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Presented to:
Prof. J. L. Piracha

Presented By:
Ch. Sajid Shafi (2008-MS-EM-02)
Kashif Islam (2008-MS-EM-26)
Muhammad Zahid (2008-MS-EM-29)


ã Introduction to Importance of Customer
ã M and Customer Satisfaction
ã ypes of Customers
ã Customer Perception of uality (06 parameters)
ã Customer Retention
ã eedback/Voice of the Customer

ã ools for Collecting eedback
ã Mass Customization
ã Complaints Handling


ã Service uality
ã Customer Satisfaction (Kano Model)
ã Conclusion

Ë | are the most important assets
Ë Ärganization¶s   depends on :
Ë How many customers it has
Ë How much they buy
Ë How often they buy
Ë ÷  
   pay their bills promptly
Ë    of ³Customer Satisfaction´:
Ë National competition
Ë Worldwide competition
Ë Increasingly both manufacturing and service
organizations are using ³Customer Satisfaction´ as

Ë   or   customer satisfaction is

essential to winning new businesses and
keeping existing businesses

Ë Vn organization must give its customer:

Ë V quality product
Ë Vt reasonable price
Ë Ensures on time delivery
Ë Äutstanding service

V  | 
Ë Customer Satisfaction standards are woven throughout ISÄ

Ë Major purposes of a uality Management System is ³Customer


Ë he most successful M programs begin by defining quality from

customer¶s perspective

Ë Dr. Deming stressed that uality also means anticipating future

needs of the customers

Ë uality system should be responsive to ever changing customer


Ë CS  be measured easily
Ë Not an Ä  ÷   
Ë More like
     so its subjective in
Ë ÷  
  of CS also results in error
Ë hough certain statistical patterns can be
developed to represent CS yet measurement is not
Ë Vs with most attitudes, there is variability among people,
often within same person at different time
Ë CS strategies are developed around clearly stated,
logical opinions and emotional issues are disregarded

Ë |   
  should not be viewed

Ë Ö  of the customers should also be

obtained about   ¶ product or
| !

Ë wo distinct types of Customers

Ë =  Customers
Ë   Customers
=  | 

Ë ëenerally exists    the organization

Ë External customer can be defined as:

Ë Äne who  the product or service

Ë Äne who   the product or service
Ë Äne who 
  the sale of a product or
service e.g. McDonald¶s determined child as their
customer when they introduced Happy Meals.
=  | | 
Ë Vcategories of External Customers:
Ë Current
Ë Prospective
Ë Lost Customers

Ë Each category provides    

customer satisfaction

Ë Performance must be continually improved in order

to  current customers and   new ones
Ë Exists    an organization

Ë =
  in an organization has an internal
customer; Design, Ärder Processing, Production

Ë Each   a product or service and in  

provides a product or service

Ë Each worker¶s   is to make sure that quality

meets the expectation of next person
Ë When that happens in all departments of an organization
satisfaction of External Customer is assured
| " 

  | | 
Ë ormula for  
 | ÷  
relationship always includes three basic questions:

Ë What do you need from me?

Ë What do you do with my output?
Ë Vre there any gaps between what you need and what you

Ë     of each internal customers

expectation is necessary

Ë |   must be provided for measuring success

in meeting the expectations
| 2 

Ë Vmerican Society of uality (VS) survey
on end user perceptions of   

     showed following
1. Performance
2. eatures
3. Service
4. Warranty
5. Price
6. Reputation
Ë ±  for use i.e. product or service is ready for
use by the customer at the time of sale

Ë    , probability that a product will operate

when needed

Ë '  reedom from failure over time

Ë     , Ease of keeping the product

Ë ÷  characteristics of the product or
 features or attributes of a product
or service are:
Ë 2  
Ë V  
Ë |  
Ë =  
Ë V  

Ë Customer service is emerging as a method for
organizations to give the      

Ë Customer service is   , made of many small

things, all geared up to changing customer¶s

Ë 2  customer service is difficult than

achieving excellent product quality

Ë Ärganizations   look for ways of improvement

in customer service even if customers are not
Ë Ärganization¶s public promise of a quality product
backed up by a guarantee of customer satisfaction

