. Overhead questions 6. Reverse question

The trainer should remain neutral as far as possible to make the group discussion
a successful method.

Physical setting like seating arrangement also plays a very important role in making
this method a successful one. This methods works best chairs are arranged in
a circle or with other seating arrangement that encourages trainees to look
at each other.
Case Studies

Case studies attempt to simulate decision making situations that trainees

might find on the job.

The trainee is usually presented with a written ( or a videotaped) history,

key elements, and the issues faced by a real or imaginary organization or
organizational unit.

The trainer should convey that no single solution is right or wrong and many
solutions are possible.

The learning objective is to get trainees to apply known concepts and

principles and discover new ones.

The solutions are not as important as is trainees¶ understanding of the

advantages and disadvantages that go along with the solutions.

Pooling of the knowledge and experiences of the group of people analyzing the
case is possible.

This method helps in developing cooperation and interpersonal skills among

the participants.

It facilitates analytical skills and communication of the skills of the participants.

As the case study methods throws open different approaches, alternatives and
solutions to problem the participant is given a variety of solutions.

Others¶ point of view is made known in the discussion and one starts appreciating
other¶s point of view paving way for possible behavioral and attitudinal changes.

This method facilitates synthesis of several conceptual principles resulting in a

plan of action.

In addition to developing analytical and problem-solving skills may facilitate the

development of teamwork, communication and presentation skills especially
when the trainees are asked to report their findings to the group.
Case study method does have certain disadvantages:

The case study method is time consuming compared to other direct methods.

Some case studies may be difficult for trainees to comprehend and imagine
the situation as it happened when presented in presented in written form.

A variation of the case study is the incident process, in which trainees are given
only a brief description of the problem and must gather additional information
from the trainer by asking specific questions.

Role Play is an enactment ( or simulation ) of a scenario in which each participant

is given a part to act out. Trainees are provided with a description of the
context ± usually a topic area, a general description of a situation, a description
of their roles ( e.g , their objectives , emotions, concerns), and the problem
they each face.

The degree to which a scenario is structured will depend on what the

learning objectives are .

Structured role plays provide trainees with more detail about the situation and
more detailed descriptions of each character¶s attitudes, needs , opinions ,
and so on. Some times , structured role plays even include a scripted dialogue.
This type of role play is used primarily to develop interpersonal skills such
as communication, conflict resolution , and group decision ± making.

Spontaneous role plays are loosely constructed interactions in which one of the
participants plays himself while the others play people with whom the first trainee
interacted in the past , or will in the future.
It is used to develop insight into our own behavior and its effect on others, rather
than to develop specific skills.

In a single role play , one group of trainees role plays for the rest, providing a
visual demonstration of some learning point. Other trainees observe the role play,
analyzing the interactions and identifying learning points.

A multiple role play is the same as a single role play except that all trainees are
in groups, with each group acting out the role play simultaneously. ´ollowing the
role-play each group analyzes the interactions and identifies learning points

The role rotation method begins as a single role play. After the characters interact
for a period of time, the trainer will stop the role play and discuss what happened
so far, and what can be learned from it. The different trainees are asked to exchange
places with some or all of the characters. These trainees then pick up where the
others left off. This format allows both a common focus for all trainees and
Demonstrates several different ways to approach the roles.
Role Reversal where a person plays a role opposite to what he usually is in real life.

" . 

1. This method creates active participation, life demonstration of problem

situation in non-threatening atmosphere for trainees.

2. Participants.¶ Awareness about the effect of feelings, etc. is increased by use of

this method.

3. When conducted skillfully by the facilitator, this method reduces the resistance of
the participants.

4. By practicing the desired skill, imitation of the desirable behaviors, through

analysis and conceptualization this method helps the trainees in their learning.

5.This method is flexible, as editing is possible at any point of time to fit the
particular situation.

6. In this method the participants get a chance to not only know about their
personal feelings but also get chance to learn how others feel about it.
7. Role-play method offers participants an opportunity for developing hard to
obtain experience in dealing with complex real life situations.

8. This method gives a chance to assume the role and personality of another
human being, which leads to a better understanding of other person¶s points of view.

9.This method can be an effective way of avoiding the ³real life´; dangers of the
³trial and error´ approach.

10.This method can add variety, drama and fun to a formal training programme.

11.The role-players are able to explain cultural differences simply

and clearly.

12.As a participative learning method it involves the learner both physically

and emotionally. With a few exceptions the entire ³acting´ is performed by the learner.
13. It helps improve the learners¶ capacity to analyze information, demonstrate,
describe and explain.

14.It develops the learners¶ ability to perform before an audience

(very useful when addressing meetings or any situation involving face-to-face
15. Like a case study, role-play trains the learner to argue reason, persuade
and defend his ideas and decisions.

