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to Numerical Analysis)
Why we Study Numerical Computing?
 What is meant by numerical computation?
 Definition (Numerical Analysis or Scientific Computing):The study of
approximation techniques for numerically solving mathematical
 What is a numerical study?
 Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation
(as opposed to general symbolic manipulations) for the problems of mathematical
 analysis (as distinguished from discrete mathematics).
 What is a numerical solution?
 Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations are methods used to find
numerical approximations to the solutions of ordinary differential equations
(ODEs). Their use is also known as "numerical integration", although this term is
sometimes taken to mean the computation of integrals.
 What is numerical method?
 In numerical analysis, a numerical method is a mathematical tool designed to
solve numerical problems. The implementation of a numerical method with an
appropriate convergence check in a programming language is called a numerical
Why we Study Numerical Computing?
 Why numerical methods are used?
 Most mathematical models used in the natural sciences and engineering are
based on ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and
integral equations. Numerical methods for solving these equations are
primarily of two types.
 What is analytical solution and numerical solution?
 Analytical is exact, numerical is approximate. For example, some differential
equations cannot be solved exactly (analytic or closed form solution) and we
must rely on numerical techniques to solve them
 What is the difference between numerical methods and numerical
 Numerical methods refer to “methods” (like algorithms) that can be used to
solve certain mathematical problems (like ODE's or PDE's) in a “numerical”
fashion. ...Numerical analysis refer to using the developed methods to
“analyze” a particular physical problem of interest.
Why we Study Numerical Computing?

 What is the use of numerical computing?

 Solving differential and integral equations. Most mathematical models used in
the natural sciences and engineering are based on ordinary differential
equations, partial differential equations, and integral equations. Numerical
methods for solving these equations are primarily of two types.
 Numerical Computing has developed in the middle of 20 th century. It plays an
important role in Scientific research.
 “Numerical computing is the study of algorithm that use numerical
approximations for the problems of mathematical analysis.”
Applications of Numerical Computing
 Numerical Computing is the area of mathematics and computer science.
 Numerical computing occur throughout the natural sciences, engineering ,
medicine and business also.
 In this way, we use operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
and also comparison.
 One of the basic problem in science and engineering in the computation of
root of an equation whether it is linear or non-linear.
 Numerical analysis deals with methods of which errors in computation is
reduced to a minimum.
 With the advent of computers the demand for numerical methods increased
rapidly in the applications to engineering and scientific fields.
How to solve a problem using a computer?
 In order to solve a given problem using a computer, the major steps involved
are :
 Choosing an appropriate numerical method
 Designing an algorithm
 Programming
 Computer execution
 “Numerical method as a mathematical formula for finding the solution to a
given problem.”
 Various computer based numerical methods such as, Bisection method,
Regula-False method, Method of Iteration/Fixed-point iteration method,
Newton-Raphson method, Muller method, Chebyshev’s method, Graffe’s root-
squaring method and Bairstow method for solving an algebraic or
transcendental equation. One should choose an appropriate method, which is
best in the given situation.
 After choosing a particular method for solving a problem, we should write
down the sequence of steps to be followed in order, to obtain the solution.
This is called designing an algorithm.
 “If equations involving polynomial, rational and irrational functions”
 “If equations involving Trigonometric, Inverse, Logarithmic and Exponential
 The number of positive, negative and imaginary roots of an algebraic equation
with real coefficient can’t exceed the number of changes in sign of the
coefficients in the polynomial .
 If is a real valued continuous function in the closed interval or . If and
have opposite signs, then the graph of the function
 crosses the X-axis at-least once.
 i.e. has at-least one root zi such that or (a, b).
 “The method required no knowledge of the initial approximation of a root of
the equation .”
 “The method do require first approximation to initial iteration”.
 We can find the approximate value of the root of either by a graphical or by an
analytical method.
 Step-I : Find a small interval (a, b) between which the root of the equation lies.
 Step-II : The equation can be re-written as .The first approximation to a root
of can be taken as the abscissa of the point of intersection of the graphs of
 e.g. , It can be written as .
 Step-III : Prepare two tables for and taking the values of x between a and b.
 Step-IV : Plot these points and join them to get smooth curves, then we will
draw the graphs of and i.e. and
 Step-V : Note down the abscissa of the point of intersection of the curves
and .This is the required root of the equation .

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