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 Science

&Technology Learning Objectives

 Historical
 To define S&T,
antecedents  To identify/enumerate the different
roles of S&T, and
 To trace the history of S&T in the
world (interaction of S&T and
What is science?
 Learning new facts
What is science?

 Solving problems
What is science?
 the intellectual and practical
activity encompassing the
systematic study of the structure
and behavior of the physical and
natural world through observation
and experiment – Oxford dictionary
What is technology?
 Creating/inventing things
What is technology?
 Things that fulfill our
needs and desires or
perform certain functions
 Application of
understanding of natural
laws to the solution of
practical problems
What is the role of S&T in your life?
What is the role of S&T in your life?
Activity: Role Play
What is the role of S&T in your life?
A brief history of discoveries
S&T in the ancient times
 Stone tools have been the first recognized technology
(or craft?)
 Characterized by:
 Hunting & gathering (or foraging?)
 Use of fire (man’s earliest conquest)
 Agricultural revolution (farming)
- Use of metal, instead of stone tools,
towards the end
 Civilization began to arise
(manufacturing, trading,
villages have rulers, etc.)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company.
New York, USA. 2004.
“With the beginnings of metallurgy, the Stone Age
of man comes to an end; with the beginnings of
writing, prehistory comes to an end; with the
beginnings of agriculture, man's parasitism on
nature gives way to co-operation with nature”
– R.J. Forbes
S&T in “Antiquity”
(Middle/Medieval Ages)
 Started with the rise of Greek civilization
 developed institutions such as the Academy,
Lyceum, and Museum
 were the first to believe that humans could
understand the universe using reason alone rather
than through mythology or religion (philosophers)
 Characterized by war between religion and science
(Dark ages)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
The Industrial revolution
(18th Century)
 Development of machines that would make work faster
or more efficient
 Interest in thermodynamics rose as a result of the
steam engine
 Concepts of work and power began to be formalized
 Encyclopaedias were the new form of publication
 The profession of engineer was one of the great

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
S&T in the 19th Century
(1820 through 1894)
 Much 19th century science started with the discovery of
electromagnetism by Hans Christian Oersted
 Science and the teaching of science underwent a
number of changes
 Many new fields of science were born
(Anthropology, Archaeology, Cell biology,
Psychology, Organic Chemistry)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
S&T in the 19th Century
(1820 through 1894)
 Science became professional
 Occupation of science became a paid profession
 universities developed into centers where science
 Teaching of science became linked to scientific research
 Publication of scientific information started
 Scientists started meeting at national scientific congresses
 The idea that science could ultimately explain all
phenomena in nature became stronger

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
S&T in the 19th Century
(1820 through 1894)
 The relationship between scientific education and
technological progress became fully understood
 Technical schools were founded
 Scientific thought was much more generally known
by the public (faced general public criticism of some
scientific ideas, e.g. age of the Earth and the theory
of evolution by Darwin)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Rise of modern S&T
(1895 through 1945)
 Large number of scientists
 Science became much more of a communal effort
 Science started having an effect on society directly (the
time span between a discovery and its technical
application became shorter)
 Science became highly successful in explaining the
nature of matter, mechanisms of chemical reactions,
fundamental processes of life, and the general structure
of the universe

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Rise of modern S&T
(1895 through 1945)
 Quantum theory changed the way philosophers think
about the universe
 Technology did not remain confined to large
enterprises only (became an important part of everyday
 Enormous growth of automobile industry
 Electricity revolutionized technology
 Laboratories for testing and development of new
products were established

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Big science and
the Post-industrial society
(1946 through 1972)
 Discoveries and inventions reached practical
applications as a result of WW2 (synthetic rubber,
radar, DDT, penicillin, fusion and fission bombs, jet
powered aircraft, helicopter, ballistic missiles, nuclear
weapons, and the electronic digital computer)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Big science and
the Post-industrial society
(1946 through 1972)
 Science became “big”
 Equipment/instruments were shared (interdisciplinary)
 Even larger number of scientists, scientists having
 Science changed society
 Availability of automobiles changed how people
 Automation allowed many manufacturing processes to
be done by less skilled workers

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
The Information Age
(1973 through present)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Activity: “Standing on the Shoulders
of Giants”
 What are the major achievements of S&T in the ancient,
middle and modern ages? How about in the Philippines?
 Semi-group activity
 Each member chooses 1 major achievement of the assigned
period (no member should pick the same achievement, as
much as possible, achievements come from different fields)
 Draw it and report on how it works and what pushed it to be
invented or achieved (historical antecedent)
 Time limit: 2 mins per member, 15 mins per group (max)

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