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Murad Huseynzada 208i

• Content
1.Information technologies development stages
2.Parts of Computer
3.Modern situation of information technologies
4.System Software
5.Operating Systems
1.Information technologies-development stages
Development stages of IT

1.Manual 2.Mechanica 3.Electric 4.Electronic 5.Computer

Information lnformation Information Information Information
Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology
“Manual" information technology
• 1st stage (until the second half
of the nineteenth century) -
"manual" information
technology, tools which were: a
pen, inkwell, book.
Communication imp-lis hand
the conduit through the mail
letters, packages, dispatches.
The main purpose of the
technology-presentation of
information in the desired
“Mechanical“ information technology
• The 2nd stage (since the end of the XIX
century) is a "mechanical" technology
equipped with more advanced means of
mail delivery, the tools of which were:
writing phone, voice recorder. The main
purpose of the technology is to present
the information in the desired form by
more convenient means.
“Electric“ information technology
• The 3rd stage (40-60 - IES of XX
century) - "electric" technology, the
tools of which w`re: main
computers and related software,
electrician. typewriters, copiers,
portable voice recorders. The main
purpose of it begins to move from
the form of representation of the
investment to the formation of its
“Electronic“ information technology
• The 4th stage (from the beginning of the 70s) is an
"electronic" technology, the main tools of which
are main computers and automated control
systems (ACS) and information retrieval systems
based on them, equipped with a wide range of
basic and specialized software systems. The center
of gravity of the technology is shifted even more
to the formation of the content side of
information for the management environment of
various spheres of public life, especially the
organization of analytical work.
"Computer" ("new") information technology
• The 5th stage (since the mid-80s) - "computer"
("new") technology, the main tools of which are
PCs with a wide range of standard legal products
for different purposes. At this stage, PR-SS
personalization ASU, which manifestations-in the
creation of systems of support of decision-making
is determined. special Tami. Such systems have
built-in elements of analysis and ISC. intelligence
for different levels of management, implemented
on the PC and use telecommunications. In
connection with the transition to the
microprocessor base, the technical means of
household, cultural and other purposes are also
subject to significant changes.
2. Parts of Computer
Main Computer Parts

Motherboard Processor RAM Graphic Card Hard Disk
Motherboard (MBO)

• The motherboard is a printed
circuit board and foundation of
a computer that is the biggest
board in a computer chassis. It
allocates power and allows
communication to and between
the CPU, RAM, and all other
computer hardware
• Processor (CPU) is Central
Processing Unit and located
inside the computer case on
the motherboard. It is
sometimes called the brain of
computer. Whenever we press
a key click the key, we are
sending instruction to CPU
• RAM is our system's short-
term memory. RAM
contains the information
during the time the
computer is on. Whenever
our computer performs
calculations, it temporarily
stores the data in the RAM
until it is needed.
Graphic card
• A Graphics Card is a piece of
computer hardware that
produces the image you see
on a monitor. The Graphics
Card is responsible for
rendering an image to your
monitor, it does this by
converting data into a signal
your monitor can
Hard Disk
• Hard Disk is where our
software, documents, games
and other files are stored. The
Hard Drive is long-term storage,
which means the data is still
saved even if we turn off the
computer or unplug it
Power supply
• A power supply is an electrical device
that supplies electric power to an
electrical load. Power Supply unit in a
computer converts the power from
the wall outlast and transfers it to
the computer and sends the power
through the cables to the
motherboard and other components
Desktop Computers

• A desktop computer
is a personal
computer in a form
intended for regular
use at a single
location desk/table
due to its size and
power requirements.
• A monitor is the visual
output device connected to
the computer tower. It
displays picture and images
in real time, allowing one to
interact with the computer,
activating and running its
programs at will. There are
two primary types of
computer monitors, each
with their own advantages
over the other.
• Headphones are a pair of small
speakers used for listening to
sound from a computer, music
player or other such electronic
device. Headphones originally
consisted of one speaker for each
ear, connected by a band over the

• is a typewriter-style
device, which uses an
arrangement of
buttons or keys, to act
as mechanical levers
or electronic switches.

