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For and Since

Teacher: Mervi Paola Buitron

• Ortega Montero Ahmed Enrique
• Arpasi Bejarano Carlos Alberto
• Amado Valderrama Raúl
• (16070133)
• Flores Maldonado Johanny Yaré
• Huaman Tambine Javier Iván (16070140)
For and Since
For is used with a period of time.

Structure (Present Perfect )

Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle Verb + for + Complement



 He has modified the reaction step on

the simulator for one hour.
(El ha modificado el paso de reacción en
la simulación durante una hora).
Structure (Present Perfect Continuous)

Subject + (have/has) + been + Verb-ing + for + Complement


 Production of Zinc in Perú has been increasing

for last decade.
(La producción de zinc en el Perú ha estado aumentando
durante la última década.)

 I've been developing the separation sequence

of an hydrocarbons mixture on Aspen Hysys.
(He estado desarrollando la secuencia de separación de
una mezcla de hidrocarburos en Aspen Hysys)
Since is used with a starting point of a period

since now
Structure (Present Perfect )

Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle Verb + since + Complement



 I have started showing interest in chemistry

since I took it in school.
(He comenzado a mostrar interés en la química desde que
lo tomé en la escuela.)
Structure ( Present Perfect Continuous)

Subject + (have/has) + been + Verb-ing + since + Complement


 We have been improving the results of our lab report

since yesterday.
(Hemos estado mejorando los resultados de mi informe de
laboratorio desde ayer)

 I’ve been watching process simulation short

lessons since last week.
(He estado viendo lecciones cortas de simulación de procesos
since last week.)
SINCE :When to use “since”
SINCE: Use “since” in present perfect and present perfect continuo and used to mark a
specific moment in time.
Since = “desde” o “desde que“



 I’ve lived here since I was a child.

(He vivido aquí desde que era niño).

 I’ve know Sasha since high shool.

(He conocido a Sasha desde secundaria).

 We have estudied Chemical Enginnering since 4 years.

(Nosotros hemos estudiado ingenieria química desde hace 4 años).
For: Use “for ” in perfect perfect and present perfect continuo and use over a
period of time.
For= “desde hace” o “durante”


 He has developed a chemistry thesis for 5 months.
( Ella ha desarrollado una tesis química durante 5 meses.)

 We have to designed a new reactor model for 1 year.

(Hemos diseñado un nuevo modelo de reactor durante un año).

 She has modified the chemical parameters for 1 year.

(Ella ha modificado los parámetros químicos durante un año.)
Seguido de un periodo de the coal industry has been
Periodo de
tiempo para decir cuánto going down for over 40 years
FOR dura algo, o por cuánto
tiempo ha estado
hace” He has been married for
ocurriendo algo.
five years.

Para hablar sobre el momento Biodiesel has been replacing oil

Momento concreto en el pasado. Con since since in Peru a decade ago
SINCE concreto podemos indicar cuándo empezó
“desde” algo que sigue teniendo una I have been sick since last
conexión con el presente. weekend.

 Chemical simple:
is a small part of an organism which is going to undergo
experimental testing and testing.

 Analyze:
Examine one thing in detail, separating or considering its parts

 Reactor:
is a team inside which a chemical reaction takes place.

 Oil:
It is a non-renewable resource that looks like oily liquid.

 Replace:
replace one thing with another.
 “For” and “since” are two words that we usually associate with the present perfect.
(“For” y “since” son dos palabras que solemos asociar con el present perfect)

 “Since” is used with specific dates, with specific periods of time. In Spanish we always find the
temporal adverb “Desde” followed by a date or a period.
("Since" se usa con fechas específicas, con períodos de tiempo específicos. En español siempre
encontramos el adverbio temporal "Desde" seguido de una fecha o un periodo)
 “For” is used when the exact time an action takes place isn’t known. In Spanish we find the
temporary adverb “Durante”, followed by a period of which we don’t know exactly the
beginning or the end.
(“For” se utiliza cuando se desconoce el momento exacto en que tiene lugar una acción. En
español encontramos el adverbio temporal "Durante", seguido de un período del cual no sabemos
exactamente el principio o el final)

 We must be careful when using "for" because many times in Spanish we don't need to use the
adverb “durante”, but it’s understood.
(Debemos tener cuidado porque muchas veces en español no necesitamos usar el adverbio
DURANTE, pero se sobreentiende)

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