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Ghantoot Lease Area,

Nokandi Riko Dik CHAGHI
Baluchistan. PAKISTAN

Surface Survey Report of few selected

points in the lease area.
Fida Hussain

Exploration Permission Letter ( EL )
75077.47 Acers (303.83 Km2) Allotted area in Topo sheet.
Export potential of smaller area adjacent to our EL area, surveyed
by NL Lake Resources International.
      The Chaghi magmatic belt, 480 km. long and 140 km. wide, is an
Andean type island arc, bounded by the Chaman-Nushki left lateral,
transcurrent fault in the east, Dalbandin-Mir Jawa basin in the south, and
Afghan desert in the north.  It extends into Iran beyond the Pakistan-Iran
border.  The rocks exposed in the Chaghi belt, in the order of predominance,
are volcanic, plutonic and sedimentary.  The oldest rocks exposed in the belt
are submarine, stratified volcanic and volcano - clastics, known as the
"Sinjrani Group", which are late Cretaceous in age.  The rocks of the group
are mainly andesitic lava flows, agglomerates, volcanic conglomerates, tuffs
and subordinate limestone, shale and sandstone.  The Chaghi intrusions of
younger age are wide spread in the belt and cut the older Sinjrani Group. 
These intrusions are granitic, granodioritic, monzonitic, diacritic, tonalitic
and gabbroic in composition and range in size from sills, dikes and stocks to
batholiths.  The intrusions are from late Cretaceous to Pleistocene in age. 
The Chaghi belt hosts several prospects of metallic mineralization, which include
copper, iron, molybdenum and gold.  Porphyry type mineralization is the most
important of all the occurrences found in the belt.  At more than twenty localities
copper/gold mineralization has been found, of which seven, i.e., Saindak, Koh-i-Dalil,
Durban Chah, Kabul Koh, Max G. White, Ziarat Pir Sultan and Dasht –e -Kain, have
been proved to be of porphyry type.  Hydrothermal alteration in these porphyry copper
prospects is mainly associated with tonalitic and deictic stocks.  The Saindak porphyry
copper deposit is at the production stage.  Preliminary investigations of   Dasht -e-
Kain and Durban Chah have been undertaken by GSP whereas Koh-i-Dalil has been
drill evaluated by TCC/BHB, a multinational Mining Company.  All these porphyry
deposits have concentric zonal patterns consisting of potassic, phyllic, and prophylactic
alteration zones. Areas, already leased out to companies will not form the subject of the
presently proposed exploration program. 
     Like hundreds of porphyry copper deposits of the world, the porphyry
copper system of  Chaghi magmatic belt was formed as a result of magmatic
associated with subduction of the Arabian oceanic lithosphere under the
southern edge of the Afghan micro continent in early Cretaceous ( Sinjrani
volcanism) and has been active sporadically till Recent (Koh-i-Sultan
   Iron mineralization is associated with the volcanics and is quite wide spread. 
It is high grade and mainly comprises magnetite of magmatic origin. 
N. 29 24’56. 37 Acres 52263.84
Extension area 92 square km Sq Km 211.46
E. 61 17’45. 82

Cu, au ag

Cu, au , ag,

Iron zone
Iron ore zone

N. 29 01’15 52
N. 28 57’287
E. 62 26’01 92
E. 62 92’490
Surface study of the selected area according to the coordinate from chekandah point M .

Point N
Cut Soils of Ghantoot E L Area.
Surface study of the selected area according to the coordinate from Point G and H
Samples of copper,
lead, pyrite, iron and
Chekanda iron rich area
Point A of leased area
Complete lease area
Ridges hills with altitude. Metallic zone


The mineralized zones are at the western end of the Ghatoot lease, one of the great
metallogenic area of the world, and which contains some of the world’s richest copper, gold, silver
Iron, marble, gypsum, Lime stone and some other economically important metal deposits.
. These deposits are hosted mainly by met sedimentary rocks of the late
proterozoic Tethyan 7 km thick succession of sediments with minor volcanic,
volcanoclastics and intrusive. Geo chronological data indicate an age of deposition of the lease area
sediments of about 880 million years.