• A computer mouse is an input

device that is most often used
with a personal computer.
Moving a mouse along a flat
surface can move the on-
screen cursor to different items
on the screen. Items can be
moved or selected by pressing
the mouse buttons.
Optical Mark Readers (OMRs)

• Optical Mark Readers (OMRs) are

specialized input device that will
read marks on paper. The marks
on the paper are made in a
particular position depending on
their meaning, so that the
computer is able to work out
what each mark means.
3. Modern situation of information
• Information technology (IT) has become a vital
and integral part of every business plan. From
multi-national corporations who maintain
mainframe systems and databases to small
businesses that own a single computer, IT
plays a role. The reasons for the omnipresent
use of computer technology in business can
best be determined by looking at how it is
being used across the business world.
Information Technology (IT)
• Information technology (IT) benefits the business world and it allows organizations to
work more efficiently and to maximize productivity and so on. In business, people look
for ways to do more work in a shorter amount of time and it should be only possible
through the development of Information Technology . Faster communication, electronic
storage and the protection of records are advantages that IT can have on our enterprise.
IT is driven by the demands of the new, competitive business environment on the one
hand and profound changes in the nature of computers in the other. Information
Technology systems come in the shape of many technologically advanced devices which
help deliver important information to managers and thus they use this information to
make crucial decision regarding the operations of their organization. IT has to do with
computer applications, on which nearly every work environment is dependent.

• It is more advanced and practical

• Helps in preparing assignments and projects
• It is a philosophy
• Creates awareness
• Online tuition teaching
Impact of IT on business

• Functions
• Significance
• Cost Effectiveness
• Job Creation
Impact of IT on Agriculture
• Provides an
opportunity to compete
with the developed
• Provides fast and
relevant information
• Introduction of new
technologies and
Impact of IT on Education
• Changes to learning Changes to teaching

• Information Technology and the potential

of education

• Changing the educational institution

4. System Software
• Software is a set of computer
programs which are designed
and developed to perform
specific task desired by the
user or by the computer itself.

System Software Application Software

System System System

Control Support Development General Purpose Special Purpose
Programs Programs Programs
Programming Software 
is the act of writing computer code
that enables computer software to
function. ... Software
programming is not the same
as software development.
Development is the actual design
of a program while programming is
the carrying out of the instructions
Types of System Software

Here are the important types of System Software:

• Operating systems:- Operating system software helps you for the effective utilization of all
hardware and software components of a computer system.
• Programming language translators:- Transforms the instructions prepared by developers in
a programming language into a form that can be interpreted or compiled and executed by a
computer system.
• Communication Software : - Communication software allows us to transfer data and
programs from one computer system to another.
• Utility programs: - Utility programs are a set of programs that help users in system
maintenance tasks, and in performing tasks of routine nature.
System Language translators are also called language processors.

Development Main functions are :

• Translate high level language to low level language.
•Check for and identity syntax errors that may be present in
Programs the program being installed.

Language There are 3 types of translator programs-

1. Assembler
Translators 2. Interpreter
3. Compiler
Application software 
is a program or group of programs
designed for end users. Examples
of an application include a word
processor, a spreadsheet, an
accounting application, a web
browser, an email client, a media
player, a file viewer, simulators, a
console game or a photo editor.
5. Operating Systems
•The most important program
that runs on your computer. It
manages all other programs on
the machine.

•Every PC has to have one to run

other applications or programs.
It’s the first thing “loaded”.
Operating System

•It performs basic tasks,

such as:

• Recognizing input from the

keyboard or mouse

• Sending output to the

Operating System

•Keeping track of files

and directories on the
disk, and

peripheral devices
such as disk drives
and printers.
Is There More Than One Type of OS?
•Generally, there are four types, based on
the type of computer they control and the
sort of applications they support.

1. Single-user, single task

This type manages the computer so

that one user can effectively do
one thing at a time.
2. Multi-user, multi-task

Allows two or more users to run

programs at the same time.
Some operating systems
permit hundreds or even
thousands of concurrent users.
3. Real Time Operating Systems

RTOS (Real Time Operating Systems) are used to

control machinery, scientific instruments, and
industrial systems.

There is typically very little user- interface


Resources are managed so that a particular

operation executes precisely the same
every time.
4. Single-user, Multi-tasking

This is the type of operating system

most desktops and laptops use today.
Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s MacOS
are both examples of operating systems
that will let a single user have several
programs in operation at the same time.
OS’s Manage Applications
•Operating systems provide a software
platform on top of which other
“application” programs can run.

• The application programs must be

written to run on a particular
operating system.

• So, your choice of operating system

determines what application
software you can run.
Operating System Functions
•Besides managing
hardware and software
resources on the system,
the OS (Operating system)
must manage resources
and memory.

• There are two broad tasks to

be accomplished.

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