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Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi.

Lecture 01
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 2

Engineering Economics
(HUM-201) (3+0)

Batch : 2019
Fall 2020
Subject Teacher : Engr. Motia Rani
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 3

Text Book
• Engineering Economy,
By WG Sullivan, EM Wicks & CP koelling,
14th Edition

• Engineering Economy
By Leland Blank & Anthony Tarquin,
Latest Edition
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 4

• Introduction to Management and Economics,
• Trends of Management,
• Principles of Management,
• Views of Management,
• Economy and its types,
• Introduction to Engineering Management,
• Levels of Management,
• Organization and its Types,
• Five Ms,
• Engineering Decision Making and Economic Implications,
• Management skills,
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 5

• Engineering Project Lifecycle,
• Management of Engineering Projects,
• Production and Productivity,
• Productivity Measurement,
• Measures of Productive Performance,
• Obstacles and Opportunities,
• Productivity Indicators,
• Minimum Cost Operations,

• Scope Management,
• Time,
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 6

• Resource and Cost Management,
• Quality Management,
• Risk Management,
• Monitoring and Controlling,
• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),
• Activity Duration Estimating and Activity Dependencies,
• Critical Path Method and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)Analysis,
• Cost Estimates and Budget Constraints,
• Engineering Project Control Decisions.
• Human Resource Management,
• Recruitment Process
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 7

• Engineering a profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained
by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to

– Utilize the material and forces economically

– For the benefit of mankind

• Engineering is not a science but application of science

• Nature of engineering – application

• Role of scientist - Discover the universal laws of nature / behavior

• Role of engineer – Apply knowledge to particular situation to produce products and services
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 8

Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 9

Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 10

Basic Concepts of Economics

• Why economics subjects came ?
• Why should we read economics subjects ?
• What is the reason to read economics Subject ?
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 11

His Exam
With 80%
As a gift His
Gave him

Haider Haider’s Mother

Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 12

Basic Concept Of Economics

• Why economics subjects came ?
Because of those adjustments

• Why should we read economics subjects ? What is the reason to read economics
Subject ?
Because we have scare resources,
so how to spend with that scare resource,
so that we can fulfil our maximum wishes.
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 13

Economics Definition

• The study of how limited resources is used to satisfy unlimited human wants
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 14

• Adam Smith defines economics firstly who also known as father of


• Pioneers of the science of economics defined it as a science of wealth. 

• Adam Smith, named his famous book on economics as “An Enquiry into
the Na­ture and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.”

• Economics enquires into the factors that determine wealth of the country
and its growth.
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 15

Engineering Economics
• Engineering economics deals with the methods that enable an individual to take economic
decisions with minimized cost and maximum benefit to business organization
Department Of Computer Systems Engineering, DUET, Karachi. 16


• Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing,

leading, motivation and controlling the human resources, financial,

physical, and information resources of an organization to reach its goals

efficiently and effectively.

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