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Instituto Superior Tecnológico Vicente León

Frequency Adverbs and Wh-Questions

Andrea Acosta
Carla Beltrán
Cristina Calispa
Giselle Rocha
María Fernanda Tipan
Frequency Adverbs
Are those adverbs that usually for the regularity with which an
action occurs.
How are frequency adverbs used?
Affirmative sentences
Subject + frequency adverb + main verb + (complement)
Negative sentences
Subject + don't / doesn't + frequency adverb + main verb + (complement)
Interrogative sentences
Do / does + subject + frequency adverb + main verb + (complement)?
• We also have frequency expressions that we can use

Every Once Twice

a a a

day day day day

week week week week

year year year year

usually go
o Twice a day at the end of a sentence

o Three times a week For example

-Martha runs twice a day.

o Every Saturday
-She goes to the cinema three times a week.

o Every couple of weeks -Luis goes to the theater every Saturday.

-Grandma visits us every couple of weeks.

o Once a month
-I go to the beach once a month.

o Once every three months -My dad sings to us once every three

o Once or twice a year -We travel to México once or twice a year.

Oraciones afirmativas y negativas con where

•This is where she left it. (Aquí es donde lo dejó.)

•You will find it where I told you. (Lo encontrarás donde te dije.)

•Go to a place where you can meet friends. (Ve a un lugar donde puedas encontrar.)

•Stay where I can see you. (Quédate donde pueda verte.)

•The boy hides where the others can’t find him. (El niño se esconde donde los otros no pueden

•I can’t see from where I stand. (No puedo ver desde donde estoy parado.)
Preguntas con where

Where are you staying? (¿Dónde te estás


Where is he going? (¿A dónde va?)

Where did you put it? (¿Dónde lo pusiste?

Where is the remote? (¿Dónde está el control


Where was she? (¿Dónde estaba?)

Ejemplos de oraciones afirmativas con when

When I get home I always turn on the television. (Cando llego a casa
siempre enciendo el televisor.)

When I arrived at the supermarket, it was closed. (Cuando llegué al
supermercado, estaba cerrado.)

When I see him again, I will pay him. (Cuando vuelva a verlo, le pagaré.)
Preguntas en inglés con HOW – lo básico

How tall are you? = ¿Cuánto mides?

How old are you? = ¿Cuántos años tienes?

How big is her house? = ¿Qué tamaño tiene su


How long is the film? = ¿Cuánto dura la película?

Ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas con HOW y un adjetivo
Aquí tienes unos ejemplos de las pregunta con how con un adjetivo:
Q: How old are you?
A: I’m 22 years old.
Q: How tall are you?
A: I’m one meter eighty. (En Estados Unidos diríamos “five feet eleven inches” que viene a ser lo
mismo en pies y pulgadas…)
Q: How long is the song?
A: It’s six minutes long.
Q: How big is your kitchen?
A: It’s not very big, but that’s okay. I don’t cook much.
WHAT “Qué o cual

The same happens when the question is in the present perfect or past perfect with the auxiliary "have / has /
WHY “Por qué”
It is used in order to obtain an explanation or a reason for the doubt that
we formulate that we need to know why something happens.
HOW “Cómo”

In English we use how with an adjective to ask about the characteristics of

These questions are answered with some form of the verb to be: I am… He
is… She is… It is… etc.

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