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Dy of birth transform in White Purple Star
Tai Ji- se uede usar en espacios pequeños, even in a hotel, wher eyou are
Identity Palace (Fu Wei) Stability: Very important , nothing will make loose direction in life If this
area is missing in the house, unstable .. House low will cause this instability, your mentality is
reducted, to angry all the time,
Self reflection, stuty is best to use it. ?
Who you want to be?... Finantial mentor

Creation & Wealth Palace Shen Qi, Life Genereratin:: This palace is 2nd main palace
Creating value, solve problems , create solutions, solve problems & create wealth, representes
money, energy to create money, must be without obstructions, flow qi correctly
If this area is missing in your house will cause money problems

Health & Well-Being Palace Tian Yi Heavenly Doctor:: This area if you use to rest will feel great
inmediatly, acquire knoledge, facility healing to stay in this area, important for general
improvement mental, fisical, if your looking for good teacher, etc..
Social Charisma Palace Yan Nian Longetivity:: Great relation, social carisma power, long term
relationships this sector thats correct, people with good Charisma Palace is promoted easily,
great conection, preaty good is going in life, lasting relationships
S:: Great

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