Stratigraphically, the rich copper and cobalt deposits found in Ghantoot lease area.
The Lower lease area is composed of sandstones volcanic ashes sulphur granite iron
shale's with a basal conglomerate, while the Upper lease area A to L consists essentially of sediments
and is separated from the Lower N M by a conglomerate.
Within the Riko Dik area large-scale E-W to NW-SE trending folds with wavelengths extending
for kilometers. The folds are faulted along the crests of the anticlines through which rocks of the
area have been dioptrically injected into the fault zones, squeezed up fault planes and over-thrust to
lie above rocks of the younger age. The over-thrust area lithologies occur as segments or
“fragments” on surface. The fragments are intact units that preserve the original geological
succession within each. A fragment could be of hundreds of meters aligned across the fault plane.
Reading of Point E and Point K……Ghantoot EL
Primary mineralization, in the form of sulphides, within the Lower lease
is associated with the D
Start and RSF for the OBI and the SDB and SDS for the OBS and is
thought to be sync-sedimentary
in origin. Typical primary copper sulphide minerals are bornite,
chalcopyrite, chalcocite and
occasional native copper while cobalt is in the form of carrolite. The
mineralization occurs as
disseminations or in association with hydrothermal carbonate alteration
and solidification.
Supergene mineralization is generally associated with the levels of
oxidation in the sub-surface
sometimes deeper than 100 m below surface. The most common
secondary supergene minerals for
copper and cobalt are malachite and heterogenite. Malachite is the main
mineral mined within the
confines of the current Amirchah point.
General Stratigraphy
The generalized stratigraphy of the Ghantoot Lease . The area has
been correlated across the A B to H Copperbelt into four main formations or groupings,
The divisions between each of the series are often marked by an unconformity. The
main ore-body lithologies belong to the R2 Formation, but R3 and R4 Formations are also
known to contain mineralization. Within each of the R series are sub-divisions identifying
different litho logical units. Rocks belonging to the Area Super group are described briefly
below from the oldest to the youngest:
Breech heterogenic or heterogeneous breccias (BH): This breccia is composed of angular
and sometimes well rounded fragments of all the various rock types of the Roan. The
fragments vary in size from a few millimeters to several tens of millimeters in diameter,
while the matrix is made up of finer-grained sandy particles of the same material as the
Breche RAT or brecciated RAT (B RAT): A reddish-pink brecciated rock with calcite and
silica vein lets and is at times well mineralized with specular hematite, occurring as veinlets.
Roches Argilleuses Talceuse (RAT): The RAT is considered the boundary between the R2
and R1 units and consists of an upper RAT Grises (R2) and a lower RAT Lilas (R1). Both are
massive but sheared in places, silty or sandy, dolomitic rocks. Mineralization in the form of
malachite and black oxides occurs associated with the upper Fe belt.
Dolomie Stratifies or Stratified Dolomite (D Strat): This is a well-bedded to laminated,
argillaceous dolomite, which forms the base of the traditional “Lower Ore Zone” in
Gecamines’ nomenclature. The mineralization consists of copper and cobalt oxides.
Roches Siliceuses Feuilletées Foliated (Laminated) and Silicified Rocks (RSF): These are
grey to light-brown, thinly bedded laminated and highly silicified dolomites. The unit is
generally well mineralized with copper and cobalt oxides. Together with the D Strat, the RSF
comprise the Ore body Inferior (“OBI”).
Roches Silicieuses Cellulaires or Siliceous Rocks with Cavities (RSC): Vuggy and in filled
massive to stromatolitic silicified dolomites. Copper mineralization is almost absent in these
rocks, which were therefore regarded as barren. However, the infillings are enriched in wad
(manganese oxide) and heterogenite (cobalt oxide), and RSC is the target of artisanal activity.
Schistes De Base or Basal Schists (SDB): Reddish-brown to grey silty and nodular dolomite
to siltstone. This unit is well mineralized with copper and cobalt in varying amounts and
forms the Ore-body Superior (“OBS”).
Shales Dolomitiques Superieurs or Upper Dolomitic Shales (SDS): Yellowish, cream-tored,
bedded laminated dolomitic siltstones and fine-grained sandstones. The rock is sparsely
mineralized with malachite.
Calcaire a Minerais Noirs or Calcareous Unit with Black Minerals (CMN): A slightly
banded and laminated light-grey to grey, silicified dolomite mineralized with black oxide of
iron, manganese and cobalt. The unit bears some similarities with the RSC.
Dipeta (R3): Grayish to dark red or brown stratified shales and micaceous schist.
Mwashya (R4): altered stratified redish rock with oolitic horizons huge deposits of Fe and
few bands of light-yellow, cu pockets with resonable deposits.
The presence of two well-Visible deposits nearby Amirchah Point A and Point E,
along with at least two other prospects, is a positive indication. The geologic
environment of those deposits and prospects could be extrapolated into this area.
In my Visit saw abundant hydrothermally altered rocks described as
rhyodacites, but which appear to be intrusions on imagery. There is a high
proportion of altered rock to the total outcrop area Igneous rocks typical of
geologic area containing porphyry copper gold silver and other metallic minerals
deposits are common in Lease area between Mashkichah levy post and M/S
Gulf Lease area.. All of the lease area is part of the Tethyan geodynamic belt,
which contains porphyry copper and other metallic deposits.
I delineated 12 permissive tracts for porphyry copper, gold, silver, Iron ore and
gypsum deposits . In some cases, the tract is also
permissive for copper scorn deposits, but I did not make estimates of numbers of
undiscovered deposit because the area is huge un accessible by 4 wheel. Some
areas need to visit by foot with overnight stay.
The ghantoot lease area consists of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite
with minor cubanite, mackinawite, valleriite, pyrite, marcasite,
arsenopyrite, rammelsbergite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, magnetite,
ilmenite, and an unidentified hard anisotropic mineral.

The information that is most needed is the complete, interpreted,

aeromagnetic data set .

Further exploration require drilling of minimum 8 pits 35 m to 75 m with 3 D

survey For drilling points sketch is provided.
Investment opportunity

It is the best feasible lease area for the investors. According to surface indications a
huge copper, silver and gold deposit with other metallic rich minerals are in bulk
quantity. The area of lease is in between one huge and one normal volcanic eruption
hub and its result is rich metallic minerals occurrence. Thick layer of volcanic ashes
cover the metallic surface only rust of some mineral visible. It is advised that an
exploration process through drilling and 3 D survey required.
Satellite laser image shows its multi layer deposits of Fe, Cu, marble, gypsum and
many more metals. The area is a pearl in the Tethyan belt with concentrate form of
mettle and minerals.
Compare to Tethyan copper company leased area; the Ghantoot lease area is dense
and concentrate. Less efforts and less investment is required for mining of copper,
gold silver iron etc compare to other areas in Riko Diq with minimum risk.



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