Consumer Value Hieraechy

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Guided by- Submitted by-
Dr. J.R dash Paresh sahoo
REG No-1861301069
Consumer value hierarchy
 Objective-
what is consumer value?
what is consumer value hierarchy?
what is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Five product levels?
What is consumer value?
 consumer Value is the perception of what a
product or service is worth to a
consumer versus the possible alternatives.
Worth means whether the Consumer feels she
or he got benefits and services over what she
or he paid.
 It is not only money spend to how benefit you

got, it is also customer service and important

of service.
Consumer value hierarchy
 It is a system which acted both large and
small industry.
 It determines the consumer satisfaction
 Business also focus not only profit also there

is repeat of sales and measure of loyalty.

 Consumer having gives many purchasing

 It provides a rubric for companies to achieve

that goal.
Maslow’s hierarchy
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in
physiological proposed or a theory of human
motivation in physiological review.

Physiological Needs
 The basic physiological needs are probably

fairly apparent—these include the things that

are vital to our survival. Some examples of
the physiological needs include:
 Food, Water, Breathing, Homeostasis
Security and Safety Needs

 The requirements start to become a bit more

complex. At this level, the needs for security and
safety become primary. People want control and
order in their lives, so this need for safety and
security contributes largely to behaviors at this
 Some of the basic security and safety needs

 Financial security
 Health and wellness
 Safety against accidents and injury
Social Needs
 The social needs in Maslow’s hierarchy include

such things as love, acceptance, and

belonging. At this level, the need for emotional
relationships drives human behavior. Some of
the things that satisfy this need include:
 Friendships
 Romantic attachments
 Family
 Social groups
 Community groups
 Churches and religious organizations
Esteem Needs
 At the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy is the
need for appreciation and respect. When the
needs at the bottom three levels have been
satisfied, the esteem needs begin to play a
more prominent role in motivating behavior.
 At this point, it becomes increasingly
important to gain the respect and appreciation
of others. People have a need to accomplish
things and then have their efforts recognized
Self-Actualization Needs
 At the very peak of Maslow’s hierarchy are

the self-actualization needs. "What a man can

be, he must be," Maslow explained, referring
to the need people have to achieve their full
potential as human beings.
 Self-actualizing people are self-aware,

concerned with personal growth, less

concerned with the opinions of others, and
interested fulfilling their potential.
 Maslow’s recognized that a normal person is
most likely to be working towards need
satisfaction on several levels at the same
time, and that rarely are all needs on a given
level fully satisfied. However , the hierarchy
indicates that the majority of needs on a
particular level must be reasonably well-
satisfied before a person is motivated at the
next higher level.

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