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Louis Fischer(1896-1970) was an American
journalist. He was born in Philadelphia.He
served as a volunteer in the British army
between 1989 and 1920.Fisher made a
career as a journalist and wrote for the New
York Times,The Saturday review and for
European and Asian Publications.Among his
works were a contribution to the ex-
Communist treatise The God that Failed
(1949), A Life of Mahatma Gandhi (1950),
basis for the Academy Award-winning film
Gandhi (1982).The book has been reviewed
as one of the best books ever written on
Gandhi by times educational supplement
This story is set in 1916 where Gandhi steps up to help
a bunch of poor peasants from Champaran. It gives an
account of how he struggled to bring them justice and
equality. Thus, it begins with most of the arable land
of Champaran that divides into a large estate. The
owners of the estate are Englishmen and the workers
are Indian tenants. We learn that the chief commercial
crop on this land is Indigo. Moreover, we also see that
the landlords compel all the tenants to plant 15% of

CHAMPARAN their Indigo and submit the whole harvest in the form

FARMERS of rent. The tenants are under a long-term agreement

to do so.
However, Germany starts developing synthetic
Indigo. Thus, the British do not require the
Indigo crop any more. Thus, in order to release
the poor peasant from their agreement of 15%,
they start demanding compensation. While
some of the uneducated peasants agreed on
this, the other did not agree. Thus, we notice

INDIGO PLANT that one of the sharecroppers, Raj Kumar

Shukla arranges for a meeting with Gandhi.
He meets him for the same issues and insists
Gandhi to visit the place to end the longstanding
injustice. Gandhi agrees and boards a train to
Patna in Bihar. After that, Raj Kumar Shukla
helps Gandhi visit the house of Rajendra Prasad,
a lawyer. As Gandhi dresses simply, the servants
thought of him to be a poor peasant. Thus,
Gandhi planned before trying to get the peasants
RAJ KUMAR SHUKLA any justice. It is because the British government
& are punishing anyone who is keeping national
RAJENDRA PRASAD leaders or protestors.
Thus, when Gandhi arrived in the place,
the news of his arrival and mission
spread across the town like wildfire. This
resulted in a lot of lawyers and peasant
groups pouring in large numbers in his
support. Consequently, the lawyers did
accept that the charges are quite high and
too unreasonable for a poor peasant.
However, Gandhi was criticizing them for
collecting huge fees from the sharecroppers. He
was emphasizing on counselling as this will
provide the peasants with confidence to fight
their fear. Thus, he manages to get justice after
a yearlong fight for the peasants. He has also
arranged for the education, health, and hygiene
for the families of the poor peasants. Finally, he
teaches them a lesson of self-sufficiency and
Done by:
P.Bhaskar Datta

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