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Top 10 Emerging

1.Fuel Cell Vehicles

• With zero emission cars that run on

hydrogen are trending in the market.
• Fuel cell cars are hybrid that get
electricity directly from hydrogen or
natural gas.
• These vehicles have regenerative
brakes, restore energy from waste heat
and maximize efficiency.
How Fuel Cells Work
• Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM) fuel cell
is the most common fuel cell for vehicle
applications. An electrolyte element in a PEM
fuel cell is between a positive electrode
(cathode) and negative electrode (anode).
• The fuel cell stack, which generates electricity
from hydrogen and oxygen
2. Next Generation Robotics
• Are seen to do the everyday tasks of mankind.
• Robotics technology using GPS are used in
agriculture precision like weed control and
• On the other hand, robots perform repetitive
duties thereby saving time and money.
• By programming new methods and algorithms
, robots may have the tendency to cope with
unfamiliar circumstances.
• Allow machines to share information between
them, linking themselves to the internet, and
able to associate themselves like humans with
their emotional buttons attached.
3. Recyclable Thermoset Plastics
• Cut landfill waste is seen as an environment
• Thermoset (can be heated and shaped one
time that will result to molecular
• Thermoplastics (can be heated shaped several
times and can be recycled)
• The thermoset durability allows
manufacturers of mobile phones and circuit
boards to aerospace companies to have
preference on thermoset materials despite
knowing that these products are non
4. Precise Genetic-Engineering Technique

• Provides a breakthrough in crop farming by

editing the genetic code to cope and blend
with the changing climate.
• Another innovative project is the RMA
interference in crops that prohibits the
development of viruses and fungal pathogens
reducing the use chemical pesticides.
5. Additive Manufacturing
• Is another scientific discovery of creating
products from printable organs to intelligent
clothes that will soon be introduced in the
competitive market.
• Additive manufacturing begins with loose
material that can be transformed into powder
or liquid form and then created into three
dimensional design using a one layer at a
digital template.
• Subtractive Manufacturing is the traditional
method of producing a product where layers
are being removed from a bigger or large
material such as wood, stone, metal and etc.
• Additive Manufacturing products are highly
customized and not reproduced in a bigger
• Employs computer imaging the of the
customer’s teeth to generate a near invisible
braces fit to their mouth.
3d Printing
• Where machines may directly print human
cells resulting to living tissues finding potential
application in screening of drug safely and
repair and regeneration of tissues.
6. Emergence of Artificial Intelligence

• Duplicates the human capabilities such as

recognizing the human speech or image
through a recognition technology that
eliminates longer queues in airports.
• Artificial intelligence in contrary to ordinary
software and hardware allows machines to
perceive and respond to the environment as
well as store large files of information.
• Never-Ending Language Learning
• Self driving Cars
• Prosthetic
7. Distributed Manufacturing
• Is a new method of delivering products where
all the parts are being assembled and the final
product is being put together by the
customers. This method will provide more
competent use of supplies with a lesser waste
in centralized factories.
• Manufacturers gain by delivering their
products directly to the point of consumption.
They achieve brand worth and loyalty in being
able to fill customer’s demand for faster
delivery and customized service.
Comprehensive schemes also propel
companies to make their central resources-
the design in experiments that directly reach
their customers and staff.
8. Sensed and Avoid Drones
• Termed as flying robots are employed by
military to examine power lines or transport
urgent matters finding the best air to route to
deliver goods.
• Drones are helpful during projects or
situations that required magnified aerial
surveillance like in a agriculture where the
• precise aerial picture field corresponds to the
precise amount of fertilizer and irrgation to be
• Drones serves as human pilot with sense a
sense of responding to their environment.
9. Neuromorphic TEchnology
• Operates using the computer chips to initiate
the human brain.
• The neuromorphic information process
information differently not following the
traditional route of computer hardware that is
linear and moves back and forth between
memory files.
• It stores a large amount of the computer’s
thinking and responding abilities.
• Neuromorphic chips can be powerful, energy
efficient allowing the combination of the data
storage an data processing elements where
the system duplicates the network neurons
and in their numerous numbers, copycat the
human brain.
10. Digital Genome
• Allows an individual ti have his or her genome
be sequenced and digitalized in minutes and
then sent through the internet.
Why the need to know one’s genetic composition?

• With digitalization, medical practitioners will

be able to make the appropriate decision
when knowing the genome make up of a
person specifically in the treatment of the
tumor’s genetic component. This will
eliminate the spread of cancer into the
patient’s body.

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