Week2 - The Alphabet (Spelling) and Numbers 0-20 - Things in The Classroom

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English I

English I
Week 2
Week 2: The Alphabet – Numbers – Things in th classroom

Learning achievements/Objectives Contents

• Deletrea su nombre y apellido usando el • The Alphabet -Spelling

Alfabeto en Inglés.
• Numbers 0-20.
• Cuenta del 0 al 20 en Inglés utilizando los
• Things in the classroom
números aprendidos en clase.
• Reconoce y nombra los objetos del salón de
clase en Inglés utilizando los vocablos

Look at the video and answer:

• Do you know the alphabet in English?

• Can you say the alphabet in English?


Recuperado de : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwdHDODRkDk
The Alphabet

The alphabet is important

because,we can spell our
names,last names,mails,etc
Pay attention

First name?
How do you SPELL your… Last name?

Then, in pairs ask and spell your names, last names and e-mails.
Look at the video and answer:

• Do you know the Numbers in English?

• Can you count from 0 to 20?

Today, we are going to learn numbers in

English from 0 to 20.

Numbers 0 - 20
Things in the classroom

• Look at the picture and answer:

*What is it?
*What can you see?
Things in the classroom
Things in the classroom

Now, listen and repeat.


• Why the alphabet is important for

• Can you count numbers from 0 to
20 in English?
• Describe the things in your
Pairwork: Ask and spell your names, last names and e-mails.
Class Activity 1

Unscramble the letters and write the number.

Ehret ___________________________ ________

Tefnfie __________________________ ________
Ewelvt ___________________________ ________
Gheeneit _________________________ ________
Xsi __________________________ ________
Neo __________________________ ________
Nnsveeete ______________________ ________
Ufor __________________________ ________
Class Activity 2
Look and complete these things in the classsroom.

1.What is this? 2.What is this?

It’s a…. It’s a….

3.What is this? 4.What is this?

It’s …. It’s ….

Then, in pairs ask and answer about these things in the class.

• To spell our name,last names and email is

important to learn the Alphabet in
• To say our ages, phone numbers and
address ,we can use numbers in English.
• To name the things you have around the
class you can use the things in the
classroom in English learned.
Virtual Activity

Enter the virtual platform, and follow the


• Look at the video:


• Then, spell and write your name, last name

and your e-mail. (Upload to the platform)

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