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R. Jayavel
Director (Research)
Anna University, Chennai-600 025.

Macro snapshot of India’s Research Performance 2009-2013
Source: SCOPUS
Annual publications share
Scientific Research
Basic Research Applied Research Translational Research

Any piece of research work has three dimensions

1.Physical: Physical format, Size, Volume, etc.

2.Subtle: Documentation

3.Soul: Research finding, Innovation, Invention

Thumb rule for conducting Innovative Research

1. Authority 2. Accuracy 3. Objectivity 4. Cost 5. Coverage

Research Approach
• Identifying Research problem
• Formulating Research Question
• Formulating Research Objectives
• Literature review
• Experimental Design
• Conclusion/Deliverables
• Background study
A general review of the area of research
• Problem statement
• Research questions
• Statement of research objectives
• Definition of terms
Literature Review
• Selecting Sources
√ Select literature that is relevant or closely related to the
problem and purpose
√ Emphasize the primary sources
√ Use secondary sources selectively
√ Concentrate on scholarly research articles
√ Discuss your criteria for inclusion of articles
Significance of research
• How does the proposed research relate to the existing knowledge in
the area.

• Explicitly state the significance of your purposed work or the

rationale for your study.

A significant research problem is one that:

√ Develops knowledge of an existing practice

√ Develops theory
√ Expands the current knowledge or theory base
√ Advances current research methodology
√ Related to a current technological issue
√ Exploratory research on an unexamined issue
Problem Statement
• Start with a general statement of the problem or
• Make sure the problem is restricted in scope
• Make sure the context of the problem is clear
• Cite the references from which the problem was
stated previously.
• Provide justification for the research to be
• Motivates to conduct the proposed research
• Highlight the problems/demerits of the available
Research Questions
• Research questions would guide the proposed
research into the perspective of the other
• The questions serve to establish the link between
the proposed research with previous research.
• The research questions should show clearly the
relationship of the proposed research with the
field of study.

• However, the most critical parts of the

research proposal are those parts that are
associated with thinking not doing.
• Should be related to the research objectives
• Highlighting the breadth and depth of research
• Identifying variables
• Research design – it would be good to put it into a
flow chart
• Data collection plan
• Detailed sampling plan – the target population
characteristics, specific sampling plan, target sample
• Describe that the instruments will be used to
gather data (tests, techniques, surveys, etc)
• Provide reliability and validity information to
show techniques are valid for the study
• Describe how the variables are measured
• Provide justification for selection of
instruments based on theory, research
question, subject characteristics, etc.
• Provide published reliability of instrument and
plan to establish reliability
Anticipated Results
• Describe your anticipated results based on the
literature review and theory based
• Write your conclusions if your research
questions were supported
• Write your tentative conclusions if your
research questions would not be supported
• Summary includes a restatement of the
relationships between the important variables
under consideration.
• How the relationships are important to the
hypothesis proposed in the introduction
• Identify the gaps in the current techniques that
would be filled in by the proposed technique.
• Highlight the novelty of the research as compared
to other existing work.
Interdisciplinary Research
• The inherent complexity of Nature and Society
• The drive to explore basic research problems at the
interfaces of disciplines
• The need to solve societal problems
• The stimulus of generative technologies

• Advantages
• Critical thinking, communication,
creativity, pedagogy, and proper
Physics Chemistry

Mechanical and
Electrical Technology Polymer

Electronics Photonics
Integrate the Experimental results with Theoretical Approach

If do something-Try to know something about that

If you know something, try to do something with that

• The discipline dealing with what is good or bad and with moral duty and
• A set of moral principles or values put in place for the betterment of all.
• Conforming to professional standards of conduct

Ethics - Branch of philosophy concerned with the evaluation

of human conduct.
Philosophers commonly distinguish:
• Descriptive ethics, the factual study of the ethical standards or principles
of a group or tradition;
• Normative ethics, the development of theories that systematically
denominate right and wrong actions;
• Applied ethics, the use of these theories to form judgments regarding
practical cases; and
• Meta-ethics, careful analysis of the meaning and justification of
ethical claims
Problems in Research Ethics
Ethical Issues Involving Research Subjects
Ethical Issues Involving the Researcher
Ethical Issues Involved in Paper Submission
Ethical Issues Involving the Institutions

What Compromises Ethics?