16.Also, like a case study, role-play facilitates learning by simulated experience

rather than reading or listening to a description. This is immensely useful in
management training.

17. It helps the learner identify and correct faults or weaknesses in human
performance, behavior and attitudes. Because a role-play is only a simulation,
the dangers and consequences of committing an error are not the same as
in real life situations. It is therefore stage for the learner to try out new ideas
without suffering adverse consequences.

18.By playing roles opposite those played in real life, the learner is able to
experience the other side of the issue involved. Thus a shop assistant can put
herself µin the shoes of a dissatisfied customer; or manager can play the role of
a discontented employee, a cooperative member or a trade union official.
In any of these roles the learner experiences the feelings of the person he is
simulating and gains insight into that person¶s concerns his dilemmas and the
attitudes that shape his point of view.
19.A role-play helps the learner understand his own personality and communication
skills, and the effect of his attitude and arguments.

20. It also helps him to learn to face criticism and to take credit.
A role-play removes the psychological barrier between learner and instructor
and between learners themselves, thus facilitating a multi-way process of

1.The trainees may discount the value of their learning due to the artificiality of
the situations depicted.

2.Some role-played participants are too timid or self-conscious to act a role


3.Role-playing methods sometimes deteriorates into play and fun, which jeopardizes
the seriousness of learning¶s.

4.Over personalizing the problem areas is another disadvantage of the role-playing


5. Role-playing loses some of its effectiveness when the audience is too large.

6.The preparation and presentation of a role-play will demand much time from
both trainer and trainee.

7.It requires very skilful management or µdirecting¶ by a trainer who is capable of

handing the interpersonal dynamics and µumpiring¶ the discussions involved.
Management Game Method :-

Business games are simulations that attempt to represent the way an industry,
company, or unit of a company functions. Typically they are based on a set of
relationships, rules, and principles derived from theory or research.

They also reflect the actual operations of a particular department in

a specific company.

Trainees are provided with information describing a situation and are asked to
make decisions about what to do.

The system then provides feedback about the effect of their decisions, after which
trainees are asked to make another decision.

This process continues until some predefined state of the organization is reached,
Or a specified number of trials are completed.
Advantages of Games Techniques
1.Improvement in technical performance.

2. Exercise of better or more confident leadership.

3. More inter-departmental cooperation and greater awareness of functional


4. Evidence of new attempts to define departmental goals of functions.

5. Grater awareness of competitive factor.

6.The techniques enable one to break the common barrier associated with
traditional student trainer relationship.

7.Management games help in increasing the motivation of the learners. Learners

often want to explore more issues and seek new information related to the experience
they have been through.

8.. Management games that encourage divergent solutions may be useful in

the development of creativity.

9. Management games help in developing problem analysis and decision making skills.
Games provide practical, experimental learning.
Management games present trainers and student with novel situation, which cannot
be solved by ³cook book¶ knowledge or conventional wisdom. Consequently, a
level of freshness and novelty is generally maintained.

Games excite and motivate one to play. They challenge the ingenuity and ability
of learners. They are fun and trainees enjoy them.

Management games provide for group enjoyment. Usually, those trainees who are
most interested and those who participate the maximum in the simulation, learn the
Games generally teach one the usefulness of mathematical models and the use
of computers. Though the experience of actually using these methods, participants
tend to lose feat of them, which perhaps caused them to avoid their use in the past.

The trainer, who administers the simulation game, may considerable affect the
learning, attitude change and enjoyment of trainees.

It is a time consuming method.

Trainees as well as trainer may be unfamiliar with the method.

In-Basket Exercise Method

In-basket exercise method is an interactive simulation in which learner¶s analyze

information, set priorities and make decisions on issues given in the exercise.
µin-basket¶ methods as the name implies is usually filled with what manager would
find on his desk such as ± reports, memos, letter, etc. from the above it is clear hat this
training method in very profitable used in leadership or management development
training programmes.

The in-basket exercise places the trainees in a real life situation where they are
asked to perform typical management tasks and activities they faces on a day-to-day

During the simulation it is videotaped and learners are assessed against

pre-determined competences such as time management, problem solving and
Advantages of In-basket Exercise

In-basket exercise method facilitates skill development in the areas of problem solving,
organizing and planning.

Time management skills are developed as time pressure as in real life situations is
in-built in the exercise.

Quality and people issues could be also the theme of in ±basket exercises.

Provides concrete subjects for practical work and discussion opportunities for
active participation.
Disadvantages of In-basket Exercise

1. Reality is difficult to duplicate in an in ±basket simulation.

2.It is time consuming to produce.

3.The trainers are asked to react to situations unaware of critical issues like
organizations¶ history, corporate culture, working relationships,
in-house policies, etc., which could affect their decisions.

