Appropriate Technology (CBTP-phase 2) : Jimma University

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( CBTP-phase 2)
Evaluation (tentative)
 Class participation and quiz-30%
 Assignment-30%
 Final exam -40%

BY: Mohammed.y &Rihana.I
1. Community Based Education, CBE

 Community Based Education:- is an innovative educational curriculum in which the community

is extensively used as a learning environment.

 As a learning philosophy CBE uses community as a learning environment, the students and

instructors of the institution are offered a unique opportunity

to understand the technological, social, economic environment for better interaction

to correlate theoretical knowledge with practice

asses the needs of the community and develop problem solving ability

to acquire lifelong interest to issues of societal development

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All colleges of the university are currently implementing the philosophy with each college having its own

CBE coordinating office including the college of public health and medical sciences.


     Identify the study community 

 Develop investigation tools 

 Gather data 

 Process and analyze data 

 Prioritize problems 

 Draw action plan 

 Carry out intervention 

 Evaluate and monitor the intervention 

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Why community based education??

 There is a high demand to change theoretical knowledge to


 expose students to the real world

 gives students a sense of responsibility and accountability

 makes students active learners than passive knowledge


 it equips students with practical skill to solve problems

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  What are the strategies of CBE

 Community Based Training Program, CBTP

 Team Training Program, TTP [DTTP]

 Student Research Program, SRP

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Attempt all the
in 15 minutes
(15 %)
1. what the word CBE stands for ?
2. in which Kebele you were assigned CBTP- phase 1
3. what is the name of CBTP-phase-I?
4. what is the purpose and objective of CBTP-I?
5. list down what you did in CBTP-I ?
6. what were your conclusion and Recommendation
during reporting of CBTP-I

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Appropriate Technology, AT

 In the context of this handout the terms AT, Intermediate

Technology, Community Technology and Village Technology

are treated as comparable and can be used interchangeably.

 Appropriate Technology or Village Technology is a small - scale

technology aimed primarily at meeting the basic needs of the

rural and urban poor in the developing countries (UNICEF)

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Criteria for A Technology to be Appropriate

 For a technology to be appropriate for a particular

situation, it should fulfill the following criteria.
 Meet the technical requirements of the situation

 Meet the social requirements of the situation

 Meet the economic requirements of the situation

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1. Technical Requirement
Using local material & power sources

Make use of and build on locally understood technologies

Using techniques already proven locally or elsewhere

Product produced is acceptable, adequate for market, reliable in

operation, low in maintenance cost and simple to repair

Meet local climate & geographic requirement

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2. Social Requirement
Involve local people

Use existing or easily developed skills

Create job opportunity

Offer on a continuing basis, greater or expanding job prospects

Minimizing the need for movement of labor

Encouraging regional & rural development

Doing little damage to the physical environment as possible

 Avoiding disturbance to or violation of local custom, traditions & beliefs.

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3 . Economic Requirement
Minimizing in particular the need for investment requiring hard currency

Yielding a product competitive in price with that resulting from an

alternative choice of technology

Integrating the producers more to the national monetary system.

Ensuring that the use of the investment is compatible with local, regional

and national development plans

Ensuring that the main economic beneficiaries are the local people

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Be in pair and attempt
the Questions Question-2
in 15 minutes (15 %)

1. For the problems that you are identified in CBTP-I depending up

on the criteria that we discussed above prioritize the problem??

Problem  Magnitud Feasibility Severity Community Time and Resource Total
No. Concern Availability
Description e

Lack of proper 2 1 3 2 2 10
domestic solid

Scale: 1 – Poor, 2 – Medium, 3 – High

2. from the above listed problems select three of them and write
their root cause?

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Cont. …..
Aims of AT

 The provision of employment and creation of work places where the people

 The provision of goods for local market.

 The substitution of local goods for the previously imported ones.

 The use of local resources i.e., labors, materials etc.

 The provision of community service including health, water, sanitation,

housing, roads and education.

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Cont. …..
Sources of Ideas and Information on AT
 Traditional and indigenous technologies and practices either modified and
improved or transplanted to new areas.

Old technologies & techniques revived (Victorian Engineering).

Modern industrial processes modified and reduced in scale.

New ideas appropriate but exploiting advanced material and technique.

The “Do it yourself” industry.

Introducing from other countries who possess them.

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Cont. …..
Areas of Application of AT

In all aspects of development, technical problems need technical solutions that are simple and especially in

developing countries.

AT has been understood to cover the provision of solutions to all basic human needs. In particular it includes:
Foods, Agriculture,


Water and health,

Energy, and construction

Building, Medical, roads and other services,

Small industry ,

Education and development.

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Cont. …..
Current Problems of Developing Countries

Many development problems in developing countries are rooted in complex multi-faceted

issues, related to scientific & non-scientific as well as technological & non-technological


The following are the main problems of developing countries

 Shortage of food

 Lack of adequate & clean water

 Shelter/ housing problem

 Lack of sanitary & waste disposal facilities

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Cont. …..
 Lack of adequate, clean, environmentally friendly &
efficient power & energy source.
 Lack of adequate transportation infrastructure &
 Unemployment & under employment
 Slow development of agricultural & industrial sectors

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Assignment (min project)(30%)
1. For the problems that you are prioritized and ranked in
Question-2 above provide an appropriate technology and
the way how you proceed the A.T. for handling the

 Submission date one day before final exam.

 submitted to course instructors.
 be in a group of 10 student .
 N.B there will presentation after submission

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See the hand out prepared for AT. Of
 Compressed and Stabilized Earth Block
 Mud Block Production

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