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Brief Overview of

L e a d e r i n S m a r t U r b a n I n f r a s t r u c t u r e A u t o m a ti o n

© 2019 Quantela Inc

About Quantela

Presence Employees Deployments Indian Smart Cities

USA, Canada, 200+ 40+ 10+ and growing

Europe, Kenya, Deployments
India and Singapore

© 2019 Quantela Inc

Solution Landscape

At la nti s Pl atf o rm

Smart Parking Smart Lighting Smart Traffic Smart Environment C is co K in eti c fo r C iti e s

Waste Mgmt. Crowd Mgmt. Citizen Engmnt. Smart Kiosk Urban C i ti z e n

Planning Engagement
and and
O p e r a ti o n s Experience

Safety & Security Smart Transport ERP Cross Domain Solutions

© 2019 Quantela Inc

Product Portfolio
| Open Data | | Unified view |
| Out-of-the-box Algorithms | | Sensor Data Aggregation |
| Offerings of Pre-packaged Solutions | | Open Ecosystem |
| Real-time compute and visualization | | Reference Dashboard |
| Configuring the data solutions | | Standard Operating Procedure Support |
| Remotely monitor, control and manage City’s infrastructure | | Video Wall Support |
| Analytics based on policies | | Provider Connectivity Monitoring Support |
| Open Innovation | | Security and Data Sovereignty|

Atlantis CKC
(Cisco Kinetic for Cities)

© 2019 Quantela Inc

Thank You

© 2019 Quantela Inc

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