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Purposive Communication

Christine Diane Galvan, CSPE, LPT

• Has affected us in numerous ways
• Airfare has become cheaper, and one can
travel internationally more than one could
in the past.
• Many Filipinos have decided to work or
live abroad, with some of them migrating
to other countries.
• The free trade of good and services all over
the world has brought multinational
companies and foreign investors over the
world has brought multinational companies
and foreign investors to our shores.
• Because of all these factors, it is imperative
to be aware of the differences between our
culture and the rest of the world’s culture.
• Because of the advent of the internet, the world
seems to be shrinking continually.
• One can communicate internationally in a
matter of seconds, whether one is sending an
email, chatting in social media, or sending a text
• One can read about different cultures, and have
access to films, academic papers, and the like
from countries around the world, and vice versa.
• Given this increasingly shrinking world,
one should know the difference between
the kind of English that we write and
speak, and the kind of Englishes that exist
outside of the Philippines.
1. Research about the Story of English.
How did it come to be a global lingua
franca or an international language?
2. Research about how English came to
have an official status in the Philippines.
3. How do you feel about the role and status
of English in the Philippines?

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