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Stress Management

What is Stress
 Stress is body experiencing wear and tear during
change of environment.
 Produces physical and emotional changes that produces
Positive and negative feelings.
 Psychological and physical changes during threatening
What causes Stress
 Family related issues like Divorce, Death of close
relatives, Marriage, Child birth etc
 Personal related issues like taking large loan, change in
sleeping habits Violation of Laws, Change in living style
 Work related stress like Long working hours, Change of
nature of work or shift of Domain,
 Over work, non co-operation from boss and colleagues,
Commuting from home to office, High expectations,
dead lines, meeting targets etc.
Work related stress
 When the capabilities do not match the requirements
 Recent changes in technologies
 Increased work loads,
 Competition with others to excel
 Job insecurity
 Timings of work such as Shifts or working only in night
shifts like call centers
 Loosing self confidence
Cope up with stress
 No body can eliminate complete stress
 One should be able to identify what causes stress and
cope with it
 Use it for your advantage.
 Absence of stress may leave one feeling bored
 Excessive stress may make one dejected
 For some, small issues causes heavy stress.
 Some can withstand heavy stress and cope up with it.
Cope up with stress
 Determine what events distress you
 Change problems that are within your control to change
 Avoid exposure to stressors that you can not change
 Accept those you can not change or avoid
 Increase control over emotional stress experience
 Think rationally and restructure the negative responses
 Learn relaxing techniques
Associated risks of stress
 Mind
 Chronic anxiety
 Depression
 Body
 Stomach ulcers
 Digestion problems
 Vomiting and Diarrhea
 Heart disease
 Less resistance to infections
 Psycho somatic illness
Associated risks of stress (contd)
 Relationship/ Behaviour
 Strained relations with family and friends
 Lower performance in work
 Confusion and loosing confidence
 Lower sexual urge
 Avoidance
 Escapism
 Alcoholism /Drug addiction
Bad Stress Busters
 Bad stress busters
 Smoking
 Drinking
 Drug addiction
 Anger projection
 Going into shell(getting depressed)
 Sulking
 Avoidance
 Escapism
 Malingering
Good Stress Busters
 Good stress busters
 Balanced diet
 Good exercise
 Yoga/Meditation/Relaxation
 Walking/Jogging/Laughter clubs
 Learning Music/Engaging in Sports activities
 Balance between work and family life
 Thinking Positive
 Avoiding stimulants
 Socializing
 Required Good sleep
 Catharsis – Ventilating the feelings to near and dear ones
 Projections – Bean bag boxing
 For high stressful issues some require out side help.
 For such people counseling is the best technique
 Counseling is required for prolonged stress symptoms.
 Medication or self medication is dangerous and lead to
other physical related problems.
 Counseling and Medications should be
advised/administered only by experts like Doctors and
Psychiatric practioners

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