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Supply C hain Management Soluti ons | S A P Rural Sourcing Management

Promote Food Supply

Transparency and
Smallholder Welfare
Encourage Sustainability across the
Rural Sourcing Value Chain
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Addressing Key Challenges for
the Global Food Supply

World population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, 1

and we must double agricultural output per acre by then
to meet market demand. Meanwhile consumers
increasingly demand quality, traceability, and
sustainability in food production. We must reimagine
the business models that ultimately feed our bodies.
S A P is taking the lead with a socially responsible
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

soluti on that protects business value.

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1. World Population Prospects, United Nati ons, 2015,

E MPOWE RIN G T H E S M A L L H O L D E R 5.5 million smallholders. 3 The World As early as 2009, SAP
FA RME R Bank tells us that agriculture is the main identified a need to help
The need to boost food production is industry in sub-Saharan Africa, employing developing nati ons
already being addressed in developed 6 5 % of the labor force and accounting
improve crop quality
countries by powerful agribusinesses with for
ready access to the latest equipment and roughly one-third of gross domestic product. and producti on levels,
technologies. That means the greatest And challenges to agriculture abound in and we focused research
future increases in global output must come the region, where there is often only limited on enhancing food
from developing countries. Approximately access to potable water and sanitation. processing on the
5 0 0 million smallholder farms produce Close to 3 0 % of planti ngs succumb to smaller scales typical in
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

about 8 0 % of the food consumed in Asia disease, and younger generations leave
and sub-Saharan Africa, 2 and 9 0 % of the land to seek more lucrative employment
the world’s cocoa production comes from in other industries. 4

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2. Viewpoint: Smallholders Can Feed the World, International Fund for Agricultural Development, February 2011,
3. Cocoa Market Update, World C ocoa Foundation, 2014, f.
4. “Fact Sheet: The World Bank and Agriculture in Africa,” The World Bank,
In this economic climate, we need to help smallholder
farmers succeed. We need to encourage them to begin
to work collaboratively with their neighbors and other
stakeholders in the value chain by joining farming
cooperatives, for example. We must also bring them
access to machines and scientific know-how that can
improve their crop volumes – and to educational and
fi nancial services that can enhance their quality of life.
Figure 1 suggests an innovative way to rebuild the food
supply chain by focusing on small farmers.

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Cooperative Originator

and farm Agrilab equipment
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.


Figure 1: Farmer-Centric Rural Sourcing

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PROMOTIN G FAIR T R A D E empathy and responsibility. To protect our
At the other end of the value chain, 21st- planet wisely, we must act on the realization
century consumers insist on being able to that the fate of one person affects the fate of
trust the physical and social wholesome- all in our global economy. In the developed
ness of their food. They want to know that world, we must demonstrate our willingness
such products as coffee, chocolate, nuts, to compromise on price and convenience
and tropical fruit begin life in the hands of as necessary to promote social justice in
farmers who are fairly compensated for the form of fair trade with the developing
their labors. And they demand transparency world. A s markets respond to these con-
in the processes that bring these products cerns, fair trade sales are expected to
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

to their grocery shelves. increase exponentially in the next few

years. Retailers and manufacturers of
As we gradually recognize the vast cultural consumer products will place a high priority
and economic differences in the value on traceability of their ingredients and
chain, we must learn to respond with finished products.

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Innovating for the Success of
Sustainable Rural Sourcing
MOVING TOWARD M OBI LE Together, we funded research into When we help ensure
A G R I B U S I N E S S IN equatorial agribusiness with the support the future income of
AFRICA of the program run by the small farmers, we move
As early as 2009, S A P identified a need German Federal Ministry for Economic
the world closer to the
to help developing nations improve crop Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
quality and production levels, and we In the past, we worked with the African eradication of poverty –
focused research on enhancing food Cashew initiative to develop an innovative the first of the 17 United
processing on the smaller scales typical mobile app that records field transactions Nations sustainable
in Africa. We started with pilot implementa- involving small-scale producers and delivers development goals
tions in Ghana and Uganda, which over related data analyti cs. With support from and one that S A P
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

time have grown to include more than GIZ, the Uganda Coffee Farmers Alliance
wholeheartedly supports.
100,000 farmers. Our goal was to used this app to let managers record the
strengthen the value chain and promote quantity and quality of coffee supplied
African produce while enriching the lives from its growers, along with payment and
of smallholders with income security, logistics data. The individual transacti on
microfinancing, and education. data later served as proof of income to
increase the farmer’s access to formal
We also collaborated with the Deutsche financial services. 7 / 15
Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The SAP® Rural Sourcing Management solution is a
cloud-based technology for enhanced management of
sustainability data through digitally recorded information
on producers, their farms, and their communiti es at
every level of the value chain. Field agents collect data
on farmer registration, purchasing and processing of
produce, and transportation records. From the station
that collects the farmer’s output to the corporate
warehouse, the solution helps tighten links to keep the
value chain transparent and sustainable. Activity records
related to sustainability help assess individual farmer
and community requirements and deliver higher-quality
and higher-impact support. Adding to the features
accelerating smallholder access to existing services for
shipping and packaging, S A P plans future innovations
to track the use of seedlings, fertilizers, and training
offerings. 8 / 15
A D D R E S S I N G TWO Field
Far mer
technician Ag ronomist Customer admin