Ë Vlso represents a public commitment to guarantee a

level of service sufficient to satisfy the customer

Ë It generates feedback by providing information on the

product service and quality

Ë orces the organization to develop a corrective action


Ë Warranty builds    


Ë oady¶s customer is willing to pay a     to
obtain value

Ë Customer¶s constantly    one organization¶s

products and services against competitors to
determine who provides the greatest value

Ë Each customer¶s concept of value is   


Ë Ä 

to identify, update, verify each

customer¶s perception of value

Ë V    
  is based upon the entire
experience with organization, not just the product

Ë ëood experiences are repeated to   people while

bad experiences to


Ë Customers are often willing to pay a   for a

trusted or known brand and become customers for
| $ 

Ë Customer Retention is an important economic strategy

Ë It costs five times as much to win a new customer as it does to

keep an existing one

Ë Improved customer satisfaction is difficult to measure but it is very

easy to measure increase in customer retention

Ë Investment in customer retention is better than concentrating on

lowering operational costs

Ë eedback from information collecting tools is an effective

marketing retention strategy
# %"&
Ë Customer feedback must be   
solicited and monitored:
Ë Customers continually  
Ë |  their minds, their     and their

an ongoing and active

probing of customers¶ mind
# %| 
Ë eedback enables organization to:
Ë Discover customer dissatisfaction
Ë Discover relative priorities of quality
Ë Compare performance with the competition
Ë Identify customers¶ needs
Ë Determine opportunities for improvement
Ë Drives new product development

Ë Listening to the voice of the customer can be

accomplished through different information
collecting tools:
Ë Comment cards
Ë Customer uestionnaires
Ë ocus ëroups
Ë oll free telephone Nos.
Ë Customer Visits
Ë Report cards
Ë Internet
Ë Employee eedback
| | 
Ë V low cost method
Ë Can be attached to the warranty card
Ë Included with the product at the time of purchase
Ë Intent is to get simple information:
Ë Name address
Ë Vge
Ë Äccupation
Ë What influenced customer to buy the product
Ë Response of customers is not very good
Ë If very pleased
Ë If any problem

Ë Popular tool but costly and time consuming

Ë Normally questions are graded on a one-to-five

scale or one-to-ten scale, highest number has
description like ³Highly Satisfied´

Ë Surveys may be administered by mail or

 %'  !
§ |
1. Clients: for whom survey we are doing the survey

2. Customers: Who use the product or service

1. Do not start survey questions if you do not
implement system
Õ  ( 

1. Do you like Chinese ood?

2. How many time do you dine out?



1. How would you improve the food?
 %'  !| 
_ *        §_

1. Multiple choice questions

¢ V



+ *
1. Past, Present and competitors customers

, -   

1. Identify: Problems, opportunities or plan before
starting the survey
# . 

Ë Carefully prepared questions are asked to a group of

Customers by a skilled moderator who probes into
participants ideas, thoughts perceptions & comments.

Ë Imprint analysis is an emerging technique used in the

focus groups to obtain real feeling about the

Ë eelings and Emotions of a customer are difficult to find

as customers used to hold back information in surveys.

Ë ocus groups are sometimes used within the

organization to address internal issues as it will be
expensive otherwise.
V#2 /

Ë Ärganization can respond faster & cheaply to the

Ë More than 50% of organizations use it with sales of at
least 10Million Dollar
| &

Ë Ärganization can proactively monitor it¶s product

Ë Vccurate information obtained and people can see first
hand how the product is performing
Ë Managers with technical persons should involve in these
V | 





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Ë Discussion can be done on internet to find out the

customer feed back about the product

Ë Monitoring internet conversation is timely, the cost is

minimal and it can be the source of creative ideas

Ë Comparisons of a company product with its competitors

can be done on internet

Ë Websites are available that can get the complaints and

compliments and grade the organizations.

Ë Än internet the conversations can be unfocused

=#- %

Ë Employees are untapped source of information &

provide deeper insight into conditions

Ë Customers research reveals what is happening &

Employees research reveals why it is happening.

