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Evans Tries An O-Level

Objective: To make the students

aware of the theme and plot of
the chapter.
RE Tools : IT, Artist Image, Think,
Share @ Pair.
Material required: PPT, Pictures,
Chart etc.
Norman Colin Dexter
Born - September 29th ,1930
Stamford , United Kingdom
Crime writer : contemporary
Before You Read

 Should criminals in prison be

given the opportunity of
learning and education?
While You Read
Read Ideas & not words
Read in context
Learn to read & read to learn
 Software(Mind it) Hardware(of
1 Predict 1 Point of View
2 Question 2 People
3 Visualize 3 Place
4 Connect 4 Plot
5 Evaluate 5 Pith
! Evans - extra - ordinarily clever !

1. O – Level - Ordinary Level ( the lowest of three

levels of standardized British Exam in a secondary
school subject)

Other Levels

2. A – Level - Advanced Level

3. S – Level - Scholarship Level

Point of View
Narrative styles-who is
telling us d story

 Third Person Point Of View

 Author’s point of view
The Secretary of the Examination Board
2. The Governor of HM Prison Oxford
3. James Roderick Evans
4. Evans German Teacher from so-called Technical College(actually his
5. Jackson-Senior Prison Officer , HM Prison Oxford
6. Stephens-Newly recruited Prison officer
7. Reverend Stuart Mcleery-Parson from St. Mary Mags Church as
Invigilator in conducting Exam
8. Mr Carter , Detective Superintendent
9. Chief Inspector Bell from St Aldates Police Station
10. Evans accomplice acting as Mcleery & also as Driver of Prison Van,
having Broad Scott Accent
11. Evans accomplice –pretty Blonde Receptionist in Golden Lion Hotel
12. Evans accomplice acting as Silent Prison officer at d end of story
13 So-called Assistant Secretary(actually Evans accomplice) of the
Exam Board providing Correction Slip
Evans : What a actor of a
character !
 No serious criminal record
 Congenital kleptomaniac
 Pleasant sort of chap (by Governor)
 Evans the jail break(prison officers call)
 Our little Einstein (by Jackson)
 Mathematician ( by Stephens)
 Insight into human psychology
Evans Accomplice
1. So called German Teacher from so – called
Technical college .
2. Man with Broad Scott Accent impersonating as
Mcleery – parson from St. Mary Mags acting
as Invigilator , and also Driver of prison van in
the end of the story .
3. Pretty Blonde Receptionist at Golden Lion
Hospital .
4. Man acting as Silent Prison Officer of the
Prison van at the end of the story.
Pretty Blonde Receptionist at
Reception in Golden Lion
(Evans Accomplice)
Prison Officers
Mr. Jackson Mr. Stephens
 Displays Π ww 1. Newly recuited
Medals on his Chest 2. Burly – surly looking
 Tiny core of
comparison in heart
 Addresses Evans as
old son
 Senior Prison Officer
on the D-wing in HM
oxford prison
 Warm enemy with
Governor :HM Prison,Oxford
 Good –for-a –giggle,
gullible Governor

Governor sitting in Evans

Hotel Room in Golden Lion
(catches him)
1. HM Prison, Oxford
2. Evans Cell in HM Prison Oxford
3. Elsfield Way : where Exam Board is
4. Redcliffe Hospital : where injured
Mcleery is to be taken in Ambulance
5. Newbury : where Evans is supposed to be
6. (middle of)Chipping Norton : where Hotel
Golden Lion lies
sequence of Events
1. Exam fixed
2. Evans Cell turned into Exam centre
3. Exams conducted
4. Evans Escape
5. Alert sounded, Police comes into action
6. Governor catches Evans in Golden Lion
7. Evans escapes again in Prison Van with d
help of his accomplice
 Never be over – confident
 Never under – estimate your enemies
 Battle of wits between crime and
 Hasty conclusions blurs clear thinking /
evident facts
 How the prisoner outsmarts the prison –
 Try try again till you succeed
Exam Fixed!
(in early March)
 Examination: German O-Level Exam
 Day n Date: Tuesday 8th June
 Time: 9.15 A.M.—10.15 A.M.(started 10 min. late)
 Venue: Evans Cell
 Candidate:1-James Roderick Evans
 Invigilator: Parson Mcleery from St. Mary Mags
 Preparation : got individual tuitions from German
tutor since last Sept. : Night Classes
 Sponsored by : HM Prison, Oxford Authorities
Evans –D Great Manipulator
 Evans Make-up  Things he
Material brought by managed/provided
his accomplice with:
impersonating as
Mcleery: 1. Razor Blade
2. Grey Regulation
1. False Beard Blanket
2. a pair of spectacles 3. Filthy looking red n
3. a dog collar white woolen Bobble
4. sticking plaster Hat
5. a dog collar
Evans Cell Searching/Exam Room Setting

