Speaking Unit 4:: Chocolate Describe A Friend

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Describe a friend
Chocolate Vocabulary Essentials
1. Have a sweet tooth
I have a sweet tooth, so naturally I love all sugary products.
2. Sugary products
I’ve been gaining weight lately, so it’s probably best to cut back on
sugary products.
3. Rich
I guess, for the most part, people like chocolate because of its rich
4. chocolate-flavored/ chocolatey
I’m a sucker for chocolate-flavored popsicles.
1. Do you like sweets or chocolate?
2. How often do you eat chocolate?
3. Is chocolate popular in your country?
4. Why do people like chocolate?
5. Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in
the past?
6. Is chocolate good for our health?
7. Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone?

1. Do you like sweets or chocolate?

Have a sweet tooth
-> I _________________, so naturally I love all sugary products.
Lean towards
-> however, I tend to _____________ chocolate
-> I guess it’s because I like the ______flavor of chocolate.

-> (opp.) candies have always tasted too sweet

for my taste
2. How often do you eat chocolate?

As you can guess, ... not very often

 chocolate is not really a _______ (=common food)
 >< it’s more like a ________on special occasions
 Example: Valentine’s Day
3. Is chocolate popular in your country?
 chocolate is quite _____ at the moment
An eclectic mix of A myriad of
 _________________ / ____________ imported brands selling
chocolate products
up and coming
 For ex: Marou, which is an ____________ chocolatier. They
reinventing chocolate with their products, which
really are ___________
range from powder to cracker.
4. Why do people like chocolate?
Chocolate’s popularity can be _____________ to a number of things.
 the flavor of chocolate can be really ____________
 It’s also a very ____________ gift, because chocolate is often
associated with romance and love.

Associated with: gắn liền với

5. Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?

- past: consumed it directly

- now: __________ chocolate _____many food products

incorporate into
-> ex: ingredient in baking / used as a _________
6. Is chocolate good for our health?

It depends
Watch it
- For the most part, if you don’t __________ and just eat however
much you want -> _______
in moderation do wonders for
- But if you consume chocolate _____________ -> _______________
your heart

Do sth in moderation: làm gì đó 1 cách điều độ

Do wonders for sth: mang lại kết quả kì diệu cho ai/ cái gì
7. Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone?
- Given the fact that I’m a boy/ a girl, I’m only used to giving
- Valentine’s Day -> a bar of chocolate can
make any girl’s day!
____________________ (make any girl happy)
Part 1
Describe a person
Describe a person who speaks a
foreign language

• who this person is

• what language he or she speaks
• how he or she learns the language
• why he or she is fluent in this language
who this person is
- close friend, named Long
-> we go back a long way since we were knee-high to a
-> maintain a close-knit relationship
-> (back totopic?) impressed with his language ability…
- what language:… he really excels at Japanese.

go back a long way: đã biết ai đó 1 khoảng thời gian rất dài

Be knee-high to a grasshopper: còn bé
what the language is
• Japanese popularity: Japanese is actually quite common -> given the
influence of
• - In light of the development/ proliferation of Japanese firms in Viet Nam
• -> knowing Japanese can improve your job prospect and give you an
edge over other applicants.
• difficulties: which I think is a very challenging language
• - it doesn’t use the alphabet, so you have to learn 3 new sets of
characters (logograms)
• - On top of this, the syntax is also radically different from Vietnamese ->
take a while to get accustomed to

Proliferation: sự sinh sôi, phát triển

Job prospect: triển vọng nghề nghiệp
Syntax: cú pháp/ ngữ pháp
how he or she learns
• He told me that he mastered Japanese using a number of methods.
• - For the most part, he took some lessons, but he was mostly self-
• - 2nd, he watched a lot of Japanese movies -> which really did
wonders for his listening comprehension.
• - 3rd, he also had the good fortune(~ was lucky enough) to travel to
Japan where he lived with a local family and spoke Japanese to native
speakers/ locals...
why he or she is fluent
- have a knack for languages -> learn vocab
more quickly/ Japanese is in his DNA/
comes naturally for him.
- hardworking/ a hard worker/ put in a lot
of hard work -> study Japanese for hours
on end

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