4.Developing effective in-basket exercises is very difficult and requires extensive

instructional design work, time and financial resource, If handled insensitively by
the facilitator, it may undermine the confidence of trainees.
Conference Method

The conference method is usually a highly structure device for conveying message
or a messages on a large scale. Audience of several hundred people
delegate with common interest from a wide cross section of the society attend the
same seeking an opportunity to hear the views and comments of authorities in areas
covered. Literally conference means consultation.
This being so the delegates should be able to get answers to questions on topics

Advantages of Conference Method

Members usually discuss the topic of high relevance and common interest to them.

The attendance to the conference is usually voluntary.

This conference method is suitable for acquiring conceptual knowledge and helps
in clarifying doubts.

The members are enthusiasts in that particular subject an they brought together to
share their expertise and to plan.

The attendance is often unpredictable.

The method is very expensive, as arrangements have to be made for the venue,
accommodation and catering, etc.

´ind a skilful chairman to conduct the proceedings effectively is very difficult.

Sensitivity Training Method

Sensitivity training is otherwise called as µT¶ ±Group training. In 1947 in Bethel Maine,
U.S.A., a training laboratory was conducted with the main objective of serving as a
change agent.

T-Groups in India are mainly conducted by Indian society for Applied Behavior
Sciences. Variety of skills like self-awareness, interpersonal relations, teamwork,
group and organizational processes, inter-group conflict resolution, etc.

T-Group training is designed to help each individual realize his own potential for
growth more fully and to increase his ability to work effectively with others in a
variety of situation.

Sensitivity training alternatively called as T-group (Training),

d-Group (Development) L-Group (Learning ) or Laboratory training is an
experience based learning ± learn by experience sharing particularly those
generated by the group.
Sensitivity training is process-oriented training.

A trainer of the faculty has no formal role in the group in T-Group training.

üe worked with the participants as one of them.

Sensitivity training is carried out in a laboratory where participants simulate

conditions for effective functioning of the group in an unstructured manner.
The group in not defined, the leadership not offered by the trainer and the behavior
is not prescribed. All of them are evolved through a natural process by the group.

Sensitivity training is participant centered learning.

A major goal of sensitivity training is contribute toward the personal growth of

the participants through the increased self-awareness and inter-personal competence.
Purpose of T-Group Training

The following five factors are seen as broad purposes of T-Group training.

Self insight.

Better understanding of other persons and awareness of one¶s impact on them.

Better understanding of group processes and increased skill in achieving group

effectiveness. Increased recognition of the characteristics of longer social systems.

Greater awareness of the dynamics of change.

Advantages of Sensitivity Training

One of the main advantages of training group session is that it enables the
participants to achieve deeper understanding of him as well as increased
sensitivity to others, thereby leading to an improvement in behavioral skills.

This training may bring about:

Increased self-understanding and self-respect.

Increased understanding of how people act as individuals.

Ñnowledge of how they could work together as a team leading to increased

organizational effectiveness.

Increased mutual understanding and trust among the participants.


The group is expected to work on its own and there is no specific assignment of
formal agenda.

The group is left in vacuum and struggles to find some direction and common ground.

It is very difficult to have competent trainers to handle laboratory training.

In the hands of trainer who is not fully competent such training can have adverse
results and traumatic effect.

Some trainers themselves do not follow all the unwritten conventions of laboratory
training, which is a very limitation and author himself has such a direct experience.
Definitions of e-learning

It is also defined as a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum

of technologies, mainly Internet or computer-based, to reach learners.

Lately in most Universities, e-learning is used to access the educational facilities

as they have to study online.

e-Learning is an umbrella term that describes learning done at a computer,

usually connected to a network, giving the opportunity to learn almost anytime
, anywhere.


"Good teaching is good teaching, no matter how it's done."

The old adage still rings true, and e-Learning brings with it new dimensions
in education. Some of the unique features of e-Learning are listed below.
Benefits of e-Learning

There are many significant advantages for the student who learns online.
üere are just a few to consider:

7(#  !.
Courses are accessible on your schedule
Online learning does not require physical attendance
Learning is self-paced (not too slow, not too fast)
You're unbound by time - courses are available 24/7
You're unbound by place - study at home, work, or on the road
Read materials online or download them for reading later

Choose from a wide range of courses to meet your needs
Degree, Vocational, and Certificate programs
Continuing Education
Individual courses
Wide range of prices to fit your budget
Go back to school to get a degree, learn a new skill, learn a new craft, or
just have fun!
´rom art to zoology you can do it all online in a price range to fit your budget.

Online learning accommodates the preferences and needs - it's student-centered

Choose instructor-led or self-study courses
Skip over material the student already knows and focus on topics like to learn
The student can use the tools best suited for his learning styles

Online learning will draw the topics he likes and enjoy. Studies show that
because of this and the variety of delivery methods used to reach different
types of learners, retention is frequently better than in a traditional classroom.