 Things Removed:  Room set/things added

1. Two small square table set
between Bunk n distempered
1. Razor 2. Two hard chairs
3. Cell bugged(small listening
2. Nail Scissors
device concealed)
3. Nail-file
4. Paper-Knife
Time – Line
Exam Conduct and
DATE- 8:30 PM German Teacher wishes
good luck (8:15 AM –
Monday, 7 June Steady drizzle).

Mr. Jackson and Mr.

Stephens visits Evans
cell inspects and exam
- 8:30 AM sitting arrangements
Tuesday, 8 June made .
Time Happening Incidents
DATE – 8:45 AM Reverend Stuart Mcleery left
his bachelor flat in Broad
Tuesday , 8 June Street and Stepped out
briskly towards Carfax.

DATE – 9:10 AM Receiver switched on by

Tuesday, 8 June Governor (Evans cell bugged)

Governor calls Jackson to

DATE- 9:12 AM examine Mcleery (Stephens
Tuesday, 8 June examines him).
Small Brown Suitcase
1. Sealed Question paper Envelope .
2. A yellow Invigilation form .
3. A special authentication card from
Exam Boards.
4. Paper knife .
5. Bible .
6. Current copy of The Church Times .
Time Happening Incidents
DATE -9:25 AM Exam starts (10 minutes late).
Tuesday , 8 June

DATE – 9:40 AM Assistent Secretary ,

Tuesday , 8 June Examinations Board , told
for correction slip.
Governor fears fake
call(Escape Location –
Golden Lion informed)
Where to Slip (i.e. escape)

 German wording corrected to :Zum golden Lowen

Actually implies Golden Lion Hotel
□ Answer Sheet Codes:
Paper Index No-313
Centre No-271
which implies six figures-313/271 referring to
middle of chipping Norton as per Ordnance Survey Map of
ESCAPE LOCATION-Golden Lion in d middle of Chipping
Happening Incidents
DATE -10:45 AM Stephens looks through peep –
hole at 1 minute .Intervals
Tuesday , 8 June found Evans having pen
between his lips , Staring.
DATE – 10:50AM
Tuesday , 8 June Governor overhears Evans
seeking permission from
Invigilator to put on grey
regulation blanket around
his shoulders.
Stephens looks through peephole at 1
min. intervals into Evans cell-finds him
sitting having pen between his lips
Time Happening Incidents
DATE -10:51AM Stephens sees Evans in
Tuesday , 8 June blanket , still staring.

DATE – 11:20AM
The Receiver crackled
Tuesday , 8 June again in Governor
chamber . Mcleery
informed Evans that only
five minutes remained.
Time Happening Incidents
Jackson shouted along the
DATE -11:22 AM
corridor to Stephens .
Tuesday , 8 June Governor ordered
Stephens to accompany
Mcleery to the main
prison gates .(Fake call)
DATE – 11:25AM The Governor heard the
final exchange between
Tuesday , 8 June Mcleery and Evans.
Examination over.
3.8 %Trisodium citrate

Pig’s Blood from Slaughter House of Kidlington

brought in smallish semi-inflated rubber ring (sitting
purpose) on the pretext of suffering from
Haemorrhiods :Mcleery Suitcase item
Detective Superintendent Carter in White Police Car-
swings into action-Evans Search on;
Drops injured Mcleery near exam Board on Elsfield
Way to be picked up by Radcliffe Hospital Ambulance
Ambulance suppose to pick injured Mcleery(Evans)
from Elsfield Way to Radcliffe Hospital but Evans
impersonated as Mcleery slips away
Evans Has the Last Laugh
One-line Summary of the Story:

The theme of the story is a clever escape planned by a

convict on the pretence of taking a language exam in the
prison. The convict even after being caught, still has the
last laugh and makes his escape.
Comprehension Check
Q1 :Give the brief character-sketch of Evans?

Q2: Mention few precautions taken in the conduct of the Exam?

Q3: How the governor tracks him down?

Q4: How Evans manages to escape?

Q5: Give the brief summary of the story.

It’s not the end,
it’s the beginning
Read to enjoy the story

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