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Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development


Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

 These slides are part of a training package that includes a
Trainers Manual, User Guidelines and a CD-ROM with
references and presentations
 The production of this package was commissioned in
2014 by the Office of the Prime Minister, as part of the
Northern Uganda Agriculture Livelihoods Recovery
Programme (ALREP)
 The training package was produced by consultants of the
Makerere University College of Agriculture and
Environmental Sciences
 The contents of the package do not necessary reflect the
views and opinions of the Government of Uganda and the
European Union

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development


 To share insights on how to develop
infrastructure sustainably by integrating
environmental issues into the planning,
implementation, supervision, monitoring, and
 Define infrastructure and relate the definition to
the infrastructure
 Examine how to achieve sustainable
infrastructure development
 Define your role in this process
 Perform an exercise to bring these aspects into

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

By the end of this session

you should be able to
• Explain how infrastructural development can lead to
sustainable development
• Develop and impacts analysis matrix of a given
infrastructural project
• Outline positive impacts associated with infrastructural
projects and how they can be enhanced
• Identify negative impacts associated with infrastructural
projects and propose mitigation measures
• Explain how you play a role is minimizing negative
environmental and social impacts associated with
infrastructural projects

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

Exercise: think of the impacts of the

activities shown in the pictures

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

What is ‘sustainable’?
The Bruntland Commission (1987) defined sustainability
“…development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs" …
Sustainability comprises a variety of perspectives:
o Ecology,
o Economy,
o Social,
o Resource conservation,
o Reuse, etc.

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

Sustainability… Example
 What do we mean by the safe yield of a
water source?
 It is the amount of water an aquifer or well
can yield for consumption without producing
unacceptable negative effects to the aquifer
and the environment.
 For a river/stream safe yield represents the
minimum flow rate that will guarantee no
risk to the river hydrology and its
 Safe yield is estimated so as to check
whether the planned withdrawal for water
supply purposes will be safeguarded in the
long run for purposes of sustainability!
 The amount of water withdrawn should not
exceed the natural recharge.

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

Your role in sustainable

Most infrastructural developments have
positive BUT also negative impacts. You
need to
enhance the positive impacts
mitigate/minimize the negative impacts
find alternatives if the impacts are severe
and cannot be mitigated.
Group work: what are examples of
beneficial processes of handling municipal
organic solid wastes and what are the
products from those products?

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

Sustainability… Example (2)

 We need roads, BUT a road construction project may displace
people, with potential economic & social risks, e.g.
 Loss of land,
 Loss of employment
 Loss of shelter
 Marginalization (reduced economic mobility)
 Increased morbidity and mortality
 Greater food insecurity
 Loss of access to common property/services
 Social disarticulation (break-up of community organizations and
other groups.
 All of the impacts have to be evaluated in order to find and
implement mitigation measures.
 If mitigation measures can’t be implemented, alternatives to the
development should be sought.

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

What are other possible negative

impacts of infrastructure projects?

 Construction of any kind, will require

materials (timber, logs/poles; mining of
building sand; aggregates; use of top
soil and clays for bricks) Biodiversity loss
 Increased water run-off from hard
What are possible impacts of activities
mentioned above?

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

Possible impacts of an infrastructure

Project component: Could be some infrastructural Phase: Construction phase
development, e.g. building a dam
Issue Potential Impact (Examples) Type and Rating Extent Duration
Air pollution Emissions from construction equipment Direct, Minor Limited Temporary
and project vehicles.
Noise pollution Intermittent noise from construction. Direct, Moderate Limited Temporary
Equipment and heavy project vehicles.
Water pollution Water pollution from dredging activities, Direct, Major Limited Temporary
accidental spillage of fuel and lubricants.

