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Class Taken By

Master Suji Kuriakose
Slides Prepared by
Joby John
Indian School of Martial Arts

Dharmikam Ashram
Guru Balachandran Nair

Guru Balachandran Nair, also known as Satguru Dharamananda Swaroopa

Hanuman Das, is one of the few surviving great masters of Kalaripayattu. 
Origins Of The Kalaripayattu
Tr a d i t i o n

Kalaripayattu is indigenous to the
Southern state of Kerala
In order to protect this land,
Parashuram passed his knowledge of
Kalaripayattu to his 21 disciples.

Keralites consider Kalaripayattu to
be God’s own martial art
Origins Of The Kalaripayattu
Tr a d i t i o n

Because the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma took
Kalaripayattu from India to China in the fifth
Kalaripayattu is also the predecessor of Chinese
martial arts. Once it was brought to China,
practitioners of Kalaripayattu merged the art
with existing fighting forms. This merging
marked the birth of Kung
What Is Kalaripayattu?

Kalaripayattu is the oldest existing

martial art form and is indigenous to
the Southern state of Kerala. The
ancient art is trying to stay alive,
gasping for breath in this modern era.
Schools Of Kalaripayattu
T h e Tw o S c h o o l s O f

The Northern School The Southern School

This School Gives emphasis This school emphasizes
on progressing from body footwork, movement and the
exercises to combat with ability to strike at ‘marmas’ in
weapons, and finally to
the opponent’s body, 108 of
unarmed combat.
which are lethally vulnerable.
Merit Of Practicing Kalarippayattu

One who practices Kalaripayattu

1. learns how to fight and defend oneself.
2. trains the body and mind together through the spiritual
nature of the art.
3. Once the body and mind are strong, the two are
synchronised into one channel, a crucial part of the
practitioner’s spiritual progress
H o w L o n g Wi l l I t Ta k e To L e a r n

The Basic syllabus takes about 3-6 months to complete.

The Intermediate syllabus takes about 1-2 years to complete.

The Advanced syllabus takes about 2-3 year to complete.

W h a t I s K a l a r i p a y a t t u Tr a i n i n g

Kalaripayattu training takes place inside

the ‘Kalari,’
The Kalari is usually a pit in the ground
which is designed to control the inside
temperature naturally, without being
affected by the weather outside.
Such a design also allowed secret
practice at the time of the British rule
when Kalaripayattu was not permitted.
Characteristics Of A
Kalaripayattu Practitioner

Discipline Humanity

Respect for the Guru Self effort and courage

Regular practice Search for peace

Strong body & mind Respect for tradition

Patience and Humility Patriotism

Weapons Of Kalaripayattu
Weapons Of Kalaripayattu
Weapons Of Kalaripayattu
Kalaripayattu Training

The syllabus consists of five levels, including basic,

intermediate, advanced, senior and instructor levels
Fir s t S te p s O f K a la r ip a y a ttu Tr a in i n g

Every student who wishes to start practising

Kalaripayattu attends an initiation with
Guruji. The student may then observe some
classes and afterward learn the basic
salutations that are performed each session.
After the mastery of these basic salutations,
the intensity of the Kalaripayattu training
gradually builds up
L e v e l s A n d We a p o n s O f K a l a r i p a y a t t u

Basic Level
Chuvadu (Salutation Forms)

Adithada (Unarmed Combat)

Pootu (Locks)

Valivu (Throws)
L e v e l s A n d We a p o n s O f K a l a r i p a y a t t u

Intermediate Level
In the intermediate level, the student learns to attain
agility, flexibility and coordination of body
movements through the above basic forms,
combinations and techniques on a higher level.
Additionally, the student learns:
Maypayattu (Flexibility Forms)
As well as the basics of Rad & Neduvadi (long
session staff/stick).
L e v e l s A n d We a p o n s O f K a l a r i p a y a t t u

Advanced Level
Blunt weapons Cheruvadi (Medium Stick)
Rad Veesh (Long Session Staff) Sharp weapons
Neduvadi (Long Stick) Kathi (Dagger)
Kuravadi (Short Stick) Kadara

L e v e l s A n d We a p o n s O f K a l a r i p a y a t t u

Senior Level
Valum (Long Sword) Churika (Medium Sword)
L e v e l s A n d We a p o n s O f K a l a r i p a y a t t u

Instructor Level
Valum (Long Sword)


Maru (Axe)

Urumi (Spring Sword)

Marmam & Chikitsa

Any Questions

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Office (+91) 4712232686
Mobile (+91) 7356659874, 9447564029

Dharmikam Ashram

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