Not-in-my-back-yard (NIMBY)
Everybody is doing it
It does not hurt anybody
Ethical Issues Involving the Researcher

Conference paper from incomplete research

. Glossed research method
. Anticipated outcomes
. Citation and authorship
. More details required for method, outcomes
. Plagiarism
. Incomplete references
Ethical Issues Involving the Institution

Funding from an interested party

. Facilities, unpublished sources, conferences
. Constrained topic-choice
. Senior research review
. Withholding and/or ‘vaguing up’
. Suppressed negative-aspect analysis
• To make the reviewer to understand :-
– What you are going to do
– Rationale of the research
– Objectives of the research
– Methodology
– Expected output
• More algorithmic
• Development of new technique
• Extension of existing new techniques
• Novel application

• Think about the problem

• Generate ideas
• Background reading
• Ask yourself
– Am I familiar with other research that has been
conducted in areas related to my research work?
– Do I have a clear understanding of the steps that I
followed in conducting my research?
– Do I have the ability to reproduce each step?
Structure of the Research Paper
• Title
• Background to the problem or study
• Problem statement
• Objectives of research
• Scope and limitation of study
• Literature review
• Methodology
• Significance of study
• Results and achievements
• Future prospects
• References
• A good publication should have a good title
• It is the first thing that help the reviewer to
understand the nature of work
– Focused
– Highlighting the main contribution of the research
– Use the keywords
– Avoid ambiguous or confusing words
Reasons Why Research Papers Are Unsuccessful

• The problem is of insufficient importance

• Purpose or demonstrated need is vague
• Problem is more complex than the focused
• Research is based on hypothesis that is
doubtful or unsound
• statements based on conclusions that may be
• Assumptions are questionable; evidence for
procedures is questionable
• Approach is not rigorous enough, too naïve, too
• Approach is not objective enough
• Validity is questionable, criterion for evaluation
are weak or missing
• Approach is poorly thought out; methods poorly
• Application is poorly prepared or poorly
• Results are not explicit enough, lack of details,
too vague or too general
Research Opportunities - Funding Agencies
 University Grants Commission (UGC)
 Department of Science & Technology (DST)
 Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
 Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS)
 Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)
 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
 Ministry of Information and Communication Tech. (MIT)
 Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF)
 All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
 Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)
 Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR)
University Grants Commission (UGC)
 Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia/Short-term
 Appointment of Visiting Professors/Fellow
 Faculty Improvement Programme (FIP)(Teacher Fellowship
for doing M.Phil/Ph.D)
 Scheme for Fellowship to M.Phil/Ph.D Scholars in Central
 Research Fellowship in Humanities & Social Sciences
Students (RFH & SSS)
 Research Awards
 Emeritus Fellowship
 Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Single
Girl Child
University Grants Commission (UGC)
 Post Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme for University
Rank Holders in General & Honors Courses at
Undergraduate Level
 Research Fellowship in Sciences for Meritorious Students
 Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) in
Humanities and special Social Sciences (including
language )
 Research Project for Teachers Major and Minor
 Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST Candidates
 Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority Students
Department of Science & Technology (DST)
 National Council for Science & Technology Communication
 Science For Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
 National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship
Development Board (NSTEDB)
 State Science & Technology Programme
 Ramanujan Fellowship
 JC Bose National Fellowship
 Ramanna Fellowships
Department of Science & Technology (DST)
 Fund for improvement of S & T infrastructure in Universities
and other Higher Educational Institutions(FIST)
 Swarnajayanti Fellowships
 Fast Track Schemes for Young Scientists (FAST)
 Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of
Science and Technology (BOYSCAST)
 Women Scientists Programs
 Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research
(INSPIRE) programme
 Assistance to Professional Bodies & Seminar/ Symposium
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
 Emeritus Scientist
 Visiting Associateship
 Grant for Holding symposium/ seminal
 Shanti Swar up Bhatnagar Prize (SSB)
 GN Ramachandran Gold Medal
 Young Scientist Award (YSA)
 Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship
 CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences(BRNS)

 Proposed Research Projects Under BRNS Scheme

 Symposiums & Conferences
 Senior Scientist Scheme
 Dr. K. S. Krishnan Research Associateship
 Young Scientist Research Award
 Physics Olympiad
 Proposed Research Projects Under BRNS Scheme
Defence Research & Development Organization
 Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB)
 A scheme for award of ‘ Flying Scholarship” has been
introduced under the aegis of AR &DB with a view to
indicate a realistic appreciation of performance and
handling aspects of aircraft.
 Naval Research Board (NRB)
 The Board has instituted a Grants-in -Aid Scheme to
nature research talent and to crease research facilities in
IITs, Universities, higher technological institutions,
colleges and other research centers including industries in
the country for promoting basic research, design and
Defence Research & Development Organisation
 Life Sciences Research Board(LSRB)
 LSRB will as receive proposals for financial support for
conduct of seminar/symposia/presentation etc.
 Projects of interest to national needs (particularly to Defence
requirements) formulated by the LSRB are referred to
universities/research institutions industry etc.
 Armaments Research Board
 Specific research programmess of individual projects
exceeding Rs. 25 lakh.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
 The Ministry has been supporting Research, Design &
Development (RD & D) in new and renewable energy
considering that the market would largely drive the renewable
energy sector, a scheme has been evolved for associating and
supporting RD & D carried out by industry.
 The Ministry provides support to universities, academic
institution/colleges, nongovernmental organization,
Government Department, etc. for organizing workshops,
seminars, conference to provide a forum for professionals,
student, policy-makers, managers, economists, industry
representatives, etc.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
 Information and Public Awareness Programme
 Special Area Demonstration Project Programme
 Human Resources Development Programme
 Introducing a schemes for renewable energy training and study
tours with provision for organizing short duration training
programmes of one to two weeks within and outside the
 Seminar& Symposium
Ministry of Communication and IT
 Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DIT)
 Department of Telecommunication (DOT) 
 Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs
Scheme (TIDE)
 Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS)
 Multiplier Grants Scheme - "Srrijan: Prithvi“
 The aim of the scheme is to encourage industry to collaborate
with premier Academic and Government R&D institutions
(hereafter also called institute) for development of
 The Scheme is extended for a period of 2 years with a total
outlay of Rs. 36 Crores and DIT contribution of Rs. 24 Crores.
Ministry of Communication and IT
 SIP-EIT Scheme
 R &D Funding Scheme
 Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs
(TIDE) in the areas of Electronics and ICT.
 Technological Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs
(TIDE) aims to assist Institutions of Higher learning to
strengthen their Technology Incubation Centres and thus
enable young entrepreneurs to initiate technology start up
 Companies for commercial exploitation of technologies
developed by them.
Ministry of Communication and IT
Financial Support
 Each TIDE center would be given financial support as
Grant-in-aid of up to Rs155 lakhs – payable in
instalments. These funds can be used for improvement in
infrastructure - up to Rs. 30 lakhs and for providing
financial support to the incubating companies – Rs 125
Lakhs (@ Rs 25 lakhs per company).
 Centre for Development of Advanced Computation (C-
 Centre for Development of Telemetric (C-DOT)
 Centre for Liquid Crystal Research (C-LCR)
Ministry of Communication and IT
 Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET)
 Education and Research Network (ERNET)
 Electronics and Computer Software EXPORT Promotion
 Society for Applied Microwave Electronic Engineering and
Research (SAMEER)
 Software Technology parks of India
Ministry of Environment and Forest
 Dr. Salim Ali National Fellowship Award
 Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar
 Indira Priyadarshini Vriksha Mitra Awards
 Pitambar Pant National Environment Fellowship Award
 B.P. Pal National Environment Fellowship Award for
Biodiversity Shri Kailash Sankhla National Fellowship Award
 National Award for Excellence in Forestry by ICFRE
 M.Tech Programme on Environmental Management of Rivers
& Lakes
 Desert Ecology Fellowship
 E.K. Janaki Ammal National Award for Taxonomy
 National Environmental Sciences Fellows Programme
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and
 Student Project Schemes
 Under this Scheme financial support is provided to encourage
students who have dissertation work in their regular
curriculam to take up useful minor research project during
their U.G/P.G courses.
 They provided with a grant of Rs.5000/- Rs. 10000/- .
 About 150 to175 projects are given every year.
 Seminar-cum-exhibition of the projects undertaken by the
students is organized every year.
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and
 Science & Technology Projects
 Organizing Awareness Programmes
 Training Programmes
 Exhibitions
 Seminars and Lecture including audio visual presentation such
other activities independently and through voluntary agencies
 Young Scientists Fellowship Scheme
All India Council for Technical Education
 Research Promotion Scheme (RPS)
 National Coordinated Project (NCP)
 National Facilities in Engineering & Technology with
Industrial Collaboration (NAFETIC)
 Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence
 Entrepreneurship Development cell (EDC)
 Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC)
All India Council for Technical Education
 Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
 Seminar Grant (SG)
 Emeritus Fellowship (FE)
 Career Award for young Teachers (CAYT)
 Visiting Professorship(VP)
 National Doctoral Fellowship (NDF)
 PG Scholarship

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