Different Approaches and Methods: A Thousand Teachers, A Thousand Methods - Chinese Proverb

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A thousand

a thousand metho
DIFFERENT -Chinese Proverb
 Teaching approach
Is a set of principles, beliefs or ideas about the nature of learning which is
translated into the classroom. It springs from a teacher’s own philosophy of
education, nature of education, the role of the teacher and that of the student.
Teaching strategy
is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Strategy
applies to many disparate fields such as military strategy, economic strategy,
teaching strategy and the like.
Teaching method
is a systematic way of doing something. It implies an orderly logical
arrangement of steps. It is more procedural.
Teaching technique
is a well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task. It is
a teacher’s particular style or trick used to accomplishing a specific activity or
Techniques are consistent with a given approach, strategy
and method.
Approach Strategy Method Technique
 An approach gives rise to a strategy which may use more than one
method of teaching. One teaching method may be employed differently
by two different teachers whose teaching style may lead to use different
techniques. Technique has something to do with teacher’s personal style
of teaching. Many times, however, many interchange strategy and
Examples of Teaching Approaches
Teacher-centered Learner-centered
Teacher-centered Learner-centered
Subject matter-centered approach,
gains primacy over the learner. Teacher-centered Learner-centered
An interactive Constructivist
classroom will have approach, students
Sticking to course syllabus
lesson approach, the teacher classroom the teacher
Learner-centeredmore student talk and are expected to
plan is priority of subject-matter is perceived to be the makes adjustments in less teacher talk. construct knowledge
only reliable source of his/her lesson plans to Students are given the
centered teachers. The teacher does accommodate
and meaning out what
information. Teaching opportunity to interact they are taught by
what she/he planned without learner’s interests and
Teacher-dominated consists in teacher Interactive with teacher and with
connecting them to
necessarily considering learner’s telling and prescribing
other students. prior experience.
interests, concern and situation. what learners should
It is also teacher-dominated do.
“Banking” approach Constructivist
The use of integrated teaching approach Collaborative
makes the teacher connect what he/she approach will
Disciplinal teaches toIntegrated
the other lessons of the same welcome group
subject (intradisciplinary) or connects
his/her lessons with other subjects thus
work, team work,
Banking partnership, group
making his/her interdisciplinary and
approach, In guided multidisciplinary discussion
teacher deposits Individualistic approach, Collaborative approach.
knowledge into teacher guides
the “empty” approach will the learner to
minds of the want individual discover things
Indirect, guided
students for students working
by themselves.
for DirectDirect
teaching approach, teacher
students to
commit to
directly tells or shows or demonstrates
memory what is to be taught.
Other teaching approaches cited in education literature are:

Whole child approach. The learning

process itself takes into account not only
Research-based approach.as the academic needs of the learners, bur also
the name implies teaching and their emotional, creative, psychological,
spiritual and developmental needs. A
learning are anchored on highly cerebral approach is far from
research findings. wholistic, neither that approach which
emphasizes only the physical development
of the child.

Metacognitive approach. The

Problem-based approach. As
teaching process brings the
the name implies, the teaching-
learner to the process of thinking
learning process is focused on
about thinking . The learner
problems. Time is spent on
reflects on what he learned and
analyzing and solving problems.
his/her ways of learning.
Direct instruction/Lecture method
 Is aimed at helping students acquire procedural knowledge which is knowledge
exercised in the performance of some task.
 Procedural knowledge refers to skills needed in the performance of a task.
 Examples: focusing the microscope presentation
doing power point playing basketball
sewing a pair of pajamas

 It is also used for lessons that are factual and non- controversial.
 Examples: professors use direct instruction or the lecture method.
They are there to help the students understand and master the laws of
the land.
Teaching declarative knowledge- facts
principles and laws.
1. Be sure the facts, principles and laws are correctly, clearly and
adequately explained.
2. Use visual aids to concretize abstract principles and laws.
3. Illustrate laws and principles with concrete examples.
4. Present facts meaningfully by citing their significance and by
connecting them with everyday life.
Demonstration Method
 The teacher or an assigned student or group shows how a process is done
while the students become observers.
 This approach is employed in presenting lessons that use sophisticated
equipment and technical know-how.
 The demonstrator is knowledgeable in preparing the apparatus needed
according to the steps to be followed. The rest of the class becomes focused
on the activity and concentration on the subject is assured.
1. The demonstration method follows a systematic procedure, hence students will be able to learn from a
well-tried procedure since the demontrators are selected and adjudged to be skilled.
2. The use of expensive equipment and machines will be maximized.
3. Possible wastage of time, effort and resources will be avoided since demonstration is supposed to be
well-planned in advance
4. It will not result to trial-and-error learning as what happens with unplanned learning activities.
5. The findings are reliable and accurate since the procedure has been tried before.
6. The value of confidence is developed among the demonstrators for such hands-on demonstration.
7. Curiosity and keen observing ability are instilled among the observers.

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