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Marketing Strategy:
The Case of Reliance

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India Ltd. 1
Chapter 15: Marketing Strategy: The Case of Reliance Textiles

At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

⮚ Grasp the basic tasks in Marketing Strategy formulation by

getting a feel of how Reliance Textiles went about the task

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India Ltd. 2
Chapter 15: Marketing Strategy: The Case of Reliance Textiles

Reliance Textiles

Each Element of Marketing Strategy was Well Formulated

Segmentation and Target Market Selection

Exhibit 15.1 Target Market Selection (Page 237)

■ Hi-Fashion Became the Positioning Theme

Marketing Mix Elements- 4Ps - carefully handled

Product Strategy
■ Premium Product Based on Modern Technology
■ Comprehensive Product Range

⮚ Contemporary designs, wide variety and choice

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■ Emphasis on Quality Publishers
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Chapter 15: Marketing Strategy: The Cae of Reliance Textiles

Distribution Strategy

■ Intelligent Exploitation of the Showroom Idea

■ The Strategic Considerations Underlying the Showroom Idea
■ Reliance Rejected Existing Assumptions/Practices of the Trade
■ Created the Exclusive Showroom Network
■ The Jumbo Showrooms
■ Right Distribution Policies
⮚ A separate department for retail marketing services

Pricing Strategy
⮚ Opts for premium pricing

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India Ltd. 4
Chapter 15: Marketing Strategy: The Cae of Reliance Textiles

Promotion Strategy
■ Initial Promotion Budget Rs 5 Crore per annum, high for those days
■ An Innovative Approach to Textile Advertising
■ Different Approaches for Different Products/Audience
⮚ Strategy for suitings
▪ Campaign objectives
⮚ Strategy for saris
⮚ Strategy for dress materials
■ The ‘Fashion Show’ Idea Exhibit 15.2 Vimal Fashion Show Idea (Page 242)
■ Effective Media Selection
■ Bold steps in Sales Promotion

An Effective Marketing Strategy, Overall

■ An Update Reliance Repositions Vimal as a Men’s wear Brand
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