Cot 4 - Interpreting Graphs

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Master Teacher II
Legazpi Port Elementary School
Vocabulary Development:

Through pictures:
1. Museums- We visited a museum,there
you will see old objects of the years
that past.
-a building in
which objects
of historical,
artistic, or
interest are
stored and
Vocabulary Development:

Through context clues:

2.Captured- The policeman captured the
rubber who stole the woman’s bag.

a. Rescue b. caught c. help

b. caught
Vocabulary Development:

Through pictures:
3.Graph -Is a number scale , and labels on the
horizontal axis and on vertical axis. It
compares the data on the horizontal axis
with the vertical axis

bar graph pictograph

line graph
Have you joined
any educational
tours in our school
before? What
places were
In the story:
What places were
visited by the
Grade IV
Aphrodite class?
Standards in Oral Reading:

1. Read the words properly with

correct pronunciation.
2.Understand what you are
3.Take down of important ideas.
4.Identify the message of the
Grade IV-Aphrodite goes to Camarines Sur

Richelle joined the educational tour of Grade

Four Aphrodite in Camarines Sur. They visited
the old churches, museums, zoos, parks and
playgrounds. After the tour, an evaluation was
given to each participant. Richelle, the Supreme
Pupil Government president facilitated the
evaluation of the activity. One of the questions
was, which among the places we visited
captured your interest? She made a graph to
show their answers
1. What places were visited by the Grade
IV Aphrodite class?
2. Who joined in the educational tour?
3. What was given to the participants
after the tour?
4. How do you feel when you join a tour?
5. What benefit will the participants get
from participating such activity?
6. If you will join on a field trip, what
preparations you will do before the

•1.How many pupils answered museum as the best place?

• 15 pupils
•2. How many pupils prefer parks and playgrounds?
10 pupils
•4. What place was most preferred by children?
Old churches
•5. What is the total number of pupils who joined the
educational 70 pupils
Standards in Group
1.Cooperate with one
2.Share your ideas to the
3.Work silently.
4.Finish on time.
Group Activity Rubrics:
5 points- All the tasks were correctly answered. Finish
on time. Every member of the group work well.
4 points- 1 incorrect answer out of the task. Finish on
time. 1 member of the group did not participate.
3 points- 2 incorrect answers out of the task Finish
on time. 2-3 members of the group did not
2 points - 3 incorrect answers out of the task. Did
not finish on time. 3-4 members of the group did
not cooperate.
1 point - No correct answers out of the task. Did not
finish on time. No members work on it.
Directions: Interpret the data by answering the questions that follow.

Let’s apply: Interpret the graph by answering the
questions that follow.

1. What is the title of the bar

graph? Our Favorite Games
2. What sport is the favorite of
most students? basketball
3. How many students like
softball? 6 students
4. What sport is the second
choice? Volleyball
5. What is the total number of
students who like soccer?
8 students
What is a graph?
is used to compare data
from different groups or

Ex. Bar graph, line graph,

How do we interpret
the graph?

By understanding first the

graph, locating the content of
the vertical and horizontal
axis and answering the
questions given.
: Interpret the data by answering the questions that follow.

Interpret the data

Test yourself: by answering the
questions that

1. How much did Dwayne’s

family earn on Day 1? P1,100
2. How much did they earn
on Day 2? P1,200
3. On what day has the Day 5
highest earnings?
4. On what day has the
lowest earnings? Day 1
5. How much is their total
earnings for six days?
P7, 900
Interpret the graph
Assignment by answering the
questions that

1. What is the title of the
single vertical bar graph and
the horizontal bar graph?

2. What are being compared?

3. What are the terms to be
looked into?
4. What is found in the
horizontal axis? On the
vertical axis?
5. How many gallons of water
was consumed in 5 days?
6. What day has the least
consumption of water?
7. What fruit has the least

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