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Good morning God’s people

Supply the missing words

1. Light camera_________
 Action

2. Out of the abundance of the heart mouth._________

 Speak
3. And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long and
 Louder
4. And it come to pass , that when Abraham’s servant heard
 Words
“Actions Speak
Louder Than Words”
There are 3 "A’s" of prince/princess

Actions – The manner or method of performing

Attitude- a feeling or way of thinking that affects a

persons behaviour

Appearance-The way that someone or something

In everything we do (which is the action), we have an
attitude to go along with it and there is also an
image(appearance) that we portray to those who see
the action. So these 3 A’s all go together. They are all
wrapped up in one.
Speaking or talking is an action. You know from
school that talk and speak are verbs (action words) so
talking/speaking is an action and the words we choose
to let come out of our mouths speak volumes of who
and what we are.
The very first thing we need to learn about is our
words (our tongue) because it is what usually causes
the most trouble.
James 3:2-12
James says that no man can tame the tongue and that it’s
full of deadly poison. But God is able to tame the tongue
and those of us who have the Holy Ghost should not use
our tongue to bless God and then curse men.
"think before you speak"
James 1:19—Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let
every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to
I challenge all of us to be swift to listen, slow to speak
and slow to wrath. Let’s stop and think before we
speak this week. We’ve asked to lord to help us with
this so let’s challenge ourselves this week and in weeks
to come to make sure only good things come out of
our mouths. The next time someone makes you mad,
or the next time you have the urge to name call. Stop
and think about it first and make the right choice of
Psalm 141:3
“Set a watch, O Lord, before my
mouth; keep the door of my lips.”

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