Unit 1: Starting Somewhere New

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Essential vocabulary
• Studying abroad
• Gain international recognized qualifications
• Broaden/ widen/ expand sb’s horizon
• Homeland
• Greater opportunities
• Offer better facilities and courses
• Open the door to better job opportunities
• To be accustomed to sth
Prestigious  /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/

EX: FTU is a prestigious university in Vietnam.

• Living on your own
• Homesick (adj) – homesickness (n)
VD: As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more
and more homesick.
As an international student, she had to suffer from
homesickness and loneliness in the 1st year of college.
• Encounter culture shock
• Adjust (v)
• custom (n)
Which reason for studying abroad would be
the most important for you?
Give you the opportunity to experience a different way
of living
Living on your own while studying abroad makes you more
independent (have to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and take
care of yourself)
Studying abroad
learn precious life lessons and practical skills (stress
management, time management, communication or
problem-solving skills -> important for future career

Recruiters tend to favour candidates graduating from an

Favor A over B international university over those who don’t have any
international qualification
What problems do you think students can face while
studying abroad and why?
You might encounter culture shock and other
culture-related problems
Living costs in some countries are very high =>
overseas students have to do a part-time job to pay
difficulties for their bills => affect their studies
struggling with the language of the country -> limit
student’s performance
experience feelings of frustration, loneliness and
have problems with paperwork such as visa
• Can you tell me how old you are?
• Great, and how long have you been here in ……?
• Where are you from originally?
• Can you tell me your current address, please?
• So I guess you must have a cell-phone number you can give
me so we can keep you informed of events and so on.
• Can you tell me what you do? Are you working or studying?
• Well, it would be good to know a bit about your free-time
interests as well. What do you like doing?

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