Water levels Water levels of lakes and rives may be Direct, Major Wide Short to Long
affected by construction of impoundment term
weirs and reservoirs.
Soil erosion and Inappropriate construction practices and Direct, Major Limited Temporary
contamination soil protection measures which may
induce or accelerate soil erosion with
possible pollution and siltation of
downstream water source.
Solid waste Domestic waste from camps be an eye Direct, Moderate Limited Temporary
generation sore and may contaminate soil and water

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development

Possible impacts of a infrastructure

project (2)
Project component: Could be some infrastructural development, Phase: Construction phase
e.g. building a dam
Type and
Issue Potential Impact (Examples) Extent Duration
Impacts on flora Loss of wetland plants and associated fauna; Cleared Direct, Minor Limited Temporary
and fauna vegetation may compromise aesthetic value of the
Public Safety Increase in the likelihood of accidents within and Direct, Limited Temporary
including around the vicinity of work areas from possible Moderate
accidents careless driving of project vehicles.
Public health Pools of stagnant water may form in pits, holes and Direct, Major Wide Permanent
problems excavated ditches and create suitable habitats for
disease vectors such as malaria
Occupational Exposure of workers to occupational health and safety Direct, Limited Temporary
health and safety hazards from activities such as: excavations; working Moderate
with heavy equipment; working under noisy
conditions, working in confined spaces; lifting of heavy
objects; storage, handling and use of hazardous
substances and wastes
Disruption of Influx of people in the area which may affect the local Direct, Minor Limited Temporary
social order economy, cause alteration of culture and introduce
behavioural changes.
Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European
Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development


Issue Description of mitigation measures
Solid waste
generation  The Contractors should prepare a Solid Waste Management Plan which should contain:
i) An inventory of the types and quantities of waste to be produced, including their
hazard class; and an assessment of any opportunities for reducing solid waste
generation, especially hazardous and undesirable persistent and non-reusable waste
 Waste types should be managed in terms of storage, transport and final destination,
with reuse, recycling/recovery and disposal and/or incineration considered as its last
 Records of types, quantities, origin, (temporary) storage, transport and
elimination/reuse of solid waste should be kept and made available to the works
supervisor upon request, as proof of proper waste management practices.
 Only sites gazetted by the municipality should store wastes.
 Filling material should as much as possible be obtained from excavated soils, which
when contaminated should be disposed of as waste material at appropriate approved
 Uncontaminated top soil should be kept in separate piles and reinstated after refilling
of trenches.
 Excavated soil should be contained to avoid wash out and erosion.
 Use licensed recycling/waste disposal companies to externally recycle, recover or
dispose off waste.
 Temporary storage of contaminated soils on site should be designed and implemented
so as to minimize underground pollution.

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 1013

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development


Air pollution Pollution as a Maintain vehicle and -Record of 3,000,000 36,000,000
result of equipment according to repairs monthly p.a.
emissions from manufactures’ -Fuels and
construction specifications. lubricants
vehicles and Use standard fuel and conforming to
equipment lubricants. specifications.

Sprinkle dust to reduce -Record of 300,000 3,600,000 p.a.

and prevent dust during water monthly
dry weather periods. sprinkling

Clean access routes in -Record of 600,000 7,200,000 p.a.

surrounding area on a cleaning monthly for
daily basis to prevent salaries

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development


How do you participate in the EIA process?

Review of ToRs, project briefs and EIS
Identification of impacts and their mitigation measures
Proposition of alternatives to developments
Monitoring compliance both during the development
(including construction) as well as in Operation and
Maintenance (O & M).

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund
Module 2 session 5: infrastructure development



Consider infrastructure types (roads, water

sources, buildings, cattle crushes
In groups, answer the following questions:
 What could be the impacts of such developments?
 What could be the mitigation measures?
 Are all mitigation measures possible to implement? If not,
what could be the alternatives to the project?
 Draw an Environmental Management Plan of impacts,
mitigation measures, frequency of actions to mitigate impacts
and costs of impact mitigation.

Makerere University College of Agricultural and Funded by the 10th European

Environmental Sciences Development Fund

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