S A P Rural Sourcing
Management consists SAP ® Rural Sourcing Management soluti on S A P Rural Sourcing
(smar tphone client)
of two applications, one Management
(UI5 client)

designed for use in the

Master data impor t
field on mobile devices Offl ine OData (Microsoft Excel template)

and the other for use

in business offi ces on S A P Cloud Platf or m Mobile Ser vic es
S A P Cloud Platf or m
desktop computers.
Figure 2 presents a S A P Rural Sourcing Management OData services

sample architecture.
S A P Cloud Platf orm
ser vice

S A P H ANA® platf orm

Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture for S A P Rural Sourcing Management

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Farmer registrati on and Farmer surveys
master data
Generati ng Informati on in the Field
As cell-phone coverage continues to expand into remote
regions, people can use a combinati on of desktop and
mobile access to optimally generate, share, and use data,
Price information Farmer purchasing
fostering greater value for every member of the value
chain. The S A P Rural Sourcing Management mobile
app for field agents uses screens like those illustrated in
Figure 3 to support inclusive agricultural processes that
focus on and maintain traceability in direct procurement.
Certi fi cati on and Advances and
traceability payments

It runs on S A P Cloud Platform Mobile Services and

works offline, with bandwidth optimization, to help
users record and manage the following input: Transportati on Grading and quality
logisti cs indicators

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© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Figure 3: Sample Screens from the S A P Rural Sourcing Management Mobile App

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Outf itti ng Central Operati ons The functions of the desktop application
with Desktop Web A cc ess include data access management, price and
The desktop application in S A P Rural distribution information, and management
Sourcing Management takes advantage of master data related to organizations,
of advanced technology to cope with rural people, products, and certifications. It
infrastructures and deep analyti cs to features supply chain management with
increase the value of the mobile input. track-and-trace functionality and up-to-date
It runs on S A P Cloud Platform to supply visibility into storage and logistics. Desktop
field data to analysts in central processing users gain such benefits as more efficient
locations, for example, personnel in operations, direct exchange of information
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) with market participants, and the ability to

or agronomists in large corporations that respond quickly to quality and distribution
market products from the developing issues.

The greatest future increases in global output

must come from developing countries.
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Doing Good through
Better Business
Tran sacti onal S elf-service Geographical
Most people now accept that decisions made in our analyti cs analyti cs informati on displays
boardrooms can ultimately influence the health of the
world. Using the S A P Analytics Cloud solution hand in
hand with S A P Rural Sourcing Management can bring
top-level managers the information they need to make
choices that not only fine-tune their business models Geoanalyti cs Standard Informati on charts
and tracing geovisualizati on and dashboards
but also benefit humanity.

SAP Analytics Cloud helps with:

Defi niti on of sustain- K P I sharing with Integrati on with

S A P Analytics Cloud is powered by S A P Leonardo and ability key performance customers and Microsoft Excel
indicators (K P Is ) partners
can be enhanced with S A P Leonardo Analytics
capabilities, all of which adhere to high security standards.

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To date, S A P has begun agricultural TA L LY I N G T H E B E N E F I T S
sustainability initiatives in 9 countries Approaching digital transformation and supply chain
with a total of 17 supplier organizati ons and management with an eye toward sustainability is no longer
over 100,000 farmers. We have piloted the just a good-to-have option for appeasing consciences in
SAP® Rural Sourcing Management the developed world. If we are to continue to feed the
soluti on in versions for 10 languages and human population as it nears 10 billion at midcentury,
6 crops. Check here for more information we must begin today to ensure the success of even
on market trends and the S A P vision for the smallest farmer in the least hospitable and least
digital agribusiness. Please e-mail any developed region of the planet.
questions and comments on the software
to You can also
explore our full portfolio of solutions online at or through the S A P Soluti on
Explorer site.

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The S A P Rural Sourcing Management relevant information on modern equipment,
solution offers several ways to improve laboratory research, and emerging tech-
yields and lives. Large agribusiness nologies. They can more easily collaborate
companies can better target efforts in with peers and obtain income reports.
due diligence and farmer training. And With income reports in hand, smallholders
a supply chain that reliably links farm have access to microfinancing, which
and logistics processes can ensure full empowers them to invest in yields, for
traceability in foods for socially conscious example with seed advances. When we
end consumers and keep improvements help ensure their future income, we boost
in output – and quality of life – visible their chances of prosperity. And that
© 2017 S A P S E or an S A P affiliate company. All rights reserved.

from farm to fork. moves the world closer to the eradication

of poverty – the first of the 17 United
With this software in the hands of field Nati ons sustainable development goals
agents and on desktops at company office and one that S A P wholeheartedly
locations, rural farmers gain access to supports.

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St udio S A P | 52190enUS (17/09)

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