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24th March 2013

• Before manufacturing the large sized
actual machine, their models which are in
complete similarity with actual machine
(also called prototypes) are made

• The test will be conducted on models and

the performance of prototypes will

• To predict the performance of turbo

machines such as turbines compressors,
pumps etc. model analysis is employed

• Before manufacturing the real or actual

machines, model of the machine are made
and tests are performed on them to get the
required information.
What is Model analysis

• The model is the small scale replica of the

actual Machine
• The actual machine is called prototype
• The study of Models of actual machines is
called as Model analysis
• The model analysis is actually an
experimental analysis of finding out solution
of complex problems using models of the
actual system
Advantages of Model Analysis

• The performance of the actual turbo

machine can be easily predicted in advance
from its models.
• With the help of dimensional analysis, a
relationship between the variables
influencing the problem in terms of the
dimensionless parameters is obtained.
• With the help of the model testing, the most
economical and safe design may be

• Similitude is defined as the similarity

between the model and its prototype in
every respect.

• Geometric
• Three types
• Kinematics

• Dynamics
Geometric Similarity

• A model and prototype are geometrically

similar if and only if all body dimensions in
all three coordinates have the same linear
scale ratio
• Let
Lm=Length of model
Bm=Breadth of model
Dm=Diameter of model
Vm= volume of model Gr is a scale ratio
Am=Area of model
Geometric Similarity

• All angles are preserved

• All flow direction are preserved
• The orientation of the model and prototype with
respect to surroundings must be identical
Geometric Similarity
Kinematics Similarity

• A model and prototype are kinematically

similar if and only if they have the same
velocity scale ratio.
Dynamic Similarity

• A model and prototype are dynamically

similarity if and only if they have the same
force-scale (or mass-scale) ratio.

• Thus dynamic similarity is said to exist

between the model and the prototype, if the
ratios of the corresponding forces acting at
the corresponding points are equal.
Dynamic Similarity

• Also the direction of the corresponding

forces at the corresponding points should
be the same.
Specific Speed_Turbine
• The specific speed is the parameter which
does not explicitly contain the diameter of
the runner or impeller.

• It is denoted by symbol Ns

• The specific speed is comparing the

different types of turbo machines as every
type of turbo machine has different specific
Specific Speed_Turbine

• is the speed which

• What is turbine develops
Specific Speed units power when
of Turbine? working under unit

N= speed in rpm, H is a
head in meters and P is
power in kilowatt
Specific Speed_Turbine
• The dimensionless specific speed or
the power specific speed is given by:
Model Test
• The complete similarity between actual
machine and model will be exist if the
following condition satisfied
Model Test
• Specific power
Model Test
• Specific Head
Model Test
• Discharge
Tutorial 2

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