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Interactions Among Plant Systems

Biology 10(B)
Interactions Among Plant Systems

Learning objectives
• Identify major systems in plants
• Describe the interactions that occur among systems to
carry out vital plant functions
Plant Systems

• Organ systems: Tissues

– Shoot system – above- ground Dermal
– Root system – below-ground Vascular

Shoot system
• Tissue systems:
– Dermal – barrier
– Ground – metabolic Root system
– Vascular – transport
Interactions Among Plant
Organ and tissue systems interact to carry out vital
• Transport
• Reproduction
• Response

• Movement of needed
materials throughout plant
• Major function of vascular
– Xylem – transports water
and minerals
– Phloem – transports glucose
– Both transport hormones
Interactions Among Plant Systems

Interactions during transport

• Root system
– Absorbs water and minerals
• Shoot system
– Ground tissue produces glucose through photosynthesis
• Both organ systems
– Produce hormones
– Vascular tissue transports all materials throughout the plant

Vegetative propagation – Pollination – offspring

offspring produced from produced via pollinated
part of a plant organ seeds
• Asexual • Sexual

Image by Roberto MM [GFDL]

Reproduction by Pollination

• Flower – organ that • Seed – fertilized ovule

produces seeds (embryo) and stored
food (cotyledon)
surrounded by a
protective seed coat

• Fruit – develops
around fertilized
Interactions Among Plant
Interactions during reproduction
• Vegetative propagation
– Shoot and root systems: part of an organ produces a new plant
• Pollination
– Shoot system: flowers are the site of seed pollination and fruit
– Shoot and root systems: produce hormones, transported by the
vascular tissue, that regulate flower budding, fruit ripening and
seed growth

• Tropisms – plant’s hormonal growth response toward or

away from an external stimulus
• Examples:
– Phototropism – stem and leaves grow toward a light source
– Positive gravitropism – roots grow toward gravity (downward)
– Negative gravitropism – stem and leaves grow away from
gravity (upward)
Interactions Among Plant Systems

Interactions during response

• Root system
– Grows toward gravity
• Shoot system
– Grows toward light and/or away from gravity
• Both systems
– Produce hormones
– Transported hormones
Interactions Among Plant Systems

Learning objectives
• Identify major systems in plants
• Describe the interactions that occur among systems to
carry out vital plant functions

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