Session-4 Formulating A Given Problem As A Linear Programming Problem (LPP)

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Formulating a given problem as a

Linear Programming Problem(LPP)
Topic delivery
• Formulating the given problem as a Linear
Programming Problem ( LPP)
• Graphical Method
• Solving the formulated LPP using Graphical
Method to find the optimal solution
Formulating the given problem as a Linear Programming Problem ( LPP)

A person wants to decide the constituent of a
diet which will fulfill his daily requirements of
proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the
minimum cost. The choice is to be made from
four different types of foods. The yields per
unit of these foods are given in the following
Yeild per unit

Food Type Cost per Unit

Protiens Fats Carbohydrates

1 3 2 6 45

2 4 2 4 40

3 8 7 7 85

4 6 5 4 65

Minimum 800 200 700

Formulate linear programming problem for the given
• Let x1,x2,x3 and x4 denote the number of units of food
type 1,2,3 and 4 respectively. The objective is to
minimize the cost.

Minimize Z=45x1+40x2+85x3+65x4
subject to the constraints
where x1,x2,x3 and x4>=0.
This is called an Linear Programming Problem( LPP).
Students doubts with poll/pop questions.
1. what are x1, x2, x3 and x4 in this problem.
2. what are the constituents of an LP
Problems as Assignments/Quiz
Doubts can be asked in public chat.
A Firm produces three products. These
products are processed on three different
machines. The time required to manufacture
one unit of each of the three products and the
daily capacity of the three machines are given
in the table below.
Time per unit ( minutes ) Machine
Machines capacity

Product-1 Product-2 Product-3

M1 2 3 2 440

M2 4 -- 3 470

M3 2 5 -- 430
It is required to determine the daily number
of units to be manufactured for each product.
The profit per unit for product-1, product-2
and product-3 is 4Rs,3Rs and 6Rs respectively.
It is assumed that, all the amounts produced
are consumed in the market. Formulate the
mathematical model LPP that will maximize
the daily profit.
Let the amounts of products 1,2 and 3 manufactured
daily be x1,x2 and x3 units respectively. Clearly x1,x2
and x3 are clearly >=0
In this problem, The objective function is
Maximize Z=4x1+3x2+6x3
Since, the constraints are on machine capacities and can
be mathematically expressed as
where x1,x2,x3 are >=0.
Hence, The given problem can be formulated
as an LP problem by
Maximize Z=4x1+3x2+6x3
Subject to the constraints
where x1,x2,x3 are >=0
Problem Discussion Duration:5minutes

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