Ë Employees groups can brainstorm ideas to come up

with solutions of the problems raised by customers.

Ë Employee suggestions or feedbacks must be checked

regularly rather than checking the wooden suggestion
box annually

Ë he ultimate customer satisfaction is giving customer
exactly what he wants.

Ë Mass customization is a way to provide variety at an

affordable cost.

Ë It is like a flexible manufacturing echnique such as Just

In ime.

Ë In Car industry customer determine what type of seats,

color and stereo system he wants.

Ë Dell assembled computers according to each customer

requirement by adding or subtracting components from
one of several base systems.
| |

Ë eedback is proactive but Customer complaint is

reactive but very important

Ë V Dissatisfied customer will become a lost customer

Ë No complaints is a good news, every single complaint

should be accepted, analyzed, and acted upon, as it
represents the V

Ë In Small Industries top management is directly

attached to the customers

Ë More than half of dissatisfied customers will buy again

if their complaint has been heard and resolved

Ë 20% will buy again if their complaint is heard not


Ë ewer than 10% will buy again if the complaint is not

even heard

Ë hrough complaints the customer is providing a

second chance.

Ë Investigate customer's experiences by actively gathering
feed back. Both positive and negative
Ë 2  2 5
Ë Develop procedures for complaint resolution that include
empowering front line personnel.
Ë =

$| 5
Ë Work to identify process and material variations and then
eliminate the root cause.
Ë    5
Ë When a survey response is received, a senior manager
should contact the customer.
Ë Establish customer satisfaction measures and constantly
monitors them

 0  5
Ë Communicate complaint information and results of all the
investigation throughout the organization.


Ë Customer Service
It is the set of activities an organization uses to win
and retain customers¶ satisfaction.
Ë Elements of Customer Service
Ë Ärganization
Ë Customer Care
Ë Communication
Ë ront-Line People
Ë Leadership

Ë Service uality Standards
Ë Ärganization must record and communicate the
quality standards to the employees.
Ë Communication of the uality standards can be:
Ë ormal raining
Ë Videos
Ë Personal coaching
Ë Meetings

Ë Ärganize processes
Ë Vt times whole process can be changed by the
organization to improve customer service quality.
Ë Ärganize physical space
Ë Physical space must be reorganized to better
serve the customer.
| | 
Ë Meet the customer expectations
Ë Customers are key to any business, any customer
should be valued and treated good. Vll the
requirements should be fulfilled
Ë Dealing Customer Complaints
Ë Responses to the customer complaints should be
immediate and should be more than the customer
expected to receive.
| | | 
Ë Customer pays your Salary
Ë Employees must understand that it¶s the customer
who pays their salary while employer only handles
Ë hey must please the customers not bosses
Ë Customer eedback
Ë Must consider the customer feedback ---

Ë Deliver what is Vdvertised
Ë Vn organization¶s communication to its customers
must to consistent, a customer will be dissatisfied
if there is a difference between what has been
advertised and what has been received.
Ë Ärganization¶s website
Ë he first impression a customer has of an
organization is its website which should be user
friendly to the customer.
# 61
Ë Hire the people who like people
Ë he front line people should
Ë Have good personality
Ë Need to care
Ë Posses pleasant smile
Ë Be thankful to the customer.
Ë raining
Ë Ensures development of these front-line people
by conveying the importance of customer
# 61
Ë Empowerment
Ë he front line people should be empowered to
make decisions, which efficiently resolve
customer complaints.
Ë Put customer before cost
Ë Customers understand when someone is trying to
help. he ideal is being overly fair with your
customers, putting customers before cost.
Ë Management¶s involvement
Ë No quality improvement can succeed without
management's involvement and commitment.
Ë he customer is best understood when top level
management is actually using the same service.

Result of creative
ideas often excite
and delight the
Explicit requirements,
easily identified met.

Unstated requirements of
customer with assumptions that
they will always be supplied.

Ë Voice of the customer should not be
suppressed by the voice of the organization

Ë ront Line people must be trained enough to

entertain the complaints of customers
V %*


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