7  (! 

Technology tools make collaboration among students much easier.
Since many projects involve collaborative learning, the online environment
is far easier (and often more comfortable) to work in since learners don't have to
be face-to-face.

The global learning community is at your fingertips with online learning. The
technologies used give online instructional designers the ability to build in tools
that take you to resources you


Evaluation is the collection of analysis and interpretation of

information about any aspect of a programme of education or
training as part of recognized process of judging its
effectiveness, its efficiency and any other outcomes
it may have.

üambin(1970) defined evaluation of training as-

Any attempt to obtain information (feedback) on the effect of
training programme and to assess the value of training in
the light of that information.

This definition includes investigation before and during training as well

as after training. The purpose of evaluation is to create a feedback loop
or a self-correcting training system.

Therefore, it should be an integral feature of a training system.

Evaluation is meant for improving training that is, it is an aid to training.
Assessment Design Implemen Evaluation
1.Assess 1.Define 1.Deliver 1.Select
needs objectives the üRD evaluation
programme criteria
2.Prioritize 2.Develop 2.Determine
needs lesson plans Evaluation
3.Acquire Design
Material 3.Collect
4.Select trainer evaluation
5.Select of
methods programme
6.Schedule the 4.Interpret
programme results

Any good management practice dictates that organizational activities be

routinely examined to ensure that they are occurring as planned and are
producing anticipated results. This is done to ensure that people, processes
, products or services, stay µon-track¶.

Since 1996 there is an increased awareness about accountability amongst

the employees.
Top management of different organizations is demanding evidence
that the training departments are contributing positively to the bottom- line
or profits¶
Executives were looking to improve the bottom line through various methods
Like cost containment, etc. and could not find enough evidence that training
programmes are responsible for providing a quantifiable return on the
company¶s investment on training.
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Models of training

Ñirkpatrick model

1. Reaction :- To gather data on participants reaction at the end of a training

Reaction evaluation is how the delegates felt, and their personal reactions to the
training or learning experience.

2. Learning :- To assess whether the learning objectives for the program are met.

Learning evaluation is the measurement of the increase in knowledge or intellectual

capability from before to after the learning experience.

3. Behavior :- To asses whether job performance changes as a result of training.

Behavior evaluation is the extent to which the trainees applied the learning and changed
their behavior, and this can be immediately and several months after the training,
depending on the situation.

4. Results :- To assess costs vs benefits of training programmes i.e. organizational

impact in terms of reduced costs, improved quality of work, increased
quantity of work etc.
IPO model

1. Input :- The input is taken such as trainee qualifications, Availability of

materials, appropriateness of training, etc.

2. Process :- embraces planning, design, development , and delivery of training


3. Output :- Gathering data resulting from the training interventions.

4. Outcomes :- Longer term results associated with improvement in the

corporation¶s bottom-line ± its profitability, competitiveness,etc.
TVS model

1. Situation :- Collecting pre training data to ascertain current levels of performance

within the organization and defining a desirable level of future performance.

2. Intervention :- Identifying the reason for the existence of the gap between the
present and desirable performance to find out if training is the solution to the problem.

3. Impact :- Evaluating the difference between the pre and post training data.

4. Value :- Measuring differences in quality , productivity , service or sales all of

which can be expressed in terms of dollars.

It was originally developed by Warr, Bird and Racham. ´our general categories of
evaluation are described in the CIRO approach .They are :-

a) Context Evaluation
b) Input Evaluation
c) Reaction Evaluation
d) Outcome Evaluation

The context evaluation involves obtaining and using information about the
current operational context in order to determine the gap that training might
help to bridge.

During context evaluation 3 types of objectives like primary objective, intermediate

And ultimate objective may be evaluated.

Input evaluation involves obtaining and using information about possible training
resources in order to choose between alternative inputs to training.

Reaction evaluation involves obtaining and using information about trainee¶s

expressed, current or subsequent reactions in order to improve training.
Outcome evaluation involves obtaining and using information about the outcomes
of training in order to improve subsequent training.
Phillip¶s ´ive Level ROI ´ramework

LEVEL Brief Description

a) Reaction and Measures participant¶s

planned action reaction to the programme
and outlines specific plans
for implementation.
b) Learning Measures skills, knowledge
or attitude changes.
Level Brief Description
3. Job Measures change in behavior on
Application the job and specific application of
training material.
4. Business Measures business impact of the
results. programme.

5. Return on Measure the monetary value of the

investment results and costs for the
programme, usually expressed as
a percentage.
Level Brief Description
3. Job Measures change in behavior on
Application the job and specific application of
training material.
4. Business Measures business impact of the
results. programme.

5. Return on Measure the monetary value of the

investment results and costs for the
programme, usually expressed as
a percentage.

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