Liberia Every Newborn Action Plan GGCHT Presentation

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Grand Gedeh Presentation

County background

Ground Gedeh County is one of Liberia’s largest County in the south-eastern

region with the population of 156,140. The County has six (6) Health
Districts, 24 health Facilities, including 2 health centers, one referral hospital,
216 TTMs 218 CHAs, 70 CHVs, 25 CHSSs
Activities already implemented
Activities already implemented Partners Status Resources Needed
these activities
Routine Immunization in some HF UNICEF/WHO Ongoing • Need 9 functional fridges for
(Karlowleh, KHC, Boundary, MTMH
OPD, Galapo, CKC, Tuzon, Goleken &
Toffoi Clinic)
• Need complete immunization
activities in Gboe Geewon health

Integrated out reach activities FARA/GAVI/WHO/ Ongoing • Gasoline and lubricants

UNICEF • Lunch for service providers
• Functional bike for outreach
iCCM activities beyond 5 km UNICEF/LMH Ongoing • Regular and adequate supplies of
iCCM commodities
Community Household registration UNICEF Ongoing • Need Open SPR Supervisors
under the CFC-RTM Open SPR • Timely gasoline support for
Activities already implemented
Activities already implemented Partners Resources Needed
these activities

Training of Clinicians Task sharing Maternal Child Ongoing • Essential Drugs and medical
Advocacy equipment
International • Tele-education for service providers

TTMs referral Community / FARA Ongoing • Timely TTM motivation package

Mentoring and coaching for service GGCHT Ongoing • Lunch, gasoline and other lubricants
providers on newborn care and EPI for supervisors
Nutrition awareness and growth UNICEF Ongoing • Lunch, gasoline and other lubricants
monitoring under the Randomized Cash for supervisors
Transferred Pilot project in 45
Activities already implemented
Activities already implemented Partners Resources Needed
these activities

Assignment of 2 Obstetric Complication MCAI Completed • Emergency Obstetric Complication

and 1 Newborn Clinicians medical and non medical equipment

2 OB Clinician and 1 Neonatal Clinician MCAI Ongoing • Emergency Obstetric Complication

undergoing internship medical and non medical equipment

Maternal Awaiting construction Community/LMH/ • Need construction of maternal

completion in Konobo Health Center Putu Iron Ore awaiting home 22 other health
and Putu Pennoken Clinic facilities not mentioned as having
maternal awaiting home

Mass MUAC Screening in all 250 UNICEF Not ongoing • Lunch, gasoline and other lubricants
communities in Grand Gedeh for supervisors and CHVs
Activities already implemented
Activities already implemented Partners Status Resources Needed
these activities

Maternal and Newborn death audit FARA Ongoing  Lunch and gasoline supplies

TTM network meeting in Konobo Gbao LMH Not ongoing  Gasoline support for Failitators
• Lack of motor bikes and limited supply of gasoline
• Untimely supply of iCCM commodities
• Limited fridges in county (Need 10 functional fridges for (Karlowleh,
KHC, Boundary, MTMH OPD, Galapo, CKC, Tuzon, Goleken, Gboe clinic
& Toffoi Clinic)
• Delay in incentive payment for CHAs and CHSSs in the unicef manage
• Lack of computer for CHFP and CSFP
Way forward/Recommendation
 Timely support to the NCHA program
 Provision of fridges to the 10 Health Facilities
 Provide computer for CHFP and CSFP

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