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Agile & DevOps

Arun Singh
Agile – What is ?
Agile Mindset
Agile Mindset(Contd.)
Waterfall Vs Agile
Waterfall Vs Agile (Contd.)
Overview – Agile vs Waterfall
Agile Core Value
Agile vs Traditional Development
Agile vs Traditional Development
Agile Methodologies
Agile Methodologies – RUP
Agile Methodologies – Scrum Life Cycle
Agile Methodologies – Kanban Rules
Compare Scrum with Kanban
Devops (Contd.)
Devops (Contd.)
Ingredients of Devops
Devops - Wonderful Experience

• Get Dev and Ops on same table

• Get QA to excel as successful DevOps

• Everyone in DevOps chain should have personal traits Dignity

• Embrace DevOps as Right Culture in your company

• Make DevOps a Mindset and not just a Process

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