Chapter 3 Implementing The Curriculum

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Lesson 1: Implementing the designed

Curriculum as change process
Curriculum implementation
This is the phase where the teacher action
takes place.
It is one of the most crucial process in
curriculum development although many
education planners would say: “A good
plan is work half done”.
Also means putting into practice the
written curriculum that has been designed
in syllabi, course of study, curricular
guides, and subjects.
It is a process wherein the learners acquire
the planned or intended knowledge, skills,
and attitudes that are aimed at enabling the
same learners to function effectively in
society. (SADC MoE Africa, 2000)
Curriculum implementation implies the
 Shift from what is current to a new or
enhanced curriculum.
 Change in knowledge actions, attitudes of
the person involved.
 Change in behaviour using new strategies
and resources.
 Change which requires efforts hence
goals should be achievable.
As the trying out of a new practice and
what it looks like when actually used in a
school system.
In the classroom context, means
“teaching” what has been written in the
lesson plan.
In a large scale, curriculum
implementation means putting the
curriculum into operation with the
different implementing agent.
Curriculum Implementation as a
change Process
Kurt Levin’s Force Field Theory and
Curriculum Change.
Kurt Levin(1951) – father of social
Two forces:
a. Driving Force
b. Restraining Force
Driving Force E Restraining Forces
Government Fear of the unknown
Intervention U
Society’s Values I Negative Attitude to
L change
Technological I Tradition Values
Changes B
Knowledge Explosion R Limited Resources
Administrative Obsolete Equipment
Support M
Categories of Curriculum Change
1. Substitution – the current curriculum
will be replaced or substitute by a new
one. Sometimes, we call this a complete
2. Alteration – there is a minor change to
the current or existing curriculum
Categories of Curriculum Change
3. Restructuring – building a new structure
would mean major change or
modification in the school system,
degree program or educational system.
Using an integrated curriculum for the
whole school for K to 12 requires the
primary and secondary levels to work as
a team.
Categories of Curriculum Change
4. Perturbations – these are changes that
are disruptive, but teachers have to
adjust to them within a fairly short time.
5. Value orientation – to McNeil, this is a
type of curriculum change. Perhaps this
classification will respond to shift in the
emphasis that the teacher provides
which are not within the mission and
vision of the school or vice versa.
Three important elements
A process, curriculum implementation
should be...
A. DEVELOPMENTAL – it should be
developmental in the sense that it should
develop multiple perspectives, increase
integration and make learning
autonomous, create a climate of openness
and trust, and appreciate and affirm
strengths of the teacher.
Three important elements
A process, curriculum implementation
should be...
B. PARTICIPATORY – for curriculum
implementation to succeed, it should be
participatory, specially because other
stakeholders like peers, school leaders,
parents and curriculum specialists are
Three important elements
A process, curriculum implementation
should be...
C. SUPPPORTIVE – is required in the
process of change. Material support like
supplies, equipment and conducive
learning environment like classrooms and
laboratory should be made available.
Time is an important commodity for a
successful change process.
For any innovation to be fully
implemented, period of three to five years
to institutionalize a curriculum is
Time is needed to determine when the
implementation starts and when it will
conclude, since curriculum
implementation in time bound.

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