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Strategy Game

(Programming a tactical
gaming platform- CLI based)
(Paper-pencil genre)
Group Members

Names Roll#

* Sheeraz Ahmed(Group Leader) * F16(CE)54

* Hamza Samoo * F16(CE)42
* Hasham Qureshi * F16(CE)18
* Nabeel Memon * F16(CE)146
* Ranveer Singh * F16(CE)26
(Programming a tactical
gaming platform- CLI based)
(Paper-pencil genre)
1. Project: CLI based Game
2. Game: Naught( Os) and Crosses(Xs); also
known as Tic-Tac-Toe
3. Genre of the Game: Paper-pencil
4. Requisite Ingenuity(Required Skills):
Strategical Approach + Tactics + Observation
5. Gaming Platform: 3x3 Grid
Projects additional delineation:
Tic-tac-toe (also known as noughts and crosses or Xs
and Os) is a paper-and-pencil game for two
players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a
3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of
their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row
wins the game.
Winner: The one who becomes successful in placing the
marks in a continuous straight line( either it be
horizontal, vertical or diagonal)
Loser: Vice-versa (The one who fails to set the marks in
a straight line)
Problem Statement : To
program a CLI-based
gamming platform for
trifling jolly playing and
AI tests.
CLI-based: Interface is completely
based on shell-scripting, with
no graphics.

Gamming platform: The GRID

or Display characteristics of a
Aims & Objectives
*It is used in AI test, to test different AIs
programmed, to see how much gamming
possibilities can an AI run or play against a
human player.
*Its used in pedagogical teaching, to teach
children the meaning of fairness, and also the
strategical learning.
* Also used by teens to kill time; in leisure.
Tools